Love Is a Leadership Value

An excerpt from the book "Impact with Love: Building Business for a Better World" by Greg Harmeyer.

Work is a gift. Leadership is an even bigger gift; the opportunity to influence others is an incredible privilege, an honor, and a tremendous responsibility. By leaning into it, we can make a massive impact on the lives of individuals.

This opportunity for impact is right in front of every leader, every day.  The challenge we face is that so much of what we’ve been conditioned to believe about managing a business collides with what we must do to create a trusting, loving, supportive environment. Our job as leaders is not to solely manage outcomes but to create such an environment, one that allows others to be their best, to reach their potential, to do something great. When people work in an environment where they feel trusted and loved, they will advocate. They will innovate. They will commit. They will create. They will excel.

As leaders we need to give thought to….

  • How we show up for each other. See the humanity in each person around you. Recognize that all people are equal, even if all jobs are not.
  • How we trust. Reduce the rules. Give people space and show them you believe in them by letting them make decisions. The value of the trust and space far outweighs the efficiency and risk.
  • How we orient growth. Stop the structures that pit people against each other: my promotion vs. yours, my commission vs. what’s best for the company, my P&L and my resources vs. the needs of the group. They’re exhausting to uphold, create resentment and uncertainty, and alienate real teams.
  • What we prioritize. Put people first. Performance will come when you put people first. You’ll get better people to follow you that way; and you’ll get the best of what they have to offer.
  • How we assess people. No one’s assessment of other people is objective. It’s simply what you perceive. Lean into strengths. Look at the whole person. Even better look at the team’s performance. Don’t discount the intangibles that individuals contribute to the team dynamic.
  • What we pursue. Stop chasing outcomes. The pursuit of outcomes at the expense of people will be our undoing. Pursue excellence, pursue compassion. As Bill Walsh said, “The score takes care of itself.”
  • How we forgive. Trust built on an environment of safety and safety exists when people know they can make mistakes. Let them make the mistakes. Support them, lift them up, learn from them. Trust is an incredible asset. Forgiveness is a key ingredient.
  • How we look at people. See the strengths and talents. Each person has so much tremendous potential to do amazing things. Lean into your obligation to help them uncover it. And if you can’t, set them free—with the encouragement and confidence—to go use it elsewhere.
  • The love we bring into our work. Care about people without concern for what it gets you in return. The impact on their lives will be tremendous and the impact on yours will be as well.
  • The grace we afford others and ourselves. This includes the grace to be human, make mistakes, and grow.

The opportunity is in front of each of us, every day. Whether it’s our organization as a whole, our business unit, or our individual team, we can start with love. We can build better businesses. We can build a better world. We can make an impact.

This article is an excerpt from the book, Impact with Love: Building Business for a Better World, by Greg Harmeyer. Click here to learn more about why Greg wrote the book and how to get a copy of the book.

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<strong><a href="" target="_self">Greg Harmeyer</a></strong>

Greg Harmeyer

Greg Harmeyer is Co-Founder of TiER1 Performance and CEO of its parent company, TiER1 Impact. During his leadership, TiER1 has become a multi-year Best Places to Work recipient, named to the Inc. Best in Business list for Mental Health Advocacy, and has been a 15-time honoree of the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing privately held companies. Greg is passionate about unlocking the potential in people, teams, and ideas. He loves running, boating, and being a husband and dad of four.

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