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Quiz Funnel: Examples, Benefits, & Steps to Create One


In this competitive business world, the success of an enterprise depends a lot on the efficacy of its marketing funnel. A well-executed marketing funnel can consistently bring in relevant leads and sales, whereas a flawed one can make it difficult to close deals.

The act of expanding a business through an effective quiz funnel has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows businesses to engage with their target audience in a fun and interactive way while also gathering valuable information about their preferences and needs.

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of quiz funnels in more detail, including their benefits and examples. We will also share the best practices for creating the best quiz funnel to attract and convert leads. 

So are you ready to take your website engagement and lead generation to the next level?

If yes, keep reading!

What Is a Quiz Funnel?

A quiz funnel is a marketing strategy that uses an interactive quiz to attract potential customers and capture their details and information.

It involves creating a quiz relevant to your product or service and using it as a magnet to attract leads and drive conversions. A quiz enables businesses to engage with their target audience and gather valuable data in a fun and interactive way. 

A quiz marketing funnel aims to guide potential customers through a series of steps that ultimately lead to a purchase.


   Source: ProProfs

It is a path prospective clients follow to become customers eventually. As potential customers travel through this path, they go through specific stages.

They become aware of your business, learn more about it, consider your products or services, make a purchase, and finally become loyal fans and refer others to you. 

The funnel’s distinctive shape is created based on the number of customers who move down the path, starting from the awareness stage. At the top of the funnel (TOFU), there are typically more people than those who move further down the funnel.

A recent case study of a company that used a quiz funnel is Sephora, one of the top international cosmetic brands. They created a quiz that asked customers a series of questions about their fragrance preferences. The quiz aimed to help users find their ideal scents by asking them to choose between various colors and fragrances that align with their personal preferences. Following the quiz, users could purchase their recommended fragrance. The quiz also increased sales of the recommended products, demonstrating the effectiveness of a quiz funnel in driving conversions and providing a personalized customer experience.

Watch: How to Create an Online Quiz in Under 5 Mins

Examples of Quiz Funnels 

Here are a few examples of the popular types of quiz funnels that businesses can use to engage with their target audience and drive conversions. You can create the best quizzes by choosing the right type of quiz funnel.

  • Lifestyle Quizzes 

Lifestyle quizzes are questionnaires that assess individuals’ habits, preferences, behaviors, and attitudes in various areas of their lives, such as fashion, health, food, travel, and relationships. 

These quizzes often use multiple-choice or rating scale questions and can provide insights into an individual’s personality, lifestyle, and interests. You can use the results to tailor content, products, and services to the individual’s needs and preferences. They can also be a fun and engaging way to learn more about oneself and explore new interests.

  • Lead Generation Quizzes 

Another example of a quiz funnel is the lead generation quiz. These quizzes help you collect contact information from potential customers to generate business leads.

These quizzes often take the form of an assessment or survey asking questions related to the company’s products or services. Based on the responses, organizations can then follow up with them about potential sales opportunities. 


Lead generation quizzes have become a popular marketing tool in recent years due to their ability to attract and engage potential customers while providing valuable data for businesses to use in their sales and marketing efforts.

Read: How to Create a Lead Generation Quiz

  • Personality Quizzes

Personality quizzes are a useful tool in the quiz marketing funnel, which typically serves as the top-of-funnel content, drawing in potential customers and generating interest in the company’s products or services.

Once the quiz-taker completes the quiz, they are typically presented with a personalized result that provides insights into their preferences. You can use the results to present the individual with targeted marketing messages or product recommendations further down the funnel, increasing the likelihood of conversion. 

How to Create a Personality Quiz

  • Product Knowledge Quizzes

In the marketing funnel, a product knowledge quiz typically serves as middle-of-funnel content leading to the bottom-of-funnel content, such as product demos or free trials.

Product knowledge quizzes typically ask questions about the company’s products or services and provide information about their features, benefits, and use cases. By completing the quiz, potential customers can better understand how the company’s products or services can meet their needs, increasing their interest and likelihood of purchasing.

The image below shows a quiz to check the customer’s knowledge of “Petril MD,” which belongs to the group of medicines known as Benzodiazepines.

  • Assessment Quizzes

Assessment quizzes evaluate an individual’s knowledge or skills related to a specific topic. In the quiz marketing funnel, assessment quizzes can serve as top-of-funnel content, drawing in potential customers and positioning the company as an authority in their field. 

You can use this quiz type to segment potential customers based on their knowledge or skill level. This will help you create targeted marketing campaigns further down the funnel.

How to Create an Assessment Online

  • Survey Quizzes 

This type of marketing quiz typically asks a series of questions related to an individual’s preferences or opinions on a specific topic.


In the quiz marketing funnel, survey quizzes can serve as middle-of-funnel content and can be used to gather valuable data on potential customers, which can help create targeted marketing campaigns and increase the chances of conversion.

  • Gated Offer Quizzes

Another type of quiz that you can use in your marketing funnel is the gated offer quiz. It’s a type of quiz that requires participants to provide contact information, such as their name and email address. In exchange, they get access to a special offer or incentive, which can be in the form of a discount code, a free trial, an exclusive piece of content, or any other type of valuable reward.

In the quiz marketing funnel, gated offer quizzes typically serve as bottom-of-funnel content. By requiring users to provide their contact information to access the offer, gated offer quizzes can be an effective way for companies to generate leads and convert potential customers into paying customers.

For instance, Fabletics, a reputed active lifestyle brand, used gated quizzes to drive more leads.  If you visit their official website, they’ll introduce you to a special offer, “Unlock 70% off Everything”, which you can claim by clicking on it.


When you click the button, you’ll need to answer a series of questions about your style preferences, size information, body type, etc.


Fabletics nudges you to complete all the questions by reminding you of the offer at every step. At the last stage, the company will ask you for your personal details in exchange for exclusive offers. 

So, in this manner, Fabletics has not only segmented leads but also converted some of them to customers with their offers. 

You can also do the same! 

  • Incentivized Quizzes 

Incentivized quizzes are quizzes or surveys that offer some reward or incentive for participation or completion. The rewards can vary depending on the quiz but may include cash prizes, gift cards, discounts, and more.

Organizations/marketers often use this quiz type as a way to gather information from their audience, as well as to generate engagement and build brand loyalty. By offering an incentive, they can encourage more people to participate in the quiz or survey, which can help generate valuable data for their business.

That was all about the various examples of quizzes that you can use in your quiz funnels. Next, let’s explore the benefits of such marketing funnels.

5 Benefits of Using Quiz Marketing Funnels for Your Business

There are multiple benefits of using quiz funnels for your business. However, this may happen only if you build effective quizzes and implement them correctly. 

Let’s explore some of the top benefits of using a quiz funnel.

1.Increases Engagement 

The probability of turning your leads into potential customers increases when you use quizzes. 

And why so?

That’s because by creating an engaging set of questions, you can promote engagement and gain valuable insights. 

Implementing a quiz funnel enables you to understand your audience better, allowing you to craft tailored recommendations that resonate with your audience.

Personalized content is a powerful marketing tool that effectively addresses individual pain points and interests. 

2.Helps With Lead Generation

One of the top benefits of using a quiz funnel is that it enables you to generate leads easily. 

Quizzes offer an interactive experience and give visitors a valuable return on their time, as evidenced by their impressive ability to capture leads.

In today’s marketing landscape, businesses use lead quizzes to create interactive quizzes and distribute them through social media to generate new leads.

By creating an engaging lead generation quiz, businesses can gather valuable information about their audience, help create personalized marketing content, and drive conversions.

How to Generate Leads With Lead Quizzes Easily

3. Makes Audience Segmentation Easier 

Audience segmentation is extremely important for any marketing strategy. Unless you have organized information about your audience, you can’t successfully run any marketing campaigns, especially email campaigns. 

Consumers have become more selective about sharing their personal information. This shift in consumer behavior requires marketers to be more innovative in their approach to attracting and converting leads.

Personalization has emerged as a key strategy for successful marketing. Email segmentation is a powerful way to achieve this level of personalization, enabling businesses to reach each person in their audience with tailored messages.

Quizzes provide an effective method for segmenting your audience. You can create segments based on individual questions and quiz results. The segments created by your quiz allow you to begin nurturing relationships with those on your email lists.

Also Read: Customer Segmentation: A Hands-on Guide for Businesses

4. Helps Audiences Learn their Interests

The entire buying cycle becomes easier when you give people a chance to explore their interests and desires. You can do this by using personality quizzes.

Imparting such valuable insights to individuals about themselves can position you as an expert in your inustry. 

Your quiz and the resulting content on the page demonstrate your understanding of your intended audience. This adeptness and perception can instill trust in your quiz-takers, simplifying their decision-making process when purchasing from you.

Also Read: 30 Best Personality Quiz Questions to Know Anyone Better

5. Serves as a Natural Pathway to Sales 

Certain quiz types help in generating leads and sales. For example, product recommendation quizzes can naturally bring in more sales because the person taking the quiz will be highly interested in knowing which product would best fit their needs, making them more likely to purchase if the recommended product resonates with them. 

When this happens, it becomes a natural step for the quiz-taker to proceed with a purchase.

A quiz marketing funnel is necessary to guide quiz-takers toward their next step after completing the quiz and joining the email list. A well-crafted email sequence can encourage quiz-takers to attend webinars, schedule calls, and eventually make a purchase or sign up for services. 

Pro tip: Use an online tool to create your product recommendation quizzes. With ProProfs Quiz Maker, you can build engaging quizzes in a few minutes using customizable personality quiz templates and a readymade question bank.


Now that you have understood the benefits, let’s focus on our next section: who can and should use quiz funnels. 

Who Should Use a Quiz Funnel?

Any business or organization that wants to engage with its target audience in a fun but productive way to generate leads and drive conversions can benefit from using quiz funnels.

  • E-commerce Businesses: Online businesses can offer personalized product recommendations to potential customers and increase their chances of making a sale through quiz funnels.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: NGOs can use quiz funnels to gather feedback from supporters and better understand their suggestions and ideas.
  • Service-Based Businesses: Such businesses can use personality quiz funnels to promote their offerings in a way that resonates with potential customers’ interests or preferences.
  • Education Sector: Educators and training institutes can use knowledge-check quizzes to attract new students/clients by sharing them on their websites or social media. 

Now, you may be thinking about how to create a marketing funnel

Well, that’s a valid question! 

Don’t worry. We’ll show you all the steps you need to follow for creating marketing funnels with engaging quizzes. 

Also Read: How to Use a Marketing Quiz: 6 Most Effective Ways 

How to Create an Effective Quiz Funnel: 11 Steps

Quiz funnels share the same objective as traditional marketing funnels but with a few exciting twists!

Marketers make assumptions about what their users want in a standard marketing funnel by tracking their activities. 

For example, you may have stumbled upon this blog post about quiz marketing funnels, so we assume you’re interested in quizzes and marketing funnels.

That’s the thing: we’re only doing the guesswork here! But we are not sure about your interests! 

This is where quiz funnels come in. By using quizzes, we can ask you specific questions and better understand your interests, eliminating the guesswork in the segmentation process. 

So, are you ready to ditch the assumptions and get started with a quiz funnel? 

Let’s check out the 11 easy steps to create engaging quiz funnels

#1. Identify Your Audience 

Your quizzes will perform well when they’re relevant to your audience. 

For a highly converting quiz marketing funnel, it’s essential to know your audience and what they’re interested in. You can do this by researching data in your CRM, using analytics tools, analyzing feedback and reviews, and interviewing customers.

Creating a customer persona based on this data will help you develop a quiz that resonates with your target audience.

#Pro Tip 1: Apart from using online quiz software to identify different personas, you can also use customer feedback tools, such as Qualaroo, to research the market and create your ideal personas.  

#Pro Tip 2: You don’t need to pull all the data in one customer persona. If you have different types of audiences, you can create a persona for each one of them. 

Read: How to Build Customer Personas? A Complete Guide 

#2. Determine Where You Want to Use the Quiz

Quiz funnels offer the versatility of using them at different stages of the customer journey. The best part is that you can create multiple quizzes for various stages of the journey.

Remember: The quizzes should be highly engaging, with attractive incentives for respondents to enable you to grow your email list.

However, if you already have an email list, you can create separate quizzes for segmentation purposes and circulate them among your subscribers. 

Moreover, quizzes can help you suggest particular products to your leads during the latter stages of the customer journey when they are prepared to purchase.

Take this clothing personality quiz, for example.  By sharing this quiz, you can get insights into your customer’s costume preferences.


Once the quiz takers finish responding to your questions, you can either provide personalized recommendations or create targeted email campaigns for your audience. 

#3. Choose the Right Topic 

Now comes the third step, where you have to choose the right topic for your quiz. 

By now, you have all the details with you, like who your target audience is and where you want to use your quizzes. 

But the question is how can you select the right topic. 

Well, it’s not rocket science.

The choice of the topic will depend on your goals. What answers are you searching for through your quizzes?

For instance, if the goal is to segment your audience, you can create quizzes that prompt leads to select among various products or services provided by your business. 

Respondents will be placed in distinct groups or segments based on their responses, each of which will receive different drip emails tailored to their interests and other distinguishing characteristics.

On the contrary, if you want to capture your users’ email addresses, then you have to think of some exciting topics so that they stay engaged while also providing you with valuable insights. 

#4. Pick the Right Quiz Funnel Software 

Now comes the most challenging part: choosing the right quiz funnel software to build your quizzes. 

With so many online tools, you may feel overwhelmed with the choices. 

The best way to identify the right software is to look for the features in it. The best tool will have features like ready-made templates, question banks, intuitive UI, multilingual support, feedback systems, security settings, white labeling, different question types,  AI reports, and powerful integrations.

#5. Write a Killer Title and Description

Even before you start creating your quizzes,  it’s important to have an irresistible title and description. The title needs to be catchy and concise while clearly stating the outcome that your quiz takers can expect. The background image should look equally good! 

Once you’ve caught the attention of your audience with a mind-boggling title, you must focus on crafting a stellar description that’ll convince them that your quiz is truly worthwhile.

Take this image, for example.


Check out the description of the “Going Out For Shopping? Know These Answers” quiz. It comes with a beautiful explanation for the title and also has a nice background image to keep you engaged. 

#6. Create Engaging Quizzes 

Remember that the engagement factor is crucial to make your quiz funnels successful. Although many factors contribute to the success of your quiz marketing funnels, very little attention is paid when it comes to making your quizzes engaging. In fact, this is one of the factors that’ll keep your participants hooked till the end.

Remember: If the questions are boring, chances are they will skip your questions.  

An engaging quiz has a few essential components, such as relevance, visual appeal, and short questions with creative results, to name a few.

You can follow some of the best practices to make your quizzes engaging. For instance, you can work on its appearance, include a mix of question types, use multimedia, background images, and much more! 

Here are a few types of questions to ask in your quizzes for marketing funnels that’ll keep your prospects engaged:

Curiosity-Based Quizzes 

We all are curious. 

Aren’t we?

Using the concept of curiosity is one of the leading psychological playbooks for marketers. It helps them understand their audience’s core beliefs by asking fun and open-ended questions. Check out the examples below.  

  • Are You Living Your Life to the Fullest?are_you_living_your_life_to_the_fullest
  • What Kind of a Shopper Are You?what_kind_of_a_shopper_are_you-1

Quizzes Based on Desires 

Your quiz funnel stands greater chances of success when you ask your audience about their innate human desires and interests. 

For example, if you have a travel company, you can intrigue your audiences by asking them to find their next destination. 

Here are a few examples of quizzes that you can refer to. 

  • What Kind of Vacation Do You Need?what_kind_of_vacation_do_you_need-1
  • What Glasses Should I Get Quiz?what_glasses_should_i_get_quiz-1

Comparison-Based Quizzes 

Such quizzes have the power to engage your audience because it’s human nature to compare themselves with others. 

Be it success, intelligence, or looks, individuals always tend to stay ahead of others. All of these are good things, and such comparisons create more self-awareness among individuals. 

So, creating questions based on comparison will help your audience know what they want or are willing to become.

Here are a few examples: 

  • What Type of Customer Support Agent Are You?what_type_of_customer_support_agent_are_you-1
  • Are You an Extrovert, Introvert, or an Ambivert?


To know more about how to write engaging quiz questions, refer to this guide

#7. Customize Your Lead Form


When you create a quiz for your quiz funnel, it’s important to customize the lead form. This involves selecting the necessary fields, such as name, email, and phone number, to be filled by quiz takers.  

The placement of the lead form is also important and can be positioned before or after the quiz results, with an optional “skip the form” button to encourage only the most engaged individuals to sign up.

#8. Integrate With Your Marketing Tools

Once you’re ready with your quizzes, you should integrate them with a marketing automation tool. This can help streamline lead generation and lead nurturing efforts. 

For example, ProProfs offers some of the best integrations with iContact, Vertical Response, Keap, and more.


By automatically syncing quiz responses with marketing platforms such as email marketing or CRM software, businesses can easily segment and target potential leads with personalized messaging. This can help increase engagement, improve conversion rates, and drive more sales. 

Additionally, it can provide valuable insights into customer behaviors and preferences, allowing businesses to optimize their marketing strategies and improve overall ROI.

#9. Share Your Quizzes 

Once you’ve customized your lead forms and integrated your quizzes with marketing tools, it’s time to share them with your participants. 

You can share your quiz via email, embed it on your website, or simply copy and paste the link on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. 

How to Share Your Quiz With Learners

#10. Review Results 

After publishing your lead quiz, keeping a close eye on its performance and identifying any areas that may need improvement is important. With the best quiz funnel software, you can view, download, and share reports and stats.


Additionally, the leading quiz software allows you to export data as a CSV file that can be shared with your sales and marketing teams for strategy development purposes.

Like other marketing tactics, quizzes also need regular A/B testing to identify the best-performing versions. Once you have determined the most effective variant, you can focus on optimizing your quiz marketing funnel for the best performance.

How to Review Quiz Reports & Statistics

#11. Nurture the Sale  

As discussed earlier, the purpose of a quiz funnel is to guide your audience through each stage, ultimately leading them to become customers and purchase your products or services. Once they sign up for your email list, you can follow certain approaches to nurture your sale. 

  • Offer product recommendations 
  • Build a squeeze page 
  • Create an email sequence 

With a solid email marketing strategy, you can build strong relationships with your subscribers and gradually guide them toward the next step. By continuing to provide value, you can nurture the sale for your current product and future offerings.

So, now you’re all ready to set up your quiz funnel on your own. Follow each of the steps we discussed above, and we’re sure you’ll be able to get the most out of your marketing funnels. 

Also, we are eager to see how your quiz funnels turn out! 

How to Build a Quiz With Online Quiz Software

So far, we have discussed how you can create quiz funnels. Let’s now explore a related topic – how you can create the best quiz using a quiz maker.

Step 1: Choose a Quiz Type

The first step begins with choosing the right quiz type for your audience. But before that, you need to understand your audience. 

Now, the question is – how to know your audience.

Well, there are plenty of ways to do that. For example, you can conduct market research or use surveys to know your target audience in the best possible way. 

Once you know their preferences and needs, you can choose a quiz that’ll become a hit! 

For instance, personality quizzes work amazingly for quiz funnels because they reflect much about an audience’s choices and desires.


Step 2: Choose a Template or Create From Scratch

In the next step, you can start creating your quiz. Use a readymade template or build one from scratch.


Using pre-defined templates can save considerable time and effort that would have otherwise been required if you had built one from scratch. Templates can also provide consistency across multiple quizzes and make it easier to customize quizzes for different audiences or purposes.

Read: How to Use Quiz Templates & Questions

Step 3: Choose Questions and Add Images & Videos

Remember: Quizzes are supposed to be fun and engaging, so you need to ensure that you add the right questions. 

Like we already told you before, there are plenty of question types you can add.


However, if you are still finding it difficult to pick the right questions, use this question bank, which has over 1,00,000 customizable quizzes for your marketing funnels.


Try adding multimedia, such as videos and images, to make it more engaging and exciting. Media-rich quizzes have better visual appeal and can motivate your audiences to stick to your quizzes till the end. You can also use your branding elements to make it look your own. 

For instance, the best quiz maker solutions, such as ProProfs Quiz Maker, enable users to create engaging quizzes and white-label them. This software also allows you to choose multiple question formats, such as MCQs, hotspots, dropdowns, match the following, etc., so you can pick any format that you want to use. 

Read: How to Add Images and Videos to Quiz Questions & Answers 

Watch How to Create a Quiz Using Question Bank & Templates

Step 4: Customize the Settings

Quiz funnels become successful when your audience responds to all the questions you’ve asked. 

But what if they skip a few?

You won’t get the right insights into the likes and preferences of your target audience.

This is exactly why you need to configure your settings.


You can choose from 100+ settings and configurations with the right quiz solution. For example, settings like preventing skipping questions, changing interface language, or setting up mandatory questions in quiz funnels ensure that participants engage with the entire quiz, providing more accurate data for analysis. 

This helps marketers better understand their audience and tailor their messaging to specific interests or needs, resulting in more effective campaigns or learning outcomes.

Pro tip: You can also add a “Try Again” button to your quiz so that your participants can retake the quizzes if they are unsatisfied with their responses.

Step 5: Share With Your Audience

Once you’re ready with the quizzes, you can share them with your audiences through different channels like email and other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Or you may simply embed the URL on your website.


That was all about the steps to create an engaging quiz for your marketing funnels. If you want to know more in detail, you can check out this guide

Remember: With the right software, quiz creation becomes an easy task. So, finding the right tool before designing your quizzes is important. 

Discover the Magic of Quiz Funnels and Watch Your Lead Generation Soar!

A quiz funnel is a powerful tool that can help businesses generate high-quality leads and boost their conversion rates. 

By leveraging the interactive and engaging nature of quizzes, businesses can capture the attention of their target audience and guide them through a personalized customer journey. This not only helps to build trust and credibility with potential customers but also provides valuable data that can be used to further optimize marketing strategies. 

So if you’re looking to take your lead generation game to the next level, make sure you use the right tool and follow the steps discussed above. Stop leaving leads on the table and start using a quiz funnel to capture them today!

Do You Need a Powerful Quiz Funnel Tool?

We have the #1 online tool for creating effective quiz funnels 

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About the author

Michael Laithangbam is the senior writer & editor at ProProfs with 12 years of experience in enterprise software and eLearning. Michael's expertise encompasses online training, web-based learning, quizzes & assessments, LMS, and more. Michael’s work has been published in G2, Software Advice, Capterra, and eLearning Industry.