7 Secrets To Increase Your eLearning Course Sales In The New Year

7 Secrets To Increase Your eLearning Course Sales In The New Year
Foxy burrow/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Do you want to raise attendance rates and increase eLearning course sales this coming year? In this article, I’ll share 7 secrets to improve your profit margins in 2019 and beyond.

How To Increase Your eLearning Course Sales In The New Year

You have created an excellent eLearning course that has the potential to change people’s lives. All your content has been adequately researched, organized and recorded. There’s just one little snag: eLearning course signups are lower than expected. People simply aren’t finding your eLearning course or realizing the true benefits it provides. So, how do you draw them in and get them to click that "Buy now" button? Here are 7 secrets you should use this year to boost your eLearning course sales.

1. Social Media Promotions

Social media is one of the most effective and affordable ways to create the necessary buzz for your eLearning courses. So, how do you promote your eLearning course on social media? Start a channel about your eLearning course on YouTube and publish engaging, entertaining, educational, and shareable videos regularly. Include a link to your website or eLearning course in your videos, and use paid reach to have your video disseminated to those who did not click it. Add other social media profiles on YouTube to enable you to post the links to your videos on other platforms.

On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, use creative, memorable hashtags on your posts to create buzz. Have a consistent time of sharing your posts, and take advantage of paid reach on these platforms too. Prioritize the media that are most popular with your target audience, promote your eLearning course on your blog, and keep your posts strictly business.

2. Endorsements

Back up the good things you say about your eLearning course with proof. For example, if you say that the eLearning course will improve online learners’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills, use a real case to make your message credible and increase eLearning course sales. Get previous, satisfied online learners to write up endorsements of your eLearning course and share them on your site. Endorsements will increase the confidence of potential online learners in your class and persuade them to enroll for it. If past online learners need an added incentive, consider offering a discount on future eLearning courses when their testimonials are published or for completing your feedback survey. Just make sure that you don’t veer into the territory of "paid testimonials", as this can diminish your credibility.

3. Revamp Your Website

There is more to redesigning your website than just cosmetic. Poorly designed websites not only drive potential customers away, but they also make your business look unprofessional. Once you revamp your website, you attract more people to it. Therefore, your conversion rates improve, and you enhance your SEO. Improved SEO will make your website top in search engine results, which will translate to more views of the eLearning services you are offering and increased eLearning course sales. For example, when you share the link to your website or email and a potential customer opens it, they will find an attractive landing page. An appealing landing page prompts one to click on other pages. Thus, more people will learn about your eLearning course and all the benefits it has to offer.

4. Host Live Webinars

Hosting live webinars for people who are interested in your eLearning course allows you to interact with your audience. Prepare the content that you are going to share in advance and ensure that it is useful to the potential online learners. Advertise your webinar on multiple social media platforms to attract interested participants. During the webinar, set aside time for a Q&A session to make the webinar interactive. Record and post your webinar on your YouTube channel to give everyone the chance to watch it again or catch up on events they missed. Also, share the link of the recorded webinar on all platforms to reach a broad target audience.

5. Write Press Releases

Press releases are a great way of getting the word out about your eLearning course and boost eLearning course sales. Write something newsworthy that involves your eLearning course and distribute the press release to media outlets. Being featured on prominent news outlets not only increases your credibility but also improves your ranking on search engine results. eLearning Industry also has a press release distribution service to save time and achieve maximum results.

6. Host Giveaways

Hosting social media contests also improves your ranking on search engine results. Giveaways give you increased organic reach, and your content helps readers. This cultivates brand loyalty and credibility. Some of the leads generated during the giveaway translate to customers. Social media contests are an excellent way to gain customer data like email addresses. During these contests, you are offering rewards and asking for something in return. Contestants can join the giveaway by providing their email addresses, reviews of your product, or sharing information about your eLearning course.

7. Reevaluate Your Selling Points

What does your eLearning course really offer online learners? Are you capitalizing on all the unique selling points that sets it apart? Take a closer look at your current eLearning course marketing strategy to identify gaps. For example, you’re not highlighting your eLearning course’s interactivity or accessibility as much as you should. Thus, you’re missing a golden opportunity to attract online learners who are looking for an intuitive and immersive eLearning experience. Reevaluating your selling points also yields another benefit, which is to analyze your eLearning course design. You may find that an aspect of your eLearning course is lacking, thereby contributing to low signups and retention rates.

You can use these 7 secrets to increase your eLearning course sales in the new year and build your eLearning brand. They also allow you to build loyalty among your online learners by creating a rapport and adding a personal touch to your promotional efforts.

Would you be interested in finding out more interesting ways to develop your sales and elevate your brand? Read our free eBook The Ultimate Guide To A Winning Content Marketing Strategy to discover how you can design a winning content marketing strategy as well as identifying the best approach that fits the needs of your eLearning organization.