5 Tips for Writing eLearning Storyboards

If you want to create a compelling, engaging, and enjoyable eLearning experience, the first thing you need to do is write a great eLearning storyboard. It’s the backbone of the course and without one, you are left with an unfulfilling experience that no one will peruse.

It’s not the easiest task however. When writing an eLearning storyboard, you need to be creative and persuasive and your technical writing skills have to be on point at all times. Your aim is to excite people, not bore them. But how do you do this? How do you motivate and teach people without drowning them in a sea of boring content?


A Quick Guide to Writing eLearning Storyboards

Below are my 5 tips on how to write eLearning storyboards that clearly deliver concepts and facts while still being fun and engaging.

1. Plan

One of the key elements to creating alluring and immersive content is planning. Make sure that you brainstorm your ideas until you get a clear picture of how you want your storyboard to end up. Make a list of all the things that you think make an engaging and helpful eLearning storyboard and make sure that your storyboard has every positive attribute that made it to your list. Extensive planning will create stability and clarity well before you start drafting a storyboard, which is what you need.

2. Focus on your audience

Remember that when you are writing eLearning storyboards, you are doing it for the audience; therefore, you should always have them in mind as you form the material. Think about what they want and how they would like to be treated. Far too many storyboards patronize the audience, so do the opposite; treat them like grown-ups and think of their wants and needs before anything else.

3. Inform and entertain

A common mistake people make when writing eLearning storyboards is information over content. Far too often, you will see people write pages upon pages of information-packed bullet points. And while they mean well, the truth is it’s boring your audience to tears. You have to consider that people don’t have a lot of free time, so if they invest in eLearning, they don’t want to spend their limited time bored and complacent. Aim to make it fun and informative.

4. Keep it straightforward

As I mentioned earlier, an overwhelming amount of information is the opposite of what you want, and the same goes for how you present the information. To create an eLearning storyboard that people can enjoy, you need to keep it straightforward. That doesn’t mean you need to ‘dumb it down;’ just try to avoid convoluted content as much as you possibly can.

5. Use your words wisely

The words you use are incredibly important when it comes to creating an enjoyable eLearning experience. You need to use words that paint vivid pictures, which will keep people engaged at all times and even excited at what may come next. You also need to know when to use big words and when to use simple words. For example, people tend not to use massive words when speaking so keeping it simple during speech gives your eLearning storyboard a real and relatable feel. If you pay attention to important details like this, you will be able to create excellent content.

If you want to keep people coming back for more, you need to make sure that you showcase some excellent writing; it’s the easiest way to make people want to learn. Be sure to take note of some of the steps in this quick guide and you will be able to create an eLearning storyboard that is incredibly compelling.

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