
How would you describe your plans to a colleague, friend, or family member?

Would this be in the form of, like the image above, a daily or weekly to-do list, or are your plans more strategic and long-term, where a list doesn’t work as well?

Do you have separate plans for work and non-work activity, or are the two worlds melting into one for ease of use and management?

Are you using simple pen & paper to handle them, an online (app?) tool, or something more creative like Trello boards or mind-mapping graphical interfaces?

Me? I’m notoriously bad at keeping track of things in any format other than my brain. I’ve tried notes, to-do lists, Trello boards, mind maps, and other approaches too, and I’ve not been able to stick with one for longer than a week or two. Sometimes it’s just enough keeping up with the current list of things to do, adding longer term or strategic things only confuses the list – I keep adding items to it but never seem to cross anything off.

If you’ve any suggestions on what I could be doing, or what works for you, tag me on Twitter or LinkedIn and lets’ take the learning there.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash