Custom LMS For Corporate Traning

How to Develop a Custom LMS to Improve Corporate Learning

According to reports, the corporate learning management systems market will grow to $7.47 billion (about $23 per person in the US) by 2026, with an impressive annual growth rate of 22.7%. This growth can be attributed to the rising demand for instant access to knowledge and the effectiveness of employee training, which is prompting both small and large businesses to embrace learning management systems.

In this blog post, we will delve into the issues that a customized LMS addresses, explore the latest trends in LMS development, and provide guidance on selecting the ideal software provider for your specific needs.

How Does Custom LMS Development Enhance Business Performance?

Low employee engagement often leads to hiring new talent, which is costly, averaging $4,000 per employee turnover. A corporate LMS breaks this cycle, boosts employee skills, and fosters brand ambassadors, along with other LMS benefits.

  • Enhance employee performance:

    When your employees improve, so does your business. A corporate LMS supports onboarding, mentorship, compliance training, and shaping a positive workplace culture. It can even refine soft skills like communication and decision-making.

  • Boost employee retention:

    Despite concerns that skill development might lead employees to seek new opportunities, a corporate LMS provides training and nurtures loyalty to the current workplace.

  • Centralized data management:

    Keeping all information in one location ensures controlled access to training materials, job guidelines, company policies, documents, and personal notes. A comprehensive knowledge base allows for monitoring employee progress.

Whether you want to build from scratch or customize an existing LMS, then take a free trial or discuss your needs with us.


What Are the Current Trends in Corporate LMS Development?

We’ve highlighted five significant EdTech trends that are actively shaping the development of corporate training LMS.

  • Interactive Learning with Gamification Approach

    Gamification in corporate training includes challenges, levels, badges, and rewards, making learning more engaging. It helps learners retain information by making it feel like a game, reducing mental barriers, boosting productivity, and enhancing employee engagement. For instance, Paradiso custom learning management system offers simulators and diverse training programs in a virtual environment.

  • Enhance Training Accessibility with Mobile-Friendly LMS

    A mobile-friendly custom learning management system enhances content retention and completion rates, fostering higher engagement. It promotes social learning, offers flexibility, and cuts costs associated with physical classrooms and printed materials. This makes it an ideal choice for modern education and training.

  • Increase Knowledge Retention Rate with Micro-Learning

    Microlearning offers short, focused lessons that help learners absorb information effectively. It’s perfect for busy individuals seeking flexible, on-the-go learning. Whether through emails, online posts, short videos, or quick chats, employees can advance their skills in bite-sized portions, preventing information overload and fitting into their schedules.

  • Navigate the Potential of Data Analytics and insights

    Paradiso custom-built LMS uses Big Data to handle the vast amount of information in businesses. It tracks vital things like how well employees are doing online, whether they finish courses, their test scores, and what they say about their learning. It helps improve how we teach and learn.

  • Reforming the Learning Process with VR and AR Integration

    Incorporating VR and AR tech into LMS offers a holistic learning experience and employee performance evaluation without risk. AR/VR simulators provide lifelike experiences, helping employees grasp strengths and weaknesses and develop skills faster. For instance, Paradiso custom LMS for corporate training combines online learning with VR training for practical business skills.

A Closer Look Towards the Custom LMS Development to Improve Corporate Training

  • Create a Minimum Viable Product

    An LMS MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is vital for cost-effective idea testing with real users. It offers a basic working version for user feedback, aiding efficient solution development. You can start by defining your audience, addressing LMS challenges, and automating learning processes.

  • The All-Inclusive LMS Solutions

    Start by trying to be the MVP in a specific department to gauge employee response. After completing the alpha and beta testing phases and collecting user feedback, it’s time to improve the product. Add features that enhance personalized learning and make the custom-built LMS more user-friendly for all employees.

  • Visualizing Training with LMS Customization

    Improving LMS design involves making it user-friendly. It means organizing actions by importance and using clear buttons, links, and text to guide users. UX/UI design may start during discovery, but designers can update UX wireframes, prototypes, and high-quality UI mockups if needed after the MVP.

  • Ensure a Bug-Free LMS Before Launch

    After creating a custom learning management system, a QA team conducts multiple tests to ensure it’s free of bugs and functions well before going live. Several testing cycles are typical to provide a high-quality product. When bugs are found, the QA team reports them to developers, who resolve the issues.

  • Deploying the Learning Management System

    Your Custom LMS for corporate training is officially launched after following Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices. It means your employees can start using it, and they’re encouraged to provide feedback on how well it suits their training needs and any improvements they suggest.

  • Support and Assistance Services

    Even after careful QA testing, there might still be some bugs to fix or updates needed. You may realize the LMS needs new features, or some existing ones are optional. This stage also involves training employees on how to use the platform effectively.

  • Growing eLearning Infrastructure

    Explore asynchronous and synchronous learning options, allowing users to learn at their own pace or engage in real-time collaboration. Consider incorporating a virtual personal assistant (chatbot) to guide learners through the course and assist mentors in managing multiple learners efficiently.

What factors influence the LMS cost?

The cost of a custom learning management system (LMS) isn’t one-size-fits-all and depends on various factors:

  • Implementation:

    This includes features like software customization, data migration, and integration with other software systems.

  • Support:

    Basic support is typically included, but advanced support options may be available.

  • Maintenance:

    Ongoing maintenance, including patches and updates, varies by pricing model (subscription or licensing).

Building an LMS from scratch with extensive features can take several hours, involving communication about requirements, design, QA, and deployment. Maintenance costs are also a factor. Customizing a pre-built LMS is usually two to three times cheaper than starting from scratch.

How Paradiso Custom LMS Helps you To Improve Corporate Training

While off-the-shelf options are available, developing a custom LMS or customizing an existing one can be beneficial. It allows you to tailor the custom-built LMS to your business needs and branding. You decide which functions are essential and which aren’t. If you lack technical expertise, you can hire professional developers.

Paradiso Custom LMS has a team of experts ready to help SMBs and large businesses create custom learning management system solutions. Whether you want to build from scratch or customize an existing LMS, then take a free trial or discuss your needs with us.

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