Friday Finds | June 1, 2018

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“Life itself is your teacher, and you are in a state of constant learning.” – Bruce Lee

We’re back from a few relaxing days in the surf, sand, and sun ready for the rest of the summer. No matter what season you’re heading into, I hope you enjoy the things I have for you this week. If you do, why not drop a quick note, comment or tweet to say hi!?

The Difference Between Open-Minded and Closed-Minded People

Another great article from Shane Parrish‘s (@farnamstreet) fantastic newsletter. If you’re not subscribed, you really should get on that. 😎 Learn how self-made billionaire and founder of the largest hedge fund in the world Ray Dalio (@RayDalio), lays out seven powerful ways you can tell the difference between open and closed-minded people.

The ability to change your mind is a super power.

Build Your Digital Learning Blueprint

A Mini-MOOC for Learning Executives starting June 4, 2018. This is a self-paced 3-week course by Sam (@SamuelHerring) and Intrepid Learning (@IntrepidLS)

MacGyver of Modern Learning: 8 Ingenious Ways to Re-purpose Online Training Content

This is another of those things I think marketers do a much better job of than most L&D teams. Repurposing existing content in new and different ways is a great way to get more out of your existing content. Christopher Pappas (@cpappas) has 8 good ways to get you started with this line of thinking.

What free online video platform is right for my videos?

A lot of people in L&D rely on large number rely on online/cloud platforms for hosting their videos. This post from Chris Larson (@chrismlarson) and the good people at TechSmith (@techsmith) compares the feature sets of the three most popular, emphasizing the differences between free flavors of the platforms as it relates to educational, how-to, and training screencast videos.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Bright, Saturated Colors for Backgrounds

Are your design choices straining the eyes of people looking at it? If you’re using a bright and saturated color for your background, you’re making it hard for users to keep their eyes on your page. Bright, saturated colors attract the most user attention, but too much of it in a large area overstimulates the retinas which can strain the eyes. Read more in this informative post from UX Movement (@uxmovement)


A few other things just because I can. 😎

Conference News

Design Resources

  • Screenshot Guru – Quick, free & easy high-resolution screen captures of any website or tweet.
  • Wired Elements — a Set of Common UI Elements With a Hand-Drawn, Sketchy Look

Apps I’m trying out this week:

  • Adobe XD, an all-in-one UX/UI solution for designing websites, mobile apps, and more is now available for free!


  • The MindChimp podcast – A podcast all about Learning and Development, including design, marketing, OD, UX, LX, EX and everything in between.

What I’m listening too

Thanks for reading! If you found anything good, forward it to a friend or spread the word with a tweet. 😎

Interested in the things that didn’t make the cut here? Follow me on Twitter or even better, subscribe to my newsletter.

I enjoy sharing my ideas and experience with corporate professionals via workshops, keynote presentations, podcasts, and webinars. Learn more in my Speaking and Workshop Information Sheet.

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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