The L&D Detective: Solving Performance Mysteries with Mager’s Flowchart

As an L&D professional, you may feel overwhelmed by the challenges of diagnosing and solving performance problems in your organization. Fortunately, there’s a powerful tool that can guide you through this process: Mager’s Performance Consulting Flowchart. In this blog post, we’ll break down Mager’s flowchart, explain why it’s so helpful, and highlight the benefits of using it in your L&D practice.

This flow chart comes from Mager & Pipe’s book “Analyzing Performance Problems: Or, You Really Oughta Wanna–How to Figure out Why People Aren’t Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It“. One of the most important things this flow chart does is to emphasize the importance of identifying non-training solutions before considering training as a solution.

What is Mager’s Performance Consulting Flowchart?

This Performance Consulting Flowchart, developed by Robert F. Mager and Peter Pipe, is a widely used step-by-step guide that helps L&D professionals diagnose performance issues and determine the most effective solutions. This structured approach allows you to systematically analyze performance gaps, identify the root causes of performance problems, and decide whether training or other interventions are needed to improve performance.

The Steps in Mager’s Flowchart

  1. Is there a performance problem?
    • Determine if there is a gap between expected performance and actual performance. This involves observing employees, collecting performance data, and comparing it to the desired standards.
  2. Is it worth solving?
    • Assess the impact of the performance problem. If the gap significantly affects the organization’s goals or operations, it’s worth addressing. If not, it might be better to focus on more critical issues.
  3. Can we apply fast fixes?
    • Look for quick and simple solutions that can immediately improve performance. These “fast fixes” can provide temporary relief while you work on more comprehensive solutions.
  4. Are there any obstacles?
    • Identify any barriers preventing optimal performance. These could be environmental factors, lack of resources, or systemic issues within the organization.
  5. Is there a skill deficiency?
    • Determine if the performance problem is due to a lack of skills or knowledge. If employees don’t have the necessary competencies, training or development programs may be needed.
  6. Are there consequences?
    • Examine whether there are appropriate incentives and consequences linked to performance. This includes rewards for good performance and penalties for poor performance.
  7. Is there adequate feedback?
    • Ensure that employees receive regular and constructive feedback on their performance. Feedback helps employees understand how they are doing and where they can improve.
  8. Is there a clear expectation?
    • Verify that performance expectations are clearly communicated. Employees need to know what is expected of them and what standards they should meet.

Why Use Mager’s Flowchart?

Mager’s flowchart is a game-changer for L&D professionals because it provides a systematic, data-driven approach to problem-solving. By following the flowchart, you can:

  • Identify the root causes of performance issues
  • Determine whether training or other interventions are needed
  • Make informed decisions backed by evidence
  • Communicate clearly with stakeholders
  • Enhance your credibility as a strategic problem-solver

A crucial point to remember is that not all performance gaps can be addressed by training. It’s essential to recognize when training is not the appropriate solution and avoid sending training to do a job it’s not capable of.

Mager’s flowchart helps you make this distinction, ensuring that you choose the most effective intervention for each situation.

For example, let’s say a sales team is struggling to meet its quarterly targets. By using Mager’s flowchart, an L&D professional might discover that the issue isn’t a lack of skills, but rather a lack of clear performance expectations and feedback. By addressing these root causes, the team’s performance could significantly improve without the need for additional training.

Using Mager’s flowchart consistently can lead to:

  • Improved employee performance
  • Cost-effective solutions that save time and resources
  • Increased accountability and motivation among employees
  • Greater trust and collaboration with stakeholders


Mager’s Performance Consulting Flowchart is an invaluable tool for L&D professionals, especially those new to the field. By providing a structured, logical approach to diagnosing and solving performance problems, it ensures that you can deliver effective, targeted interventions that drive real improvements in your organization.

Remember, not all performance issues require training. By using Mager’s flowchart, you’ll be able to identify when training is the right solution and when other interventions are more appropriate. This will help you avoid the costly mistake of sending training to do a job it’s not suited for, and instead focus on implementing solutions that directly address the root causes of performance gaps.

Embrace Mager’s flowchart, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a trusted, partner your organization.

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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