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What Are Performance Support Tools? Less Than 100 Words

Performance support tools are curated materials that extend learning outside of the primary training activity to increase employee performance and productivity. These materials can supplement other training activities by providing learners with reliable, quick information that they can access on demand. 

Whether printed or digital, performance support tools may include any of the following resources:

  • Infographics
  • Short Videos
  • FAQ Sheets
  • Checklists
  • Job Aids

Ready to learn more about performance support tools? Let’s dive into what performance support tools are, typical forms they come in, and key benefits. 

What Are Performance Support Tools?

Performance support tools are curated materials that extend learning outside of the primary training activity to increase employee performance and productivity. These materials can supplement other training activities by providing learners with reliable, quick information that they can access on demand.

Performance support tools can range from simple, quick reference materials (e.g. infographics, FAQ sheets) to more comprehensive resources (e.g. videos, job aids). 

What Are Examples Of Performance Support Tools?

Performance support tools can come in a printed or digital format, and typically come in any of the following forms:

  • Infographics – Infographics provide a visual representation (e.g. charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.) of critical information pertaining to an employee’s job functions, processes, or even an explanation of software navigation. 
  • Short Videos – On-demand videos are a great tool to reinforce key training concepts through short, focused clips. 
  • FAQ Sheets – Frequently asked question (FAQ) sheets are typically a brief document that contains answers to common questions employees may have about their role, processes, instructions, and so on. 
  • Checklists – Checklists condense complex information into easy-to-read steps or bullet points with key ideas and tips. 
  • Job Aids – A job aid serves as a reliable resource that contains step-by-step instructions, flowcharts, cheatsheets, and more to address a wide range of employee needs. 

Read More: What Is Performance Support And Why Should You Use Performance Support Tools?

3 Benefits Of Performance Support Tools 

  1. Provide quick, accessible information – Instead of overwhelming learners with mass amounts of information at once, performance support tools give learners bite-sized, simplified bits of information that are easy to access within their organization’s learning management system (LMS), SharePoint site, or other shared location.
  2. Reinforce key ideas from training – According to the forgetting curve, learners forget 90% of what they’ve learned within the first month post-training if their learning isn’t properly reinforced. Performance support tools combat this curve by reinforcing key concepts from training and serving as an ongoing guide for learners.
  3. Easy to integrate as informal learning – Learners can access their performance support tools when it’s most convenient for them in a self-paced, asynchronous manner. Performance support tools provide learners with an informal, relaxed learning resource.
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