5 Ways Learning Technology can Transform your Business

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Training employees is an important component of running an effective business. Investing in effective learning technology and training programs can improve productivity along with profitability. Training also alleviates risks associated with processes such as the operation of advanced machinery, adherence to compliance guidelines, and to expand the knowledge of employees on products or services. Training is the primary driver in building these functional competencies for different roles within an organization.

By providing learning opportunities, business leaders invest in the success of their employees and demonstrate a commitment to the workforce as well as the brand on the whole.

Let us explore 6 different ways that Learning Technology can be harnessed to positively impact and transform your business.

5 Ways Learning Technology can Transform your Business

Learning Technology for Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding processes and associated training should be as seamless and hassle-free to ensure a smooth transition. Effective onboarding dictates to what extent a new employee is integrated into your company’s work culture.

  • Onboarding and Training go hand in hand
  • Better Onboarding saves you money
  • Effective Onboarding helps maximize employee performance from the get-go

Studies have shown that effective onboarding programs can increase employee performance by as much as 11%. This can have a significant impact on the business.

Learning Technology for Sales Enablement

The importance of sales enablement

If your organization doesn’t make the most of the tools it already has, it could be due to those tools lacking integration or scalability, among other issues. Businesses need to constantly adopt new methods for closing sales.

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Using groundbreaking digital Sales enablement tools improves the ability to handle several processes critical to your company’s Sales team (as well as Marketing professionals and others associated with closing deals). Those include:

  • Integration

Connect to your established content management system or digital asset management platform so that everyone who benefits from better Sales enablement can access the resources they need, exactly when they need them.

  • Distribution

Marketing staff can easily provide the Sales team with the organizational assets necessary for successful selling through a comprehensive configuration set.

  • Automation

Leveraging AI and meticulously detailed filtering capabilities, each member of the Sales team will have quicker, more efficient access to the pieces of content they need to complete even the trickiest sales.

  • Support

Provides Sales managers and their reps with the right resources to guide the progression of sellers from middle-of-the-pack numbers to robust performance through effective practice techniques.

  • Oversight

Supervisors can also use precise benchmarking methods and see if Sales associates are meeting their periodic quotes, so they can quickly identify areas of success or failure and act accordingly.

6 ways Learning Technology can transform your business

Learning Technology for Product Training

Organizations primarily involved in the manufacturing of high-tech IT products, pharmaceutical drugs, and medical devices, and/or selling and distributing tangible products, are required to follow a plethora of guidelines. These guidelines play a critical role in ensuring manufacturing standards are met, and sellers and the extended enterprise personnel have the correct and complete knowledge to aid customers. Product training is integral in creating large-scale demand. It also helps local vendors and distributors position and markets the products effectively, thereby increasing sales. With channel partners located around the globe, localization of product training material is becoming increasingly necessary. With modern learning technology, these challenges are greatly alleviated.

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Furthermore, product training also enables customers to better understand and engage with the product leading to better outcomes.

Learning Technology for Compliance Training

Compliance training raises several specific challenges. Often, it is mandatory and driven directly by an external regulatory authority or legal requirement to demonstrate that a user has met a prescribed standard of competence.

Non-compliance with regulations, whether related to safety or procedural, can have serious outcomes for any business. Using an effective learning technology, such as an LXP, minimizes the risk of human error and aids compliance. Traditional compliance training is time-consuming and more importantly, less effective and can lead to shortfalls due to human error.

Learning Technology for Improving Workplace Culture

A healthy workplace culture is the backbone of a happy and productive workforce. It is often the top contributor to the success of an organization. Learning and Development plays an important role towards inculcating a culture that is conducive to realizing both the personal and professional aspirations of employees. Let us explore how using learning technology can improve organizational culture.

  • Continuous Learning Enhances Employee Satisfaction

Nothing could be more important to your long-term corporate viability than retaining happy and well-trained employees. A recent Fortune article reported that 87 percent of employers say improving retention is a critical priority for their organization. Unfortunately, one in five workers today feels that their professional skills are not up to date, and that can negatively impact their desire to stay on the job and increase the chances they will look elsewhere for greener pastures. Building a culture of learning keeps employees locked into the excitement of developing a long-term career path. 

  • Boosting performance and productivity
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Training leads to better competency and increases the confidence of workers. It makes them feel more secure at the job and builds an emotional connection to their career path in the organization. Ultimately, boosting performance will have a positive impact on overall productivity. 

  • Integrate learning and work

What is Work Integrated Learning? Murdoch University defines it as follows:

“Work Integrated learning (WIL) is the term given to educational activities that integrate academic learning of a discipline with its practical application in the workplace. The aim is to ensure that students develop the ability to integrate their learning through a combination of academic and work-related activities.”

Learning technology is especially viable for a globally dispersed stakeholder network. Looking at these tactics it would be beneficial to reverse the order when planning any learning solution – start with the end in mind and how you’ll evaluate the performance changes first.

The Importance of measuring Learning Outcomes

Corporate learning outcomes define the success of a training program. Every training department needs to prepare a learning outcome statement for which it can measure the success or failure of any learning program it initiates.

Measuring the impact of learning is essential to business in the following ways:

  • Identify whether the L&D programs are working as intended
  • Measuring and reporting training effectiveness
  • Providing the basis for strategy and transformation of L&D initiatives
  • Testing out new learning method and measuring its effectiveness

These constitute the essentials of organizational L&D and drive learning transformation. Getting the measurement and data strategies right lays the groundwork to promote continuous and positive organizational change.


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