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3 Real-World Use Cases Of Haptic Gloves For Virtual Reality Training

Haptic gloves are elevating the way organizations train their employees by providing highly realistic, interactive training experiences with precise motion tracking. When used for VR training, haptic gloves increase immersion, sensory feedback, and safety and productivity levels in employees. 

Check out 3 real-life VR training scenarios that are elevated with haptic gloves: 

  1. Orthopedic Surgery Training With Haptic Feedback Gloves
  2. Haptic Feedback Gloves For Process Training In Manufacturing
  3. Immersive Flight Simulator Training With Haptic Feedback Gloves

Do you remember when Nintendo released the Power Glove in the late 1980s? Used in the gaming industry, the Power Glove adopted early virtual reality (VR) mechanics to dictate on-screen actions for a variety of games. 

This idea of feeling as a way to immerse users isn’t new, and haptic feedback gloves bring that concept to life. Haptic technology is a concept that’s been around for decades and is slowly making its way into the training and development space.  

At Roundtable Learning, our team of technology experts stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest learning technologies — one of which is haptic gloves for VR training! Our experts help organizations implement innovative training solutions with integrated technologies that transform their corporate training

This article will explore the technology behind haptic feedback gloves, identify 3 key benefits of haptic gloves for VR training, and provide 3 examples of the use of haptic feedback gloves for VR training. 

What Are Haptic Feedback Gloves?

Haptic feedback gloves are a wearable device that allow users to experience realistic touch and interactions through advanced tactile feedback. When actuated, haptic sensors within the gloves recreate a realistic sense of touch for users. 

For example, if a learner were to pick up a drill, tactile actuators on the gloves replicate the sensation of the real-world objects. Users will feel resistance in the gloves when contact is made with the drill, can feel the texture of the object, and operate the drill as if it were real. 

For decades, organizations have realized the potential of pairing VR and haptic technologies to increase the effectiveness of their training. When used in the context of VR training, haptic feedback gloves are a step up from handheld controllers because learners can use their hands as they would in real life.

3 Benefits Of Haptic Gloves For Virtual Reality Training

  • Increases immersion by adding depth to physical interactions — Haptic gloves eliminate the need for handheld controllers with buttons, allowing learners to complete more realistic interactions with their hands as they would in real life. While handheld controllers require learners to push a button to pick up a box, haptic gloves allow learners to grip the virtual box with their hands as if it were real. 
  • Increases sensory feedback that reinforces muscle memory — Haptic gloves allow learners to complete realistic interactions with objects, people, and their environment. Learners feel the sensation of flipping a switch, pressing a button, turning a wheel, and so much more, increasing sensory feedback that reinforces muscle memory. 
  • Decreases the transition time between training and practice, leading to increased safety and productivity — When applicable, added immersion decreases the time between training and practice which in turn improves their safety and productivity levels on the job. Training with haptic gloves is an experience learners are sure to remember and master, improving their ability to apply what they’ve learned quickly to the real world.


3 Examples Of Training Scenarios With Haptic Feedback Gloves

Orthopedic Surgery Training With Haptic Feedback Gloves

In order to make orthopedic surgery training more hands-on, FundamentalVR utilized haptic gloves that allow learners to complete surgical tasks on their Fundamental Surgery platform. Used by both trainees and qualified surgeons, this VR activity integrates the same sounds, tasks, and feelings an orthopedic surgeon would experience during the actual procedure. 

In this case, haptic gloves allow learners to handle equipment and carry out detailed surgical tasks without risk to themselves or a real-life patient. By completing this activity, learners can experience a true-to-life scenario that develops key skills needed to successfully perform this high-risk surgery on a real patient. 


Haptic Feedback Gloves For Process Training In Manufacturing

Traditional manufacturing training typically involves a job shadow or apprenticeship, then hands-on learning that puts skills into practice. Haptic gloves elevate this hands-on element of training by providing learners with a realistic warehouse environment where they can complete intricate tasks in a realistic manner. 

With this interactive VR training activity by Sensoryx, a manufacturing employee can practice completing the following processes:

  • Practice printing and attaching box labels
  • Learn how to package the correct materials into the box in front of them
  • Close their box properly and send the package onto its next step

Immersive Flight Simulator Training With Haptic Feedback Gloves

A step up from a traditional flight simulator, this VR activity, created by BeBop sensors and HTX Labs, fully immerses learners in a pilot training scenario. After placing their haptic feedback gloves and VR headset on, learners are seated in the pilot’s position in the plane’s cockpit. 

In this virtual cockpit environment, learners complete the following actions:

  • Grabbing and steering the yoke of the plane
  • Operating the throttle lever to speed up and slow down the flight
  • Interact with various knobs, switches, and buttons within the cockpit

This experience gives learners a natural feel of flying an aircraft before stepping foot into the cockpit of a real aircraft. The precision accuracy of the haptic feedback gloves allows for the realistic touch and feel of valuable equipment learners must master before entering a real-life cockpit. 

Do These Gloves Haptick All Your Boxes?

This article has covered what haptic gloves are, the benefits they bring to VR training, and 3 examples of elevating traditional training with VR haptic gloves. 

Looking to improve your existing training or develop an entirely new program? Our team of L&D and learning technology specialists are here to help! Reach out to one of our experts today or check out more on all things L&D in our resource center

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