Engaging Top Talent from Hire to Retire

two people sharing hands in an officeIn a recent article in Authority Magazine, Litmos CEO, Mike Scarbrough, had the opportunity to share his thoughts. In the interview, Kage Spatz and Mike discuss effective techniques to identify the best-suited candidates, attract and engage top talent, retain employees in a competitive job market, and the role that Learning & Development plays in hiring and retention.

Techniques to Identify the Best Talent

Hire Based on Character: Assessing a candidate’s moral character and values, in addition to their skills and experience, is essential. Traits like integrity and teamwork are harder to teach than technical skills. Behavioral interview questions and character-based assessments can help gauge a candidate’s decision-making and ethical approach.

Prioritize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Creating equal opportunities for candidates from various backgrounds is crucial. Look beyond traditional education and consider a candidate’s intelligence, curiosity, and eagerness to learn.

Gauge Appetite for Career Development and Growth: Identify areas where candidates have potential for growth and career development. Assess a candidate’s willingness to seek feedback and learn proactively.

Assess Expectations for Company Culture and Work Environment: Evaluate candidates’ compatibility with the company’s culture, values, and team dynamics. Conduct team-based interviews and ask questions related to the company’s core values.

Present Job-related Simulations or Assignments: Use practical assessments and sample assignments mirroring real-world job scenarios. This allows candidates to demonstrate their skills and problem-solving abilities in relevant contexts.

Attracting and Engaging Top Hires

Emphasize Training and Growth Opportunities: Highlight your company’s commitment to employee development and continuous learning. Showcase training programs, mentorship opportunities, and success stories to attract talent.

Showcase Company Culture and People: Promote your unique culture, core values, and positive work environment. Share stories of collaboration and inclusion among employees to give candidates insight into your organization.

Accentuate Industry and Thought Leadership: Position your company as an industry expert by participating in conferences, webinars, and content marketing. Engaging with your community regularly will make your organization more attractive to top talent.

Strategies to Retain Employees

Focus on Employee Training and Learning & Development (L&D): Prioritize continuous learning initiatives, workshops, and resources to empower employees to enhance their skills within the organization.

Foster a Positive Work Environment: Cultivate a supportive and inclusive workplace through open communication, recognition of contributions, and teamwork. Emphasize the importance of DEI in the workplace.

Forge Opportunities for Career Growth and Movement: Provide avenues for career advancement and exploration within the company. Encourage internal promotions, cross-functional projects, and lateral moves to demonstrate a commitment to employee growth.

Identifying the right talent, attracting top hires, and retaining employees require a strategic and holistic approach. By prioritizing character, diversity, growth opportunities, cultural fit, and practical assessments during the hiring process, companies can build a strong and diverse workforce. Read the entire interview here.