Love Letters to Learning

With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, love is in the air. Can you feel it? And, can you feel how much your learners love learning? They do! Though at times you may wonder if their affection has waned, now is the time to remind yourself that you are truly valued. The time-honored relationship between those who offer learning and those who receive it was written in the stars. Well, ok, maybe not the stars. But it is written in the research.

Reports find that strong training and development programs make companies more attractive to prospective employees. A top-notch L&D program is ranked up there with perks like a good benefits package and career advancement opportunities, and what’s not to love? Learning makes employees better by meeting needs at work, helping learners develop new skills, and sometimes even by making workers more pleasant to be around.

With that in mind, we thought we’d share some love letters to specific kinds of L&D that are especially enticing to learners.

How do we love learning? Let us count the ways!

Dearest Instructor-Led Training,

May I call you ILT? Please say yes — you are my favorite form of training. In fact, you’re almost everyone’s favorite form of training. More than half of learners love you as much as I do, but I’m not jealous — you, ILT, meet all of our needs. Even though so many of us are working remotely, you’ve been able to take our relationship long-distance with Virtual Instructor Led Training. Now we can set a date and  look into our instructors’ eyes from afar.

My dearest Coaching,

I cannot tell you how much I adore the one-on-one learning time you give me. You help me learn on the job by making time for me, learning about my specific needs, and showing me how to be better at my job. Coaching, when I learn on the job with you, I truly feel connected, like I’m the only learner in the world. Even when I’m remote, the virtual time you spend on me — evaluating my progress on modules, and giving me personal assignments – mean so much to me. It’s no wonder so many learners think you’re one of the most effective methods of training, but they can’t have you. Your time with me is all mine.

Dear Mobile Learning,

I love how you meet me wherever I am, delivering learning exactly when I need it, and never teasing me with training that’s unavailable unless I’m at my desk. When I’m on-the-go or working remotely, you help me find the information I need. During the quiet moments of my day, you deliver training. When I’m in the field, so are you. No matter where I am, you are there for me… as long as I have cell service.

Dear Soft Skills Training,

Forgive me: when I was first assigned your courses, I didn’t think there was anything you could teach me. I was so wrong. You make me so much better; because of you, I am kinder, gentler, and more pleasant to be around. I’m more adaptable; the skills you’ve taught me have made me more attractive as a prospective employee.  Never stop improving me. I want to keep being better because of you.

My most beloved Leadership Training,

I’m not the only one who wants career growth, I know that. So many of my peers also believe that learning is the key to career growth. But what you’ve done for me personally has been the key to my heart and to my advancement in the workplace. You’ve helped me expand in my current role, and have prepared me for leadership roles in the future. Because of you, I can grow as a person. You’ve helped me to shine, and I will never forget that.

Dear Social Learning,

I am so excited about our engagement! The engagement of my fellow learners and myself with learning, that is. You’ve made us so happy by connecting us, and you make learning fun! No wonder you’re so effective – learners who use social features spend 30 times more hours learning than those who do not. Probably because you’re so much fun to be around!

Falling in love with learning is easy

It’s so important for learners to enjoy their training. According to Training Industry’s What Learners Want report, learning is more effective when learners love the way they’re being taught; training programs delivered through at least one preferred method are more likely to be effective.

By listening to the needs of your learners, you can help them fall in love with learning… and maybe they’ll even start writing their own love letters to the L&D pros who continuously enable and support their ability to grow and improve.