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Effective leaders adapt to the times. Here are the top leadership skills for business that’s needed in 2024, and why each is so important right now.

Companies, markets, technologies, and cultures continuously evolve. But the need for strong leadership never changes. It’s the details – the specific leadership skills – that change with the times. A leader in a growth economy, for example, should be skilled at innovation and partnership building. But in a declining economy, an effective leader must make clear decisions about how to harness limited resources for the greatest gain.

As we step into a new year, today’s business landscape demands a specific set of leadership skills. Here are the top leadership skills for business that are needed in 2024, and why each is so important right now.


1. Strategic Vision

It’s easy to get distracted by a new competitor, technology, or short-term trend. The ability to see the bigger picture and chart a course for the future is a leadership skill that stands the test of time. In 2024, leaders must possess a strategic vision that aligns with the organization’s purpose and values.

What it looks like

Strategic thinking involves anticipating market trends, understanding customer needs, and positioning the company for long-term success. Leaders who can articulate a compelling vision and inspire their teams to work towards common goals will drive sustained growth and competitiveness.

Why now?

  • Global connections. We operate in a global marketplace, with interconnected challenges and opportunities near and far. Challenges and opportunities in one place affect many others.
  • Geopolitical shifts. The war in Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas conflict, great power competition in the Indo-Pacific region, and a U.S. presidential election are all factors that are shaping – and will continue to shape – the geopolitical world in which businesses are operating.

2. Adaptability

The business environment is increasingly volatile. While a strategic vision is crucial for steering the course toward an envisioned future, leaders who can also swiftly and flexibly adapt to change will have a significant edge.

What it looks like

The ability to reassess strategies, pivot quickly, and embrace innovation is paramount. At a time and in a world when disruptions are the norm, leaders must model flexibility and foster a culture of adaptability within their teams to ensure success.

Why now?

  • Erratic market forces. Most economists predicted a U.S. recession in 2023, but financial markets ended up for the year. What happens in 2024 is yet to be seen.
  • Talent shortage. We enter the year with sustained low unemployment rates, so employers are vying for the same pool of skilled personnel. Adaptable company and HR leaders will be open to new ways of attracting and retaining a skilled workforce.   

3. Digital Literacy

The digital revolution is in full swing, and leaders who are digitally literate will have a distinct advantage.

What it looks like

Understanding emerging technologies, data analytics, and artificial intelligence is crucial for making informed decisions. In 2024, businesses are heavily reliant on digital tools for communication, collaboration, and operations. Leaders who can leverage technology to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive innovation will be better positioned for success in the digital age.

Why now?

  • Generative artificial intelligence. 2023 was a breakout year for generative AI. There are tremendous possibilities for harnessing AI for workplace efficiencies and innovations.
  • Cybersecurity. Cyber-attacks targeting businesses continue to rise. The tactics, techniques, and procedures of malicious actors continue to evolve and escalate, making cyber resilience a necessity for businesses of all sizes.

4. Continuous Learning

Leadership development has always been about equipping leaders to manage anticipated opportunities and challenges. However, with today’s rapid pace of change, it’s difficult to identify what’s next. So, it is crucial for leaders to be continuous learners to stay ahead of the competition.

What it looks like

In a fast-paced business environment, leaders must be responsive to changing circumstances, learn from failures, and continuously improve processes. The ability to continuously learn and lead with agility involves empowering teams, fostering a culture of experimentation, and embracing iterative approaches to problem-solving.

Why now?

  • Multi-generational workforce. Employees from different generations tend to expect different things from their employers. With multiple generations in today’s workforce, leaders need to effectively bridge the gaps and address the needs of each.
  • Fast pace of change. Change is a constant in today’s business world. For companies to thrive, leaders and employees must be adept at change ‒ upskilling and reskilling, as needed, to keep up and move ahead. When companies adopt a culture of continuous learning, from the top down, it is best positioned to navigate the uncharted waters ahead.

5. Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are not buzzwords; they are integral components of successful organizations. Leaders must champion inclusive leadership, fostering a workplace that values diversity of thought, background, and experience.

What it looks like

Inclusive leaders create an environment where all voices are heard, and everyone feels a sense of belonging. This not only enhances creativity and innovation but also contributes to attracting and retaining top talent in an increasingly competitive job market.

Why now?

  • Decline of college degrees. As more companies favor skills over college degrees when making hiring and promotion decisions, they are attracting a more diverse workforce — employees with a broader range of racial, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Generation Z. The youngest workers are fast becoming the largest generation in the workplace, making it an influential force on your culture. Gen Z places a high priority on diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

6. Resilience

Natural disasters, infectious disease, civil unrest, and other challenges of recent years have highlighted the importance of resilience and well-being in the workplace. Leaders who prioritize the mental and physical health of themselves and their teams can create a more engaged and productive workforce.

What it looks like

Resilient leaders lead by example, demonstrating the ability to bounce back from setbacks and maintaining a positive outlook during challenging times. In 2024, where burnout and stress are prevalent, leaders who prioritize employee well-being will build stronger, more loyal teams.

Why now?

  • Wellness is a workplace concern. On the work-life spectrum, wellness is no longer strictly a personal concern. As a Forbes article on the topic articulates, “In the last few years, mental health and wellness have been viewed as critical to the vitality of a company.”
  • Burnout in the workplace. According to the World Health Organization, burnout is now an official diagnosis. As one recent Forbes article points out, “While most leaders feel compelled to ‘grind’ and ‘not rest until the work is done,’ it’s important for leaders to prioritize taking a break.”

7. Communication

Communication is one of those leadership skills for business that’s always near the top of the list. As companies’ employees are increasingly distributed and immersed in “always-on” media and social media, communications from the top are more important than ever.

What it looks like

Strong communicators over-communicate. Communicative leaders are in the habit of frequently, consistently sharing a vision, progress, and next steps. They tell stories and are comfortable sharing compelling updates and celebrations in person and on video.

Why now?

  • Hybrid workplaces. Video-based meetings are now the norm in hybrid workplaces, so company executives and managers must be practiced at effectively connecting with others who may not be in the room.
  • Social and digital media. Increasingly, it is the 24/7 digital presence of social and digital media platforms that shape people’s perceptions – especially young people’s. Absent clear and frequent communications from company leaders, employees will fill the vacuum with their own speculation and input from other sources.


As we navigate the complexities of the business landscape in 2024, leaders must equip themselves with a diverse set of skills to steer their organizations towards success. By cultivating these essential leadership skills for business, leaders will not only successfully navigate the challenges of today, but they will also lay the foundation for a sustainable and prosperous future.

If you’re looking to develop the leaders in your organization, read the Competency Management Toolkit for tips on building leadership skills and competencies at all levels of your organization. Or contact us to see if Avilar’s WebMentor Skills™ competency management systems may support your team.


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