12 Reasons You Should Use Administrate's Course Management System (CMS)

12 Reasons You Should Use Administrate's Course Management System (CMS)
Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Find out all the best bits about Administrate's Course Management System, and see if it's the perfect solution for your training business!

Why Choosing The Right Course Management System Is Important

If you’re looking for the perfect Course Management System (CMS) for your training business, it can be hard to know which ones are the best and which will work best for your team!

Course Management Made Easy: How Training Companies Can Effectively Manage Courses And Events In One Place
Discover how to make the most out of your Course Management System (CMS), the perfect tool to manage all your training courses from one place.

Today we’re taking a look at Administrate’s Course Management System and just 12 of the reasons why we think it could be a good option for your training business!

1. Build Reusable Course Templates

Setting up multiple instances of the same course can take your team a lot of time, as they will have to enter the same information numerous times. Things like the name of the course, the course description, and the topics that will be covered each week won’t change, and yet you have to enter them every single time you schedule that course.

Course templates allow you to create a template which will be pre-loaded with all the standard information for each course. This means that when you need to schedule that course, you can start will a mostly filled-in template, and then only have to enter the changeable details such as the time, the date, and the name of the instructor!

2. Integrate With Your Website

Administrate’s Course Management System integrates with your website, meaning that you can sell your courses online, and Administrate and your website will work together to make the process as simple as possible.

Any information you enter into Administrate will automatically be displayed on your website, so you don’t need to enter the information in multiple places.

It also means all the details of any sale you make will be pulled back into Administrate and handled, without creating any manual work for your team.

3. Accept Online Payments

If you integrate your website with Administrate, you will also be able to accept online payments when you sell your courses online. We integrate with lots of major payment providers such as PayPal, Stripe, and SagePay.

4. Quickly Schedule Your Courses

Using course templates means you can schedule your courses in just a few clicks instead of it eating into your precious time! This can be even more useful if you’re a larger training company which schedules hundreds of courses at a time.

Once courses are scheduled, they will appear on your internal calendar, your website, and within your internal course list without you having to do the work multiple times!

5. Keep Track Of Your Resources

Administrate gives you the ability to keep a detailed record of any of your training resources within Administrate for easy reference. This could be things like classrooms, textbooks, first aid kits, vehicles, projectors, laptops, etc. You can also create custom fields for each resource to make sure you are recording the exact detail you need.

You can then assign resources to your courses to ensure that your instructors have everything they need when it comes the time to run the course and prevent someone else double booking that resource!

6. Move Sign-In Sheets Online

Recording student attendance can be a lot of paperwork and effort for your instructors. They also need to make sure they send the information on to your training administration team straight away so that the information can be recorded centrally.

With Administrate, you can set up online sign-in sheets. This means your instructors can log in to Administrate and mark the students who have attended a session in just a few clicks. Then your training administrate can access that information later if they need to!

7. Automatically Issue Certificates

We love automating manual tasks, and among all the time-consuming things we can automate for you, certificates are just one of them!

Rather than having to go through all your students for each course to see who passed, and therefore who will get a certificate, you can instead set it up so Administrate will automatically find all the students who have passed and send them a personalised certificate on a specific date.

You can even set up the certificates to look exactly how you want them to and ensure they are company branded.

8. Deliver Any Type Of Course

Administrate can help you support any type of courses you want to offer. So whether it’s classroom-based, eLearning, blended, virtual Instructor-Led Training, or any combo you can think of – we’re here to help!

9. Automate Your Communications

Rather than sending every email you need to send to your students individually, Administrate can help you automate your communications, so they tick away in the background without any manual intervention.

Simply,create your email templates with your personalised content and then decide on the trigger event which will make this email send. This could be things like sending course information when someone purchases training from you or sending a feedback survey the week after course finishes.

Your emails will then be sent every time this trigger event happens!

10. Gather Feedback With Ease

Gathering feedback shouldn’t take loads of effort, as you want to ensure it’s something you do at the end of every course so that you can measure your training effectively.

Using Administrate means you can create custom feedback surveys and then set up a communication trigger to send the surveys when you want them to go out.

All the feedback results will then be pulled back into Administrate, so you can measure the results using our reporting system.

11. Offers The Functionality Of Multiple Systems

Administrate isn’t just a Course Management System! We offer the functionality of a number of different systems, meaning you could ditch all those other systems and run everything centrally from Administrate instead, making your training administration easier to manage.

Here are just some of the features Administrate can offer you:

  • CRM
  • Reporting system
  • Learning Management System
  • Financial tracking
  • Sales system
  • Marketing tools
  • Team management

 12. Integrate With Your Favourite Tools

As well as offering you a load of functionality, Administrate can also integrate with a number of your favourite tools! This is so you can still use the tools you love if they do something Administrate doesn’t offer, but you can manage everything centrally from within Administrate, so things don’t get confusing!

Here are some of the integrations we offer, and we’re adding more all the time:

  • MailChimp
  • Xero
  • Salesforce
  • SurveyMonkey
  • Zoom
  • Lead Liaison
  • CloudShare