March 29, 2019
Creating Interactive Fingering Charts via Captivate-Part 3
March 29, 2019
Creating Interactive Fingering Charts via Captivate-Part 3
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 0 people

This project expands upon the previous two. We now have a reasonably functional fingering chart. Users are able to select fingerings by interacting with individual finger holes, selecting them as either open or closed. Standard fingerings will display the pitch on a treble clef staff. Incorrect fingerings currently display no message.

This chart would be useful for a student reviewing fingerings, but probably not for a complete beginner, who would likely randomly select fingerings and be surprised to find that many combinations don’t actually create a pitch . The current project only includes the first 10 pitches that are most common to my youngest recorder players (middle C, D, E, F, F#, G, A, B, C, D). I may have included C# as well.

I’ve left my test variables visible.

Here are a few features I’d like to address in upcoming iterations.

  • Choose a pitch by selecting the letter name (possibly a set of buttons, drop down menu, scroll from side to side)
  • Display a message that the current fingering is not a standard pitch
  • Add fingerings for accidentals in the first octave, which will necessitate a solution for partially-covered RH3 and RH4 finger holes.
  • Add fingerings for pitches that cross the break into the second octave, which will necessitate a solution for a partially-covered Thumb hole.

I found these resources really helpful in creating this iteration.

For Adding States to Graphics:

For Triggering a button via JavaScript:

Thanks again for all your help and comments!

Shawn Keech

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