There are many L&D challenges that modern learning technology can solve. Using the right tools can help your organization increase operation efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the quality of learning experiences you provide for your workforce. However, one of the most powerful ways you can use learning technology is when you use it to strengthen your training delivery process.

In this article we will share with you 4 different ways you can use learning tech to improve training delivery at your organization.

Learning Management Systems

If you are looking to streamline the delivery and management of your online employee training programs, selecting the right learning management system can make all the difference. Utilizing an LMS to deliver online learning experiences to your workforce can make effective training delivery simple.

Different learning management systems offer a range of features. Some of the most helpful systems include features such as training content creation tools and advanced analytics. A user-friendly interface that makes operating the system easy for management as well as employees is also an important feature.

Today’s blended learning programs often consist of several different types of training. Web based training programs require modern training delivery methods such as, virtual instructor led courses, webinars, video based training, and interactive simulations. Hosting your employee learning programs on an LMS makes accessing easier for employees by keeping all training content in one place.

Learning Analytics

Analytics is another powerful tool that can be used to level up your training game. Analytics can come with an LMS system or can be purchased and added separately to track learner data. The information analytics collects often includes, participation, logins, competition rates, and levels of engagement. The data is processed into reports that can be used to user patterns.

These patterns can be an incredibly useful tool for measuring the effectiveness of your online courses. They can also be used to find issues that may need to be resolved or a particular training method that is performing well

In addition to optimizing your training content advanced analytics can also be used to create personalized learning paths and select course recommendations for self-directed learning.

Electronic Performance Support Systems

Electronic performance support systems or EPSS are another advanced tool you can use to improve your training delivery. An EPSS is a form of training that guides learners through the different steps of a technical skills or process while on the job. This training format guides learners by using icons, balloons and text on screen to help direct learners. This training tool is especially useful for learners who need to technical skills training but are unable to receive face to face instruction or in person training such as instructor led training.

Today as more and more employees begin to work in remote roles EPSS can help organizations teach their distributed teams’ new technical skills and processes without the expenses associated with traditional classroom training.

HR Chatbots

Chatbots have been integrated into every-day life to make getting answers to simple questions easier. This same concept can now be used for employee training. Implementing an HR chatbot is a great way to help employees get the information they need quickly. Although, chatbots do not provide training courses they can help fill in the gaps and answer common questions employees need answered.

This tool is especially helpful for employee onboarding. New hires often have many questions about their new role, your organization, processes and procedures. A chatbot can help them get the answers almost instantly anytime they need them not matter the time of day or time zone they are in.

Using chatbots will help your employees quickly learn what they need to know about your organization to be successful in their new roles. More senior employees can also benefit this tool and get answers to questions when company changes are made or when new offerings become available.

In Conclusion

If you are like the many other L&D professionals who are looking for ways to improve employee learning experiences investing in modern learning technology to improve your training delivery might be the learning solution you are looking for. Whether you invest in analytics to optimize your training content or chatbot to improve your employee onboarding process adopting modern learning technology can help improve employee engagement and increase employee productivity.

To learn more about how you can use advanced tools to improve learning experiences check out the infographic Corporate Training Challenges Learning Technology Can Solve.

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