How to Create Storyboards Online Like a Pro

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the significance of storyboarding, delve into the advantages of doing it online, and share some great websites that let you make storyboards. Whether you’re a pro or just starting, let’s explore how to create storyboards online together.

Why Storyboarding Matters

Storyboarding is more than just a visual sketch; it’s a strategic approach to content creation that enhances the storytelling process. It provides a roadmap for your narrative, allowing you to visualize the flow of scenes, plan transitions, and ensure a coherent structure. This meticulous planning not only saves time during the execution phase but also elevates the quality of the final product.

Consider it as the blueprint for your creative endeavor, guiding you through the intricacies of plot development, character interactions, and visual aesthetics. Whether you’re working on a video project, an advertising campaign, or a creative writing piece, storyboarding sets the stage for success.


The Advantages of Online Storyboarding

In an era where digital innovation propels the creative process forward, online storyboarding emerges as a game-changer. The shift from traditional paper and pencil to digital platforms brings with it a range of advantages that cater to the needs of modern storytellers.


Accessibility and Convenience:

Creating storyboards online offers exceptional accessibility. No longer confined to physical sketchpads, you can initiate, edit, and review your storyboards from virtually anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility empowers creators to capture spontaneous ideas on the go and seamlessly integrate them into their projects.


Collaboration Features for Team Projects:

The collaborative nature of online storyboarding amplifies its utility for team projects. Geographically dispersed teams can work synchronously on a single storyboard, enabling real-time collaboration. Comments, suggestions, and edits can be seamlessly integrated, guaranteeing that everyone involved in the creative process is on the same page, regardless of physical location.


Integration with Multimedia Elements:

Storytelling has evolved beyond static narratives. Online storyboarding platforms often come equipped with features that enable the integration of multimedia elements. From adding audio clips to incorporating video snippets, these tools empower creators to craft dynamic and engaging storyboards that transcend traditional boundaries.


Step-by-Step Guide: Creating Storyboard Online


1. Choosing the Right Platform:

Begin by selecting a platform that aligns with your creative preferences and project requirements. Whether you prioritize a vast library of visuals, collaborative features, or specific multimedia integrations, choose a platform that suits your needs.


2. Setting Up a New Storyboard Project:

Once you’ve chosen your platform, initiate a new storyboard project. This typically involves selecting a template or starting with a blank canvas. Consider the aspect ratio and layout options to ensure your storyboard fits your intended medium, be it film, video, or print.


3. Adding Scenes, Elements, and Text:

Begin populating your storyboard with scenes, characters, and essential elements. Many platforms offer drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy to experiment with different layouts. Add text or captions to provide context or dialogue to each scene.

Bonus: AI storyboard generator like StoryboardHero can do it all for you in one click, no need to drag or drop everything.


Create storyboards in minutes


4. Customizing Visuals and Layouts:

Dive into the customization options provided by the platform. Adjust the visuals to match your creative vision. Experiment with different color schemes, fonts, and styles. This step allows you to infuse your unique aesthetic into the storyboard.


5. Saving and Sharing Your Storyboard:

Save your progress regularly to avoid any potential loss of work. Most online storyboard platforms provide options for cloud storage or project export. Once satisfied with your storyboard, explore sharing options. Collaborate with team members or share your creations for feedback.


Tips for Effective Online Storyboarding


1. Utilizing Templates and Pre-designed Elements

Leverage the power of pre-designed templates and elements provided by the platform. This not only saves time but also ensures a cohesive and professional look for your storyboard. Tailor these elements to suit your specific needs and artistic style.


2. Incorporating Storytelling Techniques

While the visual aspect is crucial, don’t forget the essence of storytelling. Ensure that each scene contributes meaningfully to the overall narrative. Pay attention to pacing, character development, and the flow of your storyboard. It’s not just about the images; it’s about the story they tell.


3. Taking Advantage of Collaboration Features for Team Projects

If you’re working on a collaborative project, make full use of the collaboration features provided by the platform. Encourage team members to provide input, suggestions, and edits. Real-time collaboration fosters a dynamic creative environment and ensures everyone is aligned with the project’s vision.


4. Experimenting with Multimedia Elements

Explore the integration of multimedia elements to add layers to your storyboard. Incorporate audio snippets, video clips, or interactive elements where applicable. This not only enhances the viewer’s experience but also opens new avenues for creative expression.


5. Regularly Backing Up Your Work:

Technical glitches can happen, and the last thing you want is to lose hours of creative work. Regularly save and back up your storyboard to prevent any potential loss. Online platforms often provide automatic saving features, but it’s always a good practice to manually save your progress.



In summary, creating storyboards used to be time-consuming, but now, thanks to online storyboard tools that are easy to use, it’s a straightforward task. With these accessible platforms, bringing your stories to life has become simpler than ever.


Create storyboards in minutes


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why is storyboarding essential in the creative process?

Storyboarding is crucial as it serves as a visual roadmap, allowing creators to plan and organize their ideas before execution. It enhances the storytelling process, providing a clear structure for narratives, films, marketing campaigns, and other creative projects.


What are the advantages of using online storyboard generators?

Online storyboard generators offer accessibility, collaborative features, and multimedia integration. They provide a convenient platform for creating, editing, and sharing storyboards from anywhere with an internet connection, fostering real-time collaboration and allowing for the incorporation of multimedia elements.


How do I choose the right online platform for creating storyboards?

Consider your specific needs and preferences. Look for a platform with a user-friendly interface, customization options, and collaboration features that align with your project requirements. Explore different platforms to find the one that best suits your creative style and goals.


Can I use online storyboarding tools for team projects?

Absolutely! Many online storyboard platforms are designed for collaborative work. They offer features such as real-time editing, commenting, and project management, making them ideal for team projects. Collaborators can work together seamlessly, regardless of their geographical locations.


Are there any future trends in online storyboarding to watch out for?

The future of online storyboarding may involve the integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality. These advancements could bring new dimensions to the creative process, offering innovative ways to conceptualize and visualize narratives.