Critical Business Communication Setbacks – Challenges and Remedies

Successful Business

Ever since the realm of corporate affairs has taken a high flight, things have changed drastically around us. According to a statistical survey, 28% of business houses reported poor communication as the primary cause behind failing to deliver a project on time. This is a clear indication of the fact that seamless communication within organization is apparently one of the major factors behind ensuring satisfactory turnover rates at the end of the day.

As a student, working on business communication homework help you to develop nitty-gritty concepts of its theoretical aspects. But, merely getting the hang of theoretical communicative elements won’t help your business grow in real. You need to learn about practicalities and hone skills on how to how to determine and to eliminate the challenges of business communication.

So, invest your time and attention in reading this blog and know how to establish a seamless communicative environment within your present business model.

Happy reading!

Problem #1: Clash between professional and personal communications

Many a time, we tend to forget or ignore the differences between personal and professional communication. For example, a subordinate gets to hear a few rude words from his/her superior, pertaining to a major glitch on professional grounds. Ideally, the subordinate should take it as a part of the profession, as all days are not the same at work.

However, the chances are that the person won’t take it in the way it is supposed to be. Rather, he/she would end up taking personal offense, which, in turn, would bring an impact on productivity and performance in the long run.

Remedy: Both employee and the employer must learn how to take things professionally, without intruding or disrespecting someone’s personal space. If someone ends up shouting at a subordinate, then the person might suffer low morale.

They must be respectful of each other while communicating. Workplace discrimination and personal comments or derogatory remarks made in workplaces are nothing new. But, its high time things should change for the better.

Superiors must acknowledge the fact that constant pokes and nudges would only make the employee feel frustrated in the long run.

Problem #2: Lack of fact-based communication

Imagine you are associated with a company as an IT manager. Your boss emails you to take charge of persistent issues detected in the server. What would you do? You would probably ask your subordinates to look into the matter and get it fixed at the earliest. Your subordinates, in turn, fix the issue and send across a closure mail. Would it solve the entire purpose of streamlining communicative hiccups stuck in the funnel? The answer is NO! Wondering why?

That’s because the communication wasn’t successful on various grounds. First of all, there’s no written record of the day/date of the issue fixture commencement. Secondly, your subordinates haven’t provided you with a report on the issue closure.

As a result, you won’t be able to present anything before your boss, if he/she wishes to learn or know what exactly the issue was, and how it was resolved.

Remedy: Every business organization must focus on the aspect of ensuring proper follow-ups. If you aim to follow up communication, then it would allow you to come up with factual data at the end of the day. Merely initiating a communication won’t help you to resolve an issue in a proper manner. Rather, one must choose to be constructive in such approaches. Here’s how:

  • Create a follow-up schedule for issues escalations or internal issues raised.
  • Do not just leave things halfway, only in the form of a couple of official mails.
  • Deploy proper follow-ups, keep the right personnel in “CC”, add “BCC” recipients, prior to sending across a communication mail.
  • In any form of communication, you would try to establish, be clearly specific about the cause of communication, conflicting factors (if any).
  • Also, try to mention the tentative date on which you would aim to close the communication.
  • Each of these records would serve the purpose of future follow-ups on the same issue, and easy references on the go.

Problem #3: Lack of privacy while communicating

When you are at the workplace, nothing really is private in its truest sense. And this could be one of the biggest business communication issues down the road. Most verbal communications among the business essay help heads are at the risk of being overheard and judged by third parties.

Even if they decide to shift communications to emails and phone calls, there’s always a risk of being vulnerable to hackers, tapped phone calls and the likes.

Remedy: Here are some quintessentially critical communication guidelines for you to follow at the professional front. 

  • Be choosy in terms of disclosing critical information, especially when each and every team member is present.
  • If you feel the information is too confidential to talk about, simply send across a message to the person you would intent to communicate with.
  • Look for secure file sharing apps such as Zapya, ShareMe, Files by Google and Xender to communicate by sharing information securely.
  • Use reliable VPN services if you choose to connect with clients or conduct a live video session under strict surveillance and security.

Problem #4: Reacting without understanding the context

In business, the ground rule applies for everyone, and it says that one must listen to the client proposal carefully, prior to reacting or responding to it right away. For instance, you have attended a client meet and exposed to a couple of convoluted proposals and project briefs, what would you do? Do not come up with negative responses or unfavorable reactions just because you couldn’t understand the context of the discussion. It would only lead you to lose business in the long run.

This has been one of the most critical issues behind weak business communications, leading to unfavorable clientele relationships.

Remedy: The idea is to practice and master the art of “listening”. Unless you are a good listener, you won’t be able to achieve successful milestones in the near future.

Here are some smart tips for you to consider in this context.

  • Don’t just sit and listen to the other person. You must interact as well.
  • Ask more questions and keep a note of the answers you would receive.
  • Critically think over the proposals placed by your clients, evaluate the pros and cons of the project in the queue and proceed with a decision accordingly.
  • Also, create a mind map and prepare for the conversation prior to initiating the same.

So, take note of each of the problems as discussed above, focus on the remedies as mentioned, and never miss out on establishing a steady in-house and external business communication.


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