The global pandemic brought many revolutionary changes to the organizations. It put an end to the majority of traditional techniques and opened the door for the development of new work paradigms. This transformation had the most significant impact on the learning and development (L&D) division. Employee upskilling and reskilling became a necessity due to the altered work patterns.

The primary concern for learning leaders was that the one-size-fit-for-all training was not working with the new world of work. Learning leaders need to add personalization and differentiation to cater to the learning needs of each employee within an organization. According to a recent Brandon Hall Group report, 82% of organizations attempt to improve their personalized learning approach.

Personalized learning solutions provide learners with relevant knowledge and benefit both the learner and the organization. Let’s begin by understanding personalized learning and its fundamental elements.

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What is Personalized Learning?

Each individual has a unique approach to learning, and each job role demands distinct skillsets. That is where personalized learning comes into the picture. Providing personalized learning experiences is one of the organizations’ most prominent employee development strategies today.

The definition of personalized learning is self-explanatory; it is the type of learning that is personalized to meet the individual learner’s interests, preferences, and needs. It considers a learner’s current strengths, job roles, gaps in skills, and learning styles, which are then linked to the organizational goals.

Personalized learning is better as it improves training outcomes by creating learning content relevant to learners, enhancing learner engagement and motivation, and improving training program completion rate and learners’ overall performance at work. It is advised to include the following elements to maximize the benefits of personalized learning solutions.

Basic Customizations

The basic customization for personalized learning can be done in a learning management system (LMS) by employing themes, fonts, backgrounds, animations, configuring time zones, avatars, and so on. These basic customizations allow learners to choose the features that best suit their needs, keeping them engaged in the learning process.

Content Delivery Mode

Allowing learners to choose the mode of delivery that best suits their learning needs is another way of incorporating personalization into the learning journey. Learners can complete the training program via podcasts, interactive lessons, or videos.

Learning Paths

Allowing learners to customize their learning journey will result in a highly personalized learning experience. Learning pathways are learners’ journeys as they progress through a learning program. Surveys and pre-assessments can be used to examine a learner’s understanding of a certain topic and provide the foundation for specific learning paths to be allocated.

Although it is well recognized that personalized learning is the best method for delivering training programs on the move, learning leaders still need to have a successful plan in place to ensure that learners have engaging learning experiences.

Read the blog to learn the key steps to delivering personalized learning experiences to your remote work workforce.

Benefits of Adding Personalization in the Corporate Training Programs

Personalization in corporate training brings innumerable opportunities for both learners and learning leaders. Listed below are a few benefits of personalized learning in a corporate training program.

Higher Learner Engagement

One of the fundamental benefits of personalized learning is keeping learners engaged for longer. When the learning content is relevant and personalized, learning is more engaging. The customization of learning journeys gives learners a self-directed approach and more control.

Saves Time

Additionally, cutting out the redundant content and no longer appropriate for the learner’s needs and degree of experience will expedite the learning process. Consistent nudges and push notifications ensure that learners are always kept in the loop.

Enhances Knowledge Retention and Motivation

Learner motivation and knowledge retention are improved when learning content is relevant to a learner’s job role. Because the learning is directly applied to work, it helps retain the information for a much more extended period.

Improves Learning Outcomes

When learners are more engaged, motivated, and have a high level of knowledge retention, the learning outcomes improve. A learner who is satisfied with their interaction with the learning content has enhanced learning outcomes and performs well on the job.

Instant Personalized Feedback

There is no one-size-fits-all training feedback, just as there is no one-size-fits-all learning content. During a training program, learners can select one or more learning paths, and they will receive feedback based on their selection. In addition, instant feedback notifies learners of their wrong moves, where they have gone wrong, and how they can remedy them. Learners can replicate the same behavior in the workplace.


When integrated into corporate training programs, personalized learning creates a win-win situation for all parties involved. Include the needs, objectives, job-role levels, and learning skills of the individual learner to create learning experiences that are best and most effective.

At Infopro Learning, we balance individual learning needs and organizational objectives while adding personalization to corporate training programs. Our eLearning content development ensures strong retention of information and provides innovative ways to change learner behaviors.

To learn more about how we can help develop your custom and personalized eLearning content, request a free demo!

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