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The Essential Role of DevSecOps Services in Combating Cyberattacks

Oct, 26 2023 | Technology Services
Sarath D Babu

Client Partner, Pearson, North America

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In recent years, the digital realm has witnessed a relentless surge in cyberattacks, posing unprecedented threats to businesses. DevSecOps services play a pivotal role in fortifying organizations against these cyber onslaughts, bridging the divide between security, development, and operations. 

The cyberspace has become a battleground, with attackers constantly evolving their tactics. Recent data reveals an alarming growth rate in cyberattacks, with businesses, regardless of size or sector, being prime targets. The aftermath of these attacks is devastating – not just in terms of financial losses but also the erosion of trust and brand reputation. The majority of these attacks exploit primary vulnerabilities like unpatched software, weak passwords, and human errors. According to the WEF’s Global Security Outlook Report 2023, 93% of cyber leaders and 86% of business leaders fear that the global geopolitical unrest may cause catastrophic cyber-events by 2025. In addition, Microsoft’s Digital Defense Report for July 2022 to June 2023 states that cyberattacks hit 120 countries through the period. 

So, what exactly are DevSecOps services? The term encapsulates the seamless integration of development, security, and operations. It represents a paradigm shift from traditional software development practices, emphasizing security at every phase of the development lifecycle.  

Why Businesses Without DevSecOps Are at Risk?

Businesses operating with traditional development methods expose themselves to significant risks. These methods often sideline security until the latter stages, giving cybercriminals ample time to find and exploit vulnerabilities. The stark difference between reactive and proactive security postures becomes evident. Without DevSecOps services, the window of vulnerability remains open for longer, making breaches almost inevitable. 

Real-world Outcomes of Overlooking DevSecOps Services

History is replete with examples of businesses paying the price for overlooking DevSecOps services.  Ironically, the biggest data breach in 2023, at the time of writing, was on a digital protection firm! DarkBeam’s unprotected interface breach was exploited by cybercriminals to expose over 3.8 billion records. 

Renowned companies continue to face  data breaches, leading to significant monetary losses and an irreversible dent in their brand’s trustworthiness. For instance, a famous retail chain, due to outdated security practices, suffered a data breach, exposing millions of customer records. The financial ramifications were colossal, but the loss of customer trust proved even costlier. But, that’s not all. The mid-year Check Point Research report highlighted that in the first half of 2023, 48 ransomware groups claimed 2,200 victims, a 20% increase from H1 2022.

Benefits and ROI of Integrating DevSecOps Services

Incorporating DevSecOps services can transform a company’s cybersecurity posture and its bottom line. The immediate benefits are evident in the form of security automation, which drastically reduces human errors. Continuous monitoring ensures threats are detected and mitigated in real-time. Over time, businesses experience quicker vulnerability detection, saving substantial resources and costs in potential damage control. The ROI is clear – businesses that embrace DevSecOps not only safeguard their assets but also foster trust, ensuring longevity in the marketplace. 

Some of the benefits are: 

  • Enhanced Security: Integrating DevSecOps ensures that security measures are embedded at every stage of the development lifecycle. This proactive approach minimizes vulnerabilities that can be exploited. 
  • Quicker Vulnerability Detection: The merger of development, security, and operations facilitates swift identification of potential security flaws, reducing the window of opportunity for attackers. 
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Security checks integrated into the development process result in faster product releases without compromising on security. 
  • Cost Savings: By avoiding potential security incidents and streamlining the development process, companies can realize significant cost savings in the long run.


In an era marked by escalating cyber threats, DevSecOps services stand out as an indispensable ally for businesses. That is why the global DevSecOps market is forecast to reach 23.16 billion by 2029. Embracing DevSecOps is no longer a choice but a necessity for any enterprise aiming for robust defense in the digital world.

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