How to Storyboard if You Can’t Draw: 3 Easy Steps

Storyboarding needs drawing skills. But what if you didn’t have any? In this article, we will help you to create a storyboard even if you can’t draw with just three easy steps! 

Step 1: Conceptualize Your Story

The first and crucial step in our journey is to conceptualize your story thoroughly. Storyboarding begins with a well-defined narrative, so take the time to prepare all the details of your story. What is the purpose of your storyboard? What are the key scenes and elements you want to portray? By answering these questions, you lay the foundation for a coherent and engaging storyboard.


Step 2: Find a Suitable AI Storyboard Generator

You don’t need to draw. You just have to find a suitable AI storyboard generator.


AI storyboard generator is a powerful tool for those who may not possess traditional drawing skills. These tools can transform your conceptualized ideas into visual representations effortlessly. 


But, how?


AI storyboard generators leverage artificial intelligence to interpret input information and translate it into a series of visually engaging frames. These tools are designed to bridge the gap between creativity and technical proficiency, making storyboarding accessible to a wider audience — whether you’re an expert or a beginner. 


To help you in selecting the right AI storyboard, here are a few things to consider:

Criteria for Selecting a Good AI Storyboard Tool

  • User-Friendly Interface: Pick an AI storyboard tool that’s easy to use. A simple interface means less time figuring out the tool and more time focusing on your creative ideas.


  • Customization Options: Choose a tool that lets you personalize your storyboards. Being able to tweak things ensures your final result matches what’s in your head.


  • Good at Telling Stories: Check if the tool can effectively tell your story. You want the AI to understand your input and create visuals that capture the essence of your narrative.


  • Meets Your Specific Needs: Look for a tool that fits your project. Whether it’s for film, marketing, or education, the storyboarding tool should be adaptable to what you’re working on.


  • Works with Your Creative Vision: Ensure the tool aligns with how you envision your project. It should be a helper, not a hurdle, letting you express your ideas clearly and precisely.


Step 3: Utilize the AI Storyboard Generator

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork by conceptualizing your story and identifying a suitable AI storyboard generator, it’s time to delve into the process of bringing your ideas to life with the help of AI technology.


Once you’ve selected an AI storyboard generator, the next step involves inputting detailed information about your story. This includes scene descriptions, dialogue, character actions, and any other relevant details. The more comprehensive and clear your input, the better the AI tool can generate visuals that align with your vision.


After providing the necessary input, sit back and let the AI do its magic. Most AI storyboard generators operate swiftly, transforming your textual input into a series of visual storyboards. This automation not only accelerates the storyboarding process but also eliminates the need for complex drawing skills, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Create storyboards in minutes



3 Tips for Effective Use

While AI storyboard generators streamline the process and make it accessible, there are key considerations and tips to ensure you get the most out of these tools. Here’s how to optimize your experience:


  • Provide Clear and Detailed Input

The accuracy of AI-generated storyboards heavily depends on the clarity of your input. Be meticulous in describing scenes, character actions, and any specific details crucial to your narrative. Clear and detailed input sets the stage for more accurate and visually compelling storyboards.


  • Customize AI-Generated Storyboards for Your Needs

AI tools offer a level of customization to tailor the generated storyboards to your specific preferences. Take advantage of features that allow you to modify scenes, adjust visuals, or add personal touches. This customization ensures that the final output aligns seamlessly with your creative vision.


  • Seek Feedback on Generated Storyboards for Improvement

Collaboration is key in storyboarding and with any creative process. Share the AI-generated storyboards with peers, colleagues, or mentors, and gather constructive feedback. This external perspective can offer insights and improvements, enhancing the overall quality of your storyboards.



The overarching message is clear: Storyboarding is no longer confined to the realm of artists. With the aid of AI technology, storytelling becomes an inclusive and empowering endeavor, accessible to everyone, even those who can’t draw. 

Create storyboards in minutes


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can AI-generated storyboards capture the essence of my creative vision?

Absolutely. While AI storyboard generators rely on your input, the level of detail and clarity you provide significantly influences the accuracy of the output. By offering precise descriptions and key elements, you ensure that the generated storyboards align closely with your creative vision.


How do I choose the right AI storyboard generator for my needs?

Consider factors such as user-friendliness, customization options, and the tool’s ability to convey your narrative effectively. Explore popular AI storyboard generators in the market, and choose one that aligns with your specific requirements. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations can also guide you in making an informed decision.


Can I customize AI-generated storyboards to suit my preferences?

Yes, most AI storyboard generators offer customization options. You can modify scenes, adjust visuals, and add personal touches to ensure that the final output aligns seamlessly with your creative vision. Customization empowers you to make the storyboards uniquely yours.


How can AI-generated storyboards benefit professionals outside the creative industry?

AI-generated storyboards have applications beyond traditional creative fields. Business professionals can use them for marketing campaigns, and educators can leverage them to illustrate complex concepts visually. The adaptability of these tools makes them valuable assets in diverse industries.


Is collaboration possible with AI-generated storyboards?

Absolutely. Collaboration is key to any creative process. Share the AI-generated storyboards with colleagues, peers, or mentors, and gather constructive feedback. External perspectives can offer insights and improvements, enhancing the overall quality of your storyboards.


Are there any limitations to using AI storyboard generators?

While AI storyboard generators are powerful tools, they are not without limitations. They rely on the information provided, so clarity in your input is crucial. Additionally, like any technology, they may not fully replace the nuanced creativity of a human artist, but they serve as valuable aids in the storytelling process.