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Artificial Intelligence: value-add or core strategy?

• 2 min read

What if your platform knew your learners’ preferred learning style and medium automatically?

Everyone’s talking about it, some embrace it, others fear it.

Many in “the Know” are saying that the reach of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be equivalent to the third Industrial Revolution.

Global technology leaders, including Elon Musk and Sundar Pichai don’t understate the enormity of what Artificial Intelligence will do to change everything as we know it. Pichai says “AI is more important than fire or electricity.” Meanwhile, Musk says he is only months from a major announcement concerning one of his company’s attempts to merge the human brain with AI

Technology companies everywhere are investing in Artificial Intelligence and exploring how it can add to the services they provide (think Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, etc.)

What if Artificial Intelligence was at the heart of your business?

Many learning companies are investing in AI tools to “enhance” what they currently offer, but is this the right direction?

Surely, having a digital learning platform completely driven by AI is the key to freeing up L&D admins from day-to-day repetitive tasks and giving them the freedom to strategically implement and achieve organizational objectives.

Imagine having a Learning Experience Platform (LEP) that can read and listen to every learning item it is connected with. Tagging and searching for relevant information would be automated, therefore massively leveraging the value of all content, irrespective of its size, format (PDF) or duration (video)

What if your platform knew your learners’ preferred learning style and medium automatically? For example, “Sarah” likes to listen to podcasts on her smartphone (with headphones) on her way to and from work everyday, while “Andrew” would rather have Alexa (bluetooth speakers) to listen to his favorite podcast while he’s milling about at home.

Scratching The Surface of Foundational Change in Learning With Artificial Intelligence

Additionally, think about how many hours are wasted responding to support queries. What if these could be answered immediately, at point of need, within the platform. This would result in the learner’s experience being massively enhanced, while simultaneously saving time (and of course money!)  

These are not concepts. This functionality is reality. Not tomorrow, but today. The best learning platform companies are working on this technology and some are mere days away from implementing the foundational changes that will move the industry markedly into the future.

Perhaps it’s time to free up some time at work and give them a call….