Course Creation & Design

A Step-by-Step Guide With Video Editing Tips for Beginners

7 min

So you’ve got an idea to share with the world. Maybe it’s for your brand, your personal vlog, or a great course you want to publish online. But you haven’t created a course before.

The number of courses already available on the market can overwhelm you, and if you don’t know what to do to publish a course, you may feel intimidated.

So we’ve taken the liberty of breaking the process down into simple steps to get you from concept to published video course as quickly as possible without compromising on the quality of your final product.

Step 1 – Planning your video

While it may be tempting to get started on the fly with your idea in hand and hope for the best, your best bet is to prepare your video carefully so that you are guaranteed better results when you do sit down to film.. Start by expanding on your idea and ascertaining who your audience is.

When sharing ideas via video, you are essentially public speaking without the fear of standing in front of an audience. Preparing your message to deliver to the audience is essentially the same process.

Know Your Audience

If you have an established channel, take a look at your viewer demographics. If you don’t have access to such data, it’s okay; you can still get a good idea of who you’re speaking to by deciding who you want to talk to.

Outline Your Topic

Take time to research your topic further. See what other people have to say about the subject, and pick your favorite parts. Try not to fall down the internet rabbit hole, it’s an easy thing to do, and you will never run out of fascinating things to read or watch.

Also, note how other people chose to present your topic and see which ones you want to model your video presentation. If you don’t see a lot of material on your topic of choice, that’s okay. Research the pieces of it that you can find information on. Wikipedia is a great place to start searching.

Once you’ve researched, write down your own thoughts on your subject–people aren’t coming to you just for a bland write-up they could find in an online encyclopedia. They’re here to see your take on it as well.

Once you have all your thoughts and research on paper, organize them in a logical fashion that flows well from topic to topic, and you’re ready for step 3.

Write A Script

Writing a script is optional but highly recommended, especially if your video is on the longer side. As soon as the camera is rolling, it’s almost guaranteed that your mind will go blank. So, before you start filming, write a script.

This works differently for different people–some prefer every word prepared beforehand, others like to improve on a topic and work off a bullet-point list. Assemble whichever method works best for you.

If you’re a beginner and not yet sure which one works for you, try both and see which result you like better when you’re looking back at your footage for editing.

Step 2 – Equipment & Tools

Once your script is ready, you’re almost good to go! Your next step to success is assembling the tools you need so that you can broadcast your carefully crafted message or curriculum to the online masses.

In an online world crammed with people uploading courses and video tutorials, the way to stand out is to have better quality audio, video, and self-presentation. Let’s take that apart:


Did you know that, given a choice between good audio and good video, most people select to have good audio? Here’s how to optimize your audio:


While good audio should be prioritized over good video, that doesn’t mean you should leave it on the wayside by any means. Set yourself up in a space with good lighting that enhances your features and brightens up your message.

Step 3 – Filming Your Video

Your background and lighting are ready, your audio is optimized, and now you need to get the best out of you to make this presentation perfect. You can achieve this by making sure you’re warmed up and feeling ready to present–there are a lot of good warm-ups to get you primed to present online, like this one that takes less than 10 minutes. Find one that works for you and save it to use before each camera session.

You want to look straight at the camera, sit or stand with good posture and speak warmly and comfortably. How to look directly into the camera and still have your eyes on your script? That’s where the teleprompter comes in.

It’s the secret to the most successful online courses, and BIGVU has the best one that works with your iPhone, Android, or computer.

In just a few steps, you can copy and paste your script into the BIGVU teleprompter (or even write it up in the teleprompter from scratch) and adjust the teleprompter speed to your speaking rate and speak your message directly to the camera, comfortably and easily.

BIGVU works with all languages and will turn your script into captions afterward so you can easily make your presentations accessible to anyone, including those who enjoy subtitles.

If you choose not to script, you’re still good to go since BIGVU’s voice-to-text feature will transcribe your off-the-cuff monologue into captions as well.

The prompter is free to use, and for a small fee, you can upgrade to a number of excellent features that make editing your videos intuitive and straightforward. Speaking of editing–

Step 4 – Video Editing

Once you’ve finished filming (and we recommend filming a few takes of each topic, so you have footage to pick from), it’s time to edit your video. Editing is when you can fix lighting, add background music, add in your subtitles and insert a background into your video if you’re using a green screen.

There are several different types of software you can use for this process. Still, many of them are remarkably expensive and the learning curve is steep, meaning it will take you days just to learn how to edit your videos before you can even begin.

Again, we highly recommend using BIGVU for this step–it’s low cost, and in moments you will know how to edit, add music, captions and publish your videos.

Otherwise, if you want to use a professional software such as Adobe to edit videos, using free Premiere Pro templates could be a great way to save your money while still help you to learn editing and release the best quality videos.

Step 5 – Publishing

Once your video course is ready, you have many options as to where to publish it. You can post to a personal YouTube channel, online schools like Udemy, or to LearnWorlds, which will help you build your own online school from the ground up.

Getting your first course off the ground can be a daunting process, but you will be speaking to your ideal audience quickly, efficiently, and well with the tips above.

You’ve got it in you, and there’s no reason to let your message get lost in the vast well of the internet due to budget constraints or lack of experience.

We want to know what you have to say, and we want to empower you to do it as quickly, simply, and budget-friendly as possible. You can download the BIGVU teleprompter app on Google Play, the App Store, or sign up to use it on your computer here. We can’t wait to celebrate your first successful course upload with you!

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Rivka Deray

Rivka Deray is a video presenter, writer, and actor. She loves teaching people new skills, including how to pass on their own knowledge and skill sets to audiences online. If even one person reads this and gets the boost they need to get online and start video publishing themselves then she considers her work here done.