Enhancing Security: Robotics Company Prioritizes Content Protection

A leading global manufacturer of robotic systems for fulfillment centers in the logistics industry has been a valued partner of Xyleme since 2022. They turned to Xyleme to address content maintenance challenges, including keeping content up to date, managing a large volume of content in SharePoint, delivering accurate versions to learners, and providing translation support. All of these maintenance issues prevented them from focusing on important strategic initiatives.

Since acquiring a highly innovative company renowned for its e-commerce, warehouse automation solutions, and fulfillment technology utilized by renowned enterprise brands like The Gap, Staples, Office Depot, and Saks 5th Avenue, the robotics company has undergone a strategic shift. While they initially served numerous enterprise customers, the acquisition prompted them to pivot towards a focus on internal operations and the safeguarding of their proprietary fulfillment technology.

Protecting proprietary content is critical for enterprise logistics companies, where innovation and staying ahead of the competition and innovation are essential. Keeping their proprietary learning and documentation content secure ensures that their competitive edge remains intact. Xyleme’s partnership with them has provided a content management solution that simplifies maintenance and updates, giving the company a streamlined process for delivering, high-quality content while safeguarding their intellectual property.

Challenges Faced by the Learning Team

At the core of their logistics operations, the learning team is tasked with educating employees on the installation, operation, and maintenance of robots within their fulfillment and sorting centers, which are vital components of their business infrastructure. While most robots are produced internally, collaborations with external partners further expand their robotic capabilities. Engaged throughout the entire lifecycle of the robots—from beta testing to repairs and eventual decommissioning—the learning team plays a pivotal role in optimizing robot performance and efficiency.

One of their biggest challenges was keeping their learning materials current as processes and technology changed, which was leading to inconsistencies in training and knowledge gaps. Another considerable obstacle faced by the team was managing multiple versions of content, leading to concerns about delivering the correct information to learners. The growing risk of disseminating outdated or erroneous content to learners not only jeopardized the learning experience but also impeded the team’s effectiveness in delivering valuable knowledge to their audience.

Many large organizations experience content chaos. We like to call this the content explosion problem.

SharePoint, their existing content management system, posed another challenge for the team. The sheer amount of content was causing frequent crashes and performance issues, making it difficult for the team to efficiently manage content. The team also faced difficulties in efficiently translating learning content to support their global learning initiatives. Maintaining accuracy while updating and translating to multiple languages was a major challenge.

These content maintenance challenges were consuming a growing proportion of the team’s time, diverting them away from focusing on developing innovative, high-impact learning materials for strategic initiatives, thus affecting the team’s ability to contribute to the organization’s learning goals.

Chick-fil-A Found the Secret Sauce: Growth and Scale With Xyleme
Chick-fil-A’s partnership with Xyleme has truly revolutionized their content management process and set them up for long-term success by overcoming the challenges of content maintenance with scale and growth to achieve consistency and accuracy in their training materials.

Revolutionizing Content Maintenance with Xyleme's LCMS

To address the content maintenance challenges faced by the robotics company, they decided to implement Xyleme’s content management solution. Xyleme’s robust platform centralized their entire content lifecycle, simplified content creation and the management process, ensuring the delivery of high-quality learning materials.

One unique aspect that made Xyleme’s solution particularly valuable was its ability to handle proprietary content. The company’s learning programs are instrumental in training employees to proficiently install, operate, and maintain robots within their fulfillment and sorting centers, representing a vital aspect of their business operations. Xyleme’s LCMS solution supported the team’s ability to manage tasks ranging from beta testing and repairs, to the eventual decommissioning of both internal and partner robots. Xyleme’s platform allowed the team to seamlessly update and deliver proprietary content, guaranteeing its precision and ongoing relevance.

Xyleme’s LCMS provided a centralized repository that organized and stored all learning content, making it easily accessible for updates and delivery. Additionally, it seamlessly integrated with the company’s existing learning management system, enhancing compatibility and efficiency. Xyleme also facilitated rapid translation updates, supporting the addition of new languages, allowing them to scale their learning initiatives globally. By leveraging Xyleme’s content management solution, the robotics company was able to effectively manage their proprietary content and deliver impactful learning experiences to their employees.

Watch More Content isn’t the Answer: Using AI to Build New Strategic Capabilities webinar to explore the potential of embracing AI and machine learning (ML) to build new strategic capabilities in order to drive organizational agility, productivity, analytics and more.

"The supply chain of the future is likely to see continued growth of autonomous robots in these areas, allowing people to shift to more strategic, less dangerous, and higher value work." - Deloitte


The most significant achievement for the robotics company was gaining back valuable time to focus on creating powerful learning content instead of being burdened with maintenance and updates. Xyleme’s LCMS solution liberated the team, allowing them to prioritize strategic initiatives that drove their organization forward.

For more than two decades, Xyleme has played a crucial role in helping some of the largest and most influential companies manage and conquer content chaos. As a prime example, Rogers Communications, achieved a 53% reduction in content development costs by adopting Xyleme’s Learning Content Management System (LCMS). By centralizing content creation, management, and maintenance on Xyleme’s platform, Rogers was able to simplify and streamline content reuse, resulting in consistent and up-to-date content across different formats and audiences. This shift not only improved content quality and consistency but also saved Rogers over $673,000 in content development costs over the next three years.

By regaining precious time previously consumed by maintenance and updates, the robotics company achieved a notable milestone in redirecting their focus towards crafting impactful learning content. Facilitated by Xyleme’s solution, this shift from operational burdens to content creation empowerment has enabled the team to channel their efforts into strategic initiatives driving the company’s progress. The emphasis on content creation over maintenance activities is not only crucial but paramount for companies, particularly those in the logistics industry, operating in a rapidly changing and dynamic environment. By prioritizing content creation, these companies can actively enhance their educational materials and training resources, resulting in a significant boost in operational efficiency and an undeniable competitive advantage in today’s evolving business landscape.

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Access one of our most popular product tours — "Accelerate your Content Strategy to Drive Better Learning Experiences" where our content experts, Mike and Chris explore the future of content strategy and how to accelerate your organization's learning curve.

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