eLearning Strategies

LearnWorlds vs Teachable vs Thinkific vs Kajabi Vs EdApp: Which One Tops AI Content Creation?

Androniki Koumadoraki Content Writer LearnWorlds
13 min
LearnWorlds AI LMS vs Teachable vs Thinkific vs Kajabi Vs EdApp

Artificial Intelligence has been the talk of the town for a while now, with ChatGPT being one of the most significant AI-related advancements this year.

ChatGPT has been trained with machine learning algorithms and deep learning techniques and demonstrates extraordinary natural language processing capabilities. The result? This unique technology has reshaped content creation, making it faster and more effortless than ever.

Naturally, the eLearning industry couldn’t be left unaffected – we see all the more Learning Management Systems incorporating AI technology to offer automations, facilitate content creation, and help educators and trainers build personalized learning paths.

In this post, we compare 5 top AI-driven platforms and their AI capabilities regarding content creation: LearnWorlds, Kajabi, Thinkific, Teachable, and EdApp.


a screenshot of the LearnWorlds landing page showing a course outline created with AI

The LearnWorlds AI assistant is integrated into our platform to help you create your course fast and efficiently every step of the way. From generating a detailed course outline to offering personalized learner feedback, our top-notch AI tools have your back.

But what matters more than speed is quality – and here’s where our AI-powered LMS platform outshines the competition.

Powered by GPT-3.5, the LearnWorlds AI assistant, has been designed by our eLearning experts and features 200 prebuilt prompts – something that no other platform offers. The prompts are customizable and cover diverse use cases, ensuring you won’t leave any important details out.

The quality is evident not only in the way the LearnWorlds AI assistant is built but also in the options available.

💁 For example, with LearnWorlds, you won’t built a random course – you can choose your preferred learning model and activities to create a course built on proven methodologies and according to your preferences and learners’ needs.

LearnWorlds AI assistant doesn’t simply follow – it leads, guiding you toward eLearning best practices and teaching methods you may have been unaware of. More than learning content, our user-friendly AI tool has been designed to offer real-time assistance and guidance and to build memorable, personalized learning experiences.

AI functionality

Course Planner

Course creation can be quite time-consuming. And isn’t it frustrating that much of this time is dedicated to planning the course before actually creating any content? Well, not anymore!

The LearnWorlds AI assistant is available for you inside the platform’s Course Builder to help you craft in-depth course outlines tailored to your needs and preferences.

You need to insert at least the main topic and type of learning activities you want to include. For a 100% custom-tailored outline, you can additionally define the following:

Of course, you have complete control over the output, as you can alter the built-in prompts, modify certain parts of the output (add/reduce activities, reorder sections and modules, and more), or ask the AI assistant to regenerate the outline from scratch.

You can use this feature even with existing courses. Let AI suggest new sections and activities to enrich your course and add value to your learners.

👉 Learn more about how to use the LearnWorlds AI Assistant to create a course outline in this article.

Ebook Writer

Another lengthy part of content creation is writing an eBook. And it’s even more time-consuming when writing is not your strongest skill. The thing is, eBooks are fantastic magnet leads and the preferred learning method for your visual learners.

Before you give up on eBooks and miss the opportunity to attract leads and engage your learners, try our AI assistant.

There’s a lot the LearnWorlds AI Assistant can help you with:

And that’s not all – not by a long shot! LearnWorlds AI assistant can additionally generate the following:

Imagine adding content like that to your eBook! Even the most reluctant readers will reconsider how fun books can be – not to mention that the educational value of your eBook will skyrocket. Adding a funny story or explaining a concept as a popular character will definitely keep your learners hooked and, as a result, improve knowledge retention.

👉 Learn more about how to author ebooks using the LearnWorlds AI Assistant in this article.

Content Editor

Need a second pair of eyes to check your learning materials, landing page copy, or emails? Because developing a learning program and building all that content means there are bound to be a few typos here and there.

LearnWorlds Content Editor is available inside the Ebook Builder, Email Editor, and Site Builder and can make massive improvements to your text.

💁 Tip: Use the AI assistant’s content editing capabilities while you’re in the Site Builder to improve your landing page copy. The AI assistant offers you so many options to rework the original content that even the most dull text can be transformed into a compelling landing page!

👉 Learn more about LearnWorlds’ content editing capabilities using AI here.

Assessment Designer

Assessments are an integral part of the learning journey, from start to finish. They help you measure learner progress and verify whether your students have achieved the learning outcomes before awarding them a certification.

The LearnWorlds AI assistant can generate assessment questions or edit the ones you’ve created on your own, both for your graded and non-graded assessments. You can select:

With the content editor functionality, you can proofread and improve your text afterward.

👉 Learn more about how to create assessments using the LearnWorlds AI Assistant in this article.

Personalized Feedback Generator

Personalized learning should include constructive, personalized feedback. Whether in employee training or generic online courses, feedback is an integral part of the learning process, as it invites learners to reflect and draw valuable insights about their approach to studying.

In the LearnWorlds platform, all the assessments pending review are in the Review Center. Just go to the one you want to review, locate the AI assistant widget, and allow it to generate feedback! You can do so for both graded and non-graded assessments.

You have several options here for personalized feedback:

Once again, you can polish the text with the help of AI, and you can choose between delivering the feedback automatically or manually.

👉 Learn more about how to provide feedback for assessments using the LearnWorlds AI Assistant in this article.

Email Creator

Learner engagement is cultivated beyond the immediate learning environment. So, last but not least, let’s see how you can craft email notifications powered by AI to build and maintain a good rapport with your audience.

In LearnWorlds, you can send automated notification emails to your users when certain key events occur, e.g., upon course enrollment, registration, subscription renewal, etc. All these types of emails feature templates that you can build on.

Alternatively, you can use the LearnWorlds AI assistant to:

👉 Learn more about how to craft school email notifications using the LearnWorlds AI Assistant in this article.

AI availability

Available in all plans and the 30-day free trial with the following prompt limits per month:

LearnWorlds pricing plans


a screenshot fo Kajabi's landing page showing the platform's AI tools in light blue background

Another AI-based Learning Management System, Kajabi has introduced the AI creator hub with free-to-use AI tools and some tools available for paying customers only.

Here’s what Kajabi’s list of AI tools includes:

AI functionality

Course Outline Generator (Free)

The Course Outline Generator will create for you a course outline that includes modules and sections. All you need to do here is provide the course topic. The tool doesn’t offer any options to add more specifications.

Lesson Content Generator (Free)

This works similarly to the course outline. You enter the topic you want to discuss, and the AI assistant will generate relevant content and a brief summary in bullet points.

Landing Page Copy Generator (Free)

To help you sell more courses, Kajabi’s AI assistant generates copy for your sales page. Insert your topic, and you’ll get an organized landing page with sections and a CTA.

We chose the topic “Introduction to Marketing Psychology,” and this is what it came up with:

Sales Email Copy Generator (Free)

Insert your course topic, and the Sales Email Copy Generator will come up with a catchy email to help you convert your email subscribers into paying customers.

Sales Video Script Generator (Free)

The sales video script is a helpful tool if you’re planning to create a video to promote your online training program.

Social Media Content Generator (Free)

To generate a social media post, simply insert a course topic and the platform you want to publish it on.

Content Assistant (Paid)

The Content Assistant is available inside the course builder and it can generate a course outline for you. In addition to modules and lessons, which is what the free tool generates, it will also suggest resources (learning activities). You can use it to refresh the outline of existing courses as well and get ideas about new content you could add.

Conversational AI Assistant (Paid, in Beta)

Kajabi offers a conversational AI assistant (chatbot), Ama, which can generate several types of content for you, like blog posts, sales emails, copy for your landing page, code for your website, and more. All you need to do is to start a chat with Ama and write a detailed prompt.

Creator Studio (Paid, in Beta)

The Creator Studio repurposes video content with the help of AI. Use this tool to turn an existing video into new written and video content – from an email or newsletter to a landing page, blog post, or video clip.

Content Assistant for Mobile App (Paid)

Kajabi offers a Content Assistant in the Creator App which can create an email or social media post for you. It only needs some basic information about the topic you want to discuss before it generates the content.

AI availability

The AI Creator hub tools are available on Kajabi’s website and are free for everyone to use. Ama, Creator Studio, and the Content Assistant in the Creator App are available for paying customers only. The Creator Studio is still in Beta, so t the moment it’s currently available on all plans for free.

Kajabi pricing plans


a screenshot of Thinkific's landing page showing a young woman holding a camera and smiling

Another AI-powered Learning Management System suitable for online learning courses and corporate training, Thinkific offers AI tools for course creators. Almost all of them are available for free on its website.

Thinkific’s AI tools barely touch the surface of course creation and focus on business aspects like name generation. You cannot use Thikinifc’s AI to create any actual content that you can use inside your course.

AI functionality

Business Name Generator

Insert a brief description of your business (be it an online school or community, etc.) and your target audience, and this tool will come up with 9 potential names for your business. You can ask it to regenerate more ideas if you don’t like any of the suggestions.

As with every other similar function (course name, community name, etc), Thinkific warns you that the name might be registered or trademarked and that it’s your responsibility to check its availability.

Course Name Generator

Similarly, by inserting a course description and your audience, Thinkific AI will produce 9 catchy names for your online course.

Community Name Generator

Insert a community description and target audience to receive 9 suggestions by Thinkific AI.

Social Posts Generator

To help this tool generate a social media post for you, you insert the product you’re promoting (it could be a course, community, digital download, etc.), the topic (what your product is about), and the audience.

Group Topic Generator

This tool can generate questions for group discussions. Insert the learning topic of your product and give it some more details if you want to guide it toward a specific subject, and it will come up with a list of questions.

Course Idea Generator

If you’re stuck thinking about what your next course should be about, this tool can help you brainstorm. Share with the Couse Idea Generator your areas of interest, target audience, available content, and titles of that content, and it will bring some interesting course ideas to the table.

AI Course Outline Generator

This tool is exclusive to Thinkific users with a paid plan and works similarly to the free tools. First, you insert some information about your audience and their knowledge level, the goal of the course, and learning objectives. Then, the Course Outline Generator will develop a course outline broken down into chapters and text lessons.

AI availability

Thinkific’s AI tools are available for free on its website, except for the Course Outline Generator which is available to customers on paid plans only.

Thinkific pricing plans


a screenshot of Teachable's landing page showing a young man working on laptop in a casual setting

Teachable’s AI hub is a set of AI tools integrated into the platform that help you move past creative blocks and the tedious parts of course creation. Let’s see Teachable’s AI tools one by one.

AI functionality

Curriculum Generator

The Curriculum Generator works pretty straightforwardly: name your course, add a brief description of what it’s about, and voila! You’ll get a course outline with sections and lessons. If you don’t like the output, you can ask for a rework.

Quiz Generator

The quiz generator helps you design multiple-choice quizzes, which is the only type of quiz that Teachable offers anyway. Go to the section where you want to add the quiz (it must contain text content), and ask the Quiz Generator to create a quiz. You can modify or enrich the quiz generated as you see fit.

Summary Generator

The Summary Generator will create summaries out of text content for you. This feature is not available for entire courses but for course sections. The AI will process the text and create a summary for you that you can add to any part of the course you like.

Subtitle & Translation Generator

The Subtitle Generator can generate subtitles in 8 languages, which it can later translate into 72 languages. The tool is available in the video editor, so you can quickly process the videos you want directly within your course.

Lesson Writing Assistant

This AI assist tool can generate text for your lessons to speed up the content development process. Provide it with a brief description of the lesson topic and choose the desired length type and style (you can choose between casual, neutral, or formal), and it will generate text.

AI availability

AI tools are available across all plans, including the free plan. The only exception is the Subtitle Generator, which is available on paid plans only.

Teachable pricing plans


a screenshot of EdApp's landing page showing the platform's AI tool

EdApp is a mobile LMS that offers an AI-powered course builder. It recently launched AI Create, a set of three AI-powered tools to help course creators save time from the brainstorming and research part of course creation.Let’s have a look at the AI functionality.

AI functionality

Course Creator

This tool can generate a one-lesson course for you. Insert the course topic and a few keywords or a summary, and “AI Create” will return with not only text but also slides and images (pulled out from Bing) as well. If you want to launch one or more mini-courses as lead magnets, this tool is a good time saver.

Lesson Creator

With the Lesson Creator, you can create lessons within an existing course as long as you provide the tool with some key points it can process and expand on. Similarly to the course creator, the Lesson generator will generate a lesson with text, slides, and images.

Questions Creator

The Questions Generator can create multiple-choice, circle-the-answer, chat, and carousel questions for your lesson. Enter your topic, some keywords, or a small paragraph, and you’ll have your quiz ready in a few seconds.

AI Translation

EdApp’s AI translation tool can translate all your course content at once into more than 100 languages with 60-70% accuracy. After the AI translator has translated your course, link the translated version to the original course to enable learners to access the course in the language their devices are set.

AI availability

AI Create is available on the free plan, while AI translation is available on the Pro Plan and above.

EdApp pricing plans

Which AI-powered LMS Ticks All the Boxes?

As you can see, LearnWorlds stands as the leading AI-based Learning Management System, equipped with an unparalleled AI assistant that proactively guides you.

Here are some exclusive features you won’t find in any other platform but LearnWorlds:

✅ Feedback generator
✅ Advanced content editor
✅ Assessment designer with multiple assessment options
✅ Personalized instructional design approach
✅ Over 200 pre-built prompts!

What’s remarkable about the LearnWorlds AI Assistant is that it helps you grow as an online educator.

For example, you may not know much about instructional approaches or types of feedback. Or maybe Bloom’s taxonomy sounds like a boarding game to you. By listing the most commonly used options in the pre-built prompts, the AI assistant invites you to explore new eLearning concepts further and hone your skills.

So, if you’re looking for an e-learning platform that has been created to deliver effective learning experiences before anything else, your search has come to an end. Try LearnWorlds today with a 30-day free trial and work your magic with the help of the most advanced AI assistant.

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Androniki Koumadoraki Content Writer LearnWorlds
Androniki Koumadoraki

Androniki is a Content Writer at LearnWorlds sharing Instructional Design and marketing tips. With solid experience in B2B writing and technical translation, she is passionate about learning and spreading knowledge. She is also an aspiring yogi, a book nerd, and a talented transponster.