Friday Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | June 28, 2019

The Best of Learning, Design & Technology _ Mike Taylor

“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” — Simone Weil

I’m posting a little bit later than normal today. Which means if you subscribe via email, you’ll see this on Saturday instead of Friday morning. The reason was that I had an unexpected opportunity for a good conversation with my wife. Even with all the social tech we have these days, finding quiet time for a good old fashioned face-to-face is too good to pass up. (Especially when you have the challenge of squeezing them in between two jobs, two kids, two dogs and a zillion other things competing for your time and attention.) I hope you get some quality time with someone you value this weekend.

Thanks for reading! If you find anything good, forward it to a friend or spread the word with a tweet.

What new trends and technologies can we use to design and deliver modern training experiences?

Jane Hart (@c4lpt) talked with Jo Cook(@lightbulbjo) about 3 meta-trends she is seeing which show how new thinking, trends and technologies can be used to offer modern training experiences.

What new trends and technologies can we use to design and deliver modern training experiences?

Using Robert Cialdini’s 6 principles of Persuasion as an L&D professional

How you might use some insights from Robert Cialdini´s psychology of persuasion in your L&D programs by Krystyna Gadd (@KrystynaGadd)


A good speaker takes their audience on a journey, leaving them feeling inspired and motivated. But structuring your speech to get your ideas across and keep your audience engaged all the way through is tricky. Try these eight storytelling techniques for a presentation that wows.

Do THIS, Not THAT When Writing Multiple-Choice Questions

Patti Shank (@pattishank) share some tips on the Best Way To Write Multiple-Choice Questions

You may already have the talent you’re looking for

While organizations scramble to hire away talent, you should be cultivating the employees you already have. Thomas Kochan (@tomkochan)recommends some steps to retain and elevate the pool of talent that’s already at your fingertips.

Learning, Design & Technology Miscellany

A few other things just because I can.

Design Resources

Apps & Tools

Books, Podcasts, Courses:

What I’m listening to:

Conference Roundup

Check out the upcoming conference action and please let me know if you see one I missed any.

You can find me at these UPCOMING EVENTS:

Interested in the things that didn’t make the cut here? Follow me on Twitter or even better, subscribe to my newsletter.

I’m always looking for great people and organizations who want to help people learn and work better. If you’re one of them, let’s talk! Speaking and Workshop Information Sheet.

Looking for a previous edition? Check out the archives

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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