Mobile First Learning: Why You Should Adopt It Now

Mobile First Learning: Why You Should Adopt It Now
2 minute read

The restaurant, retail and hospitality industries continue to struggle with the highest rate of employee turnover in the United States. According to the National Restaurant Association, the turnover rate hit 74.9% in 2018. With the average cost to replace an employee ranging from $5,000 to $10,000, company CEOs, HR leaders, and managers have valid reasons to worry. 

Fortunately, most employees quit for known reasons, and lack of adequate training is a major contributing factor that you can, and must do something about it now. Why? Over 65% of HR leaders intend to prioritize learning and development this year. So if you don't hop in, your chances of attracting and retaining employees will continue dwindling. And it's not just about retention.

Studies show that employers who offer exceptional training programs tend to:

  • Increase their overall effectiveness
  • Accelerate learning curves for new employees
  • Boost employee engagement
  • Build their brand

So, how can you offer an exceptional training program? In this blog post, we explain why embracing mobile first learning in your hotel or restaurant can help you achieve that. But first, let's look at mobile responsive vs. mobile-first learning.

Mobile Responsive Vs. Mobile-First Learning

Mobile learning is here to stay. It's no longer a question of whether to use mobile devices to train employees, but rather, how to use them. Currently, there are two options: a mobile responsive LMS and a mobile-first LMS.

Mobile Responsive

A mobile responsive LMS is designed in such a way that the content can be viewed clearly on any screen size, from desktop computers to tablets and smartphones. As long as your employees have an internet connection, they can access the learning content.

Although mobile responsive learning can be cheaper at first, it comes with certain drawbacks, such as:

  • Video files buffering or taking up space.
  • Risk of bandwidth limitation when several devices are connected.
  • Prone to inconsistencies during updates.
  • Security concerns

Mobile First

A mobile-first LMS delivers training to your employees through apps. Therefore, employees can still access learning content when they don't have an internet connection.

Now that you know the two options, here is why adopting mobile first learning is better.

Benefits Of Embracing Mobile-First Learning In The Workplace 

On Job Training

Exceptional training programs are delivered where employees actually work. And since mobile-first LMS is highly portable, your employees will get the right training on the job. Also, they can access the material whenever they need to solve a problem.

Immediate Access To Updates

Unlike mobile responsive LMS where updates are done in steps, mobile-first learning eliminates the stages. Once an authorized user makes an update, it is transmitted instantly across the network without sending notification emails.

Brand Consistency

Employees across various branches of your hotels or restaurants can receive identical training through their tablets. The consistency will definitely reach the customer and will, in turn, boost your brand and customer satisfaction ratings.

Promotes Collaboration

With a vast network of connected mobile devices, the collaboration between employees at different levels is easier. For example, CEOs can communicate with branch managers to get regular updates and HR teams can compare notes to ensure the training offered meets the required standards.

Practical and Interactive 

A mobile first strategy offers a higher level of practicality and interactivity. Quizzes and video content will not only keep employees engaged in learning, but also give them the opportunity to experience practical applications of the training. This makes it more practical than confining employees in a classroom and bombarding them with a lot of information.

Key Takeaways

Technology has revolutionized corporate learning and development. Retail and hospitality organizations who adopt the solution will:

  • Reduce training costs
  • Engage and motivate employees
  • Reduce employee turnover
  • Maintain brand consistency
  • Improve customer satisfaction rating
  • Increase profit margins.

For more information, read our guide: Why A Mobile-First (Vs. A Mobile-Responsive) Training Strategy Wins Every Time.  

why a mobile first learning strategy wins every time