woman being thought new manager skills

Climbing the corporate ladder to reach the executive suite is a significant milestone that took years of dedicated goal setting, career mapping, and hard work. Employees at this level tend to be high performers and are career-driven, but once they’ve reached the executive level there can be ambiguity about what new goals to set and how to continue developing their careers. 

The challenge lies in sustaining and advancing their careers in an ever-evolving business landscape which isn’t just about maintaining the status quo but about continuously seeking new opportunities for growth, learning, and professional fulfillment.

In this blog, we’ll explore some key strategies for executives to navigate their career development journey, set realistic leadership development goals, and thrive in their roles.

The “Pre-Game” of Leadership Development

With the vast potential of leadership training, it’s crucial not to overlook the foundational skills that form the bedrock of effective leadership. Before diving into advanced career development and skill-building opportunities, it’s important to make sure that executives possess exceptional abilities in fundamental skill areas such as communication, adaptability, active listening, time management, and delegation, among others.

Once it’s established that leaders excel in these key areas, they’re ready for additional career development initiatives and skill enhancement programs.

But how can organizations determine if their leaders are indeed prepared to take the next steps in their professional growth? Let’s explore some strategies for assessing their readiness:

  • Performance Reviews: When discussing performance reviews for executives it’s important to note that these individuals’ job performance is being considered on a frequent if not daily basis. So, when talking about performance reviews in this context, specifically look at skill competencies in these three key areas: as managers, as individual contributors, and as leaders of the company culture
  • By categorizing evaluations in this way, it becomes simpler to identify areas where each executive may require additional skill enhancement and training.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Soliciting feedback from peers, and subordinates through a 360-degree feedback process offers a well-rounded perspective on an executive’s leadership capabilities. This multi-dimensional feedback can identify blind spots and areas for growth that may not be apparent through self-assessment alone. This can be easily executed through a company-wide survey.
  • Leadership Assessments: Implementing standardized leadership assessments or psychometric tests – think aptitude tests, situation judging, critical reasons, etc. – can help objectively measure an executive’s skills and traits against established benchmarks. These assessments can provide quantifiable data to inform decisions about career development opportunities.
  • Observation and Mentorship: Providing opportunities for executives to work closely with mentors or coaches allows for ongoing observation and feedback on their leadership performance. Mentors can provide valuable guidance and support while assessing an executive’s readiness for new challenges.

Performance evaluation in C-suite and executive positions can be both familiar and distinct compared to other roles within the organization. While the basic principles of assessment apply, the expectations for executives extend far beyond completing routine tasks. In these pivotal roles, individuals are entrusted with making profound impacts, and their decisions carry immense weight in determining the company’s success. Consequently, executives may feel constant scrutiny and pressure, leading to heightened levels of stress and anxiety.

With this in mind, organizations should take great interest in the mental well-being of their executives and ensure that their skills in maintaining work-life balance are exemplary. After all, a resilient and balanced leadership team is essential for driving sustained success and fostering a positive company culture.

Along these lines, in the fast-paced world of executive leadership, where each role demands a diverse set of abilities, personalized skill development is the key to long-term success and career growth.

Tailoring learning paths to suit executives’ busy schedules and specific needs saves time by delivering targeted training and microlearning for quick skill boosts, and focused support where it’s needed most.

By avoiding overwhelming executives with unnecessary information and exhaustive trainings that take these high performers away from their daily responsibilities, tailored development paths focus on the precise skills they need to succeed in their roles without distraction and ensure better knowledge retention overall.

Developing Leadership Goals

The journey of career development at the executive level is not just about climbing the corporate ladder—it’s about crafting a narrative of personal and professional fulfillment. It’s about embracing the freedom to explore new paths, take calculated risks, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Here, the goals for leadership development merge the personal with the organizational, striking a delicate balance that fuels sustainable career growth while maintaining excellence in their current role.

Let’s explore some examples of smart leadership goals for executive career development.

1. Set Strategic Career Goals

Even as executives, it’s essential to set clear and strategic career goals to guide your professional journey. These goals should align with personal aspirations, organizational objectives, and broader industry trends. Whether it’s expanding one’s leadership responsibilities, pursuing new opportunities for innovation, or transitioning to a different sector, having a roadmap for one’s career trajectory is crucial for continued growth and success.

2. Invest in Ongoing Learning and Skill Development

The learning journey doesn’t end at the executive level; it evolves. Executives must stay up-to-date with emerging trends, technologies, and best practices relevant to their industry and role. This may involve attending executive learning programs, obtaining advanced certifications, or participating in industry conferences and workshops.

Additionally, seeking out opportunities to develop soft skills such as emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and effective communication can enhance leadership effectiveness and overall career trajectory.

3. Foster a Culture of Mentorship and Coaching

As an executive, it’s essential to both seek out mentors and serve as a mentor to others. Mentors can provide invaluable guidance, support, and perspective as you navigate the complexities of executive leadership. Additionally, serving as a mentor to up-and-coming leaders not only fosters a culture of learning and development within the organization but also helps refine leadership skills and reinforce individual knowledge and expertise.

4. Cultivate a Diverse Network

Networking remains critical for executive career development, but at this level, it’s essential to focus on cultivating a diverse and strategic network. Look beyond one’s immediate industry or circle of colleagues to connect with thought leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from different sectors and backgrounds. Engaging with a diverse network can provide fresh insights, new opportunities for collaboration, and a broader perspective on industry trends and challenges.

5. Seek Stretch Assignments and New Challenges

To continue growing as an executive, individuals need to seek out stretch assignments and new challenges that push them out of their comfort zone. This could involve leading cross-functional initiatives, spearheading strategic transformations, or taking on leadership roles in high-impact projects. Embracing these opportunities not only keeps skills sharp but also demonstrates one’s value as a dynamic and adaptable leader within the organization.

6. Prioritize Work-Life Balance and Well-Being

As individuals advance in their careers, it’s easy for them to fall into the trap of prioritizing work at the expense of their well-being. However, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for sustained career success and personal fulfillment. Making time for activities outside of work that rejuvenate them physically, mentally, and emotionally, whether it’s spending time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, or engaging in mindfulness practices, is vital. Remembering that taking care of oneself is not only vital for one’s own well-being but also makes them a more effective and resilient leader.

7. Stay Agile and Adaptive

In today’s fast-paced business environment, agility and adaptability are essential qualities for executive success. Being prepared to pivot and embrace change is important, whether it’s in response to shifting market dynamics, emerging technologies, or organizational restructuring. By staying agile and adaptive, executives can position themselves as forward-thinking leaders capable of navigating uncertainty and driving positive outcomes in any situation.

Leadership Goals: The Bigger Picture

In the realm of executive career development, the journey is as important as the destination. Development is an ongoing journey that requires proactive planning, continuous learning, and a commitment to personal and professional growth.

It’s not uncommon for these employees to feel stuck in their current roles but there are clear pathways to personal and professional growth. By setting strategic goals, investing in ongoing learning and skill development, fostering mentorship and coaching relationships, cultivating a diverse network, seeking out new challenges, prioritizing well-being, and staying agile and adaptive, executives can continue to thrive and make meaningful contributions in their roles.

Having the right tools including a strong presence on networking sites such as Linked In and products that offer easy access to skills development can be great first steps to developing career goals at this level. Explore how leadership development programs can inspire excellence from C Suite and Executive-level employees while encouraging continuous growth from employees at every level.