White Paper: Connecting the Dots Across Employee Engagement, Turnover, Recruitment & Replacement

In the first half of 2021, just 36% of U.S. workers reported being actively engaged in their work and workplace

Of those surveyed, 15% reported being actively disengagedand 74% of those actively disengaged workers are actively seeking new employment. 

Additionally, a recent study on employee engagement found that the U.S. economy loses between $450 and $550 billion each year due to disengaged workers. In fact, A single disengaged employee can cost a company about $3,400 in lost productivity for every $10,000 in salary. 

With employee disengagement presenting such an endemic challenge, organizations are struggling to get—and keep—employees engaged in the workplace.   

Why Employees Leave their Jobs

The most common reason for leaving an employer? Poor management practices. The second-most cited reason: lack of career development opportunities. And third on that list: bad culture fit. 

One survey found 94% of employees who left a position would have stayed if they invested in their long-term learning. 

“Organizations will need to prioritize reskilling and upskilling to attract and retain the talent they need to make their businesses grow,” explains Tim Minahan at Harvard Business Review. “Those that do will not only boost the motivation of their existing workers but will gain the attention of the brightest new recruits.” 

5 Eye-Opening Statistics on Employee Engagement, Retention & Turnover

Onboarding, training, reskilling, upskilling, and professional development content all play key roles in the employee experience and can ultimately impact employee engagement levels.  

Here are 5 statistics that demonstrate how employee engagement directly affects retention, turnover and recruitment. 

  1. When employees are engaged, 87% of them are less likely to leave their company—meaning they are 5 five times less likely to leave compared to unengaged employees.  
  2. 52% of voluntarily exiting employees say their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job. 
  3. 69% of employees are likely to stay for at least 3 years when an employee has “great onboarding processes.” 
  4. Employees under age 25 said they stay with their current employer because of training and development (69%) and career opportunities (65%). 
  5. 82% of employees and 62% of HR directors believe that workers will need to hone their current skills or acquire new ones at least once a year in order to maintain competitive advantage in a global job market. 

“Many employees cite opportunities to grow as a reason to stay at their job—or a reason to go after another,” explains Michele McGovern of HRMorning.

So how can organizations optimize training content to drive employee engagement, improve retention and reduce turnover?  

Building a people-centric content strategy that makes learning, training, reskilling and upskilling content easily accessible at the point of need is key to driving employee engagement.  

 In fact, customers have reported as much as a 4x increase in content engagement rates after implementing Xyleme’s Component Content Management System. 

4 Ways Xyleme CCMS Supports Employee Engagement
  1. Making Content Easily Accessible from Anywhere – Web portals, desktop apps, QR codes, chat bots, mobile learning, web courses, embedded in other platforms—Xyleme makes it easy to deliver dynamic content anywhere your learners need to access it, on any device, in any format.  
  2. Building Intelligent Content that Simplifies Updates & Maintenance – Global organizations struggle to keep large volumes of content accurate, up-to-date, and in sync. Xyleme leverages intelligent, structured content authoring to allow updates to be made once and seamlessly pushed to each individual publication or platform with just a few clicks.  
  3. Tracking Content Usage & Performance – Understanding how your individual content pieces (and learners) are performing is key to the success of any content strategy. Xyleme provides comprehensive content and learner performance data to help organizations identify which content pieces are most effective and which may need to be refined or improved.  
  4. Simplifying Content Personalization at Scale – Delivering quality content isn’t enough to move the needle on employee engagement. That content also has to be personalized to each user’s unique role, experience, language, etc. Xyleme makes it easy to reuse content and create limitless variations to meet the specific needs of each individual audience you serve, without creating an unmanageable content maintenance burden.  
xyleme employee engagement white paper
Download the new white paper, Connecting the Dots Across Employee Engagement, Turnover, Recruitment & Replacement: How Fostering a Culture of Long-Term Learning & Development Reduces Costs & Improves Outcomesfor a deep dive into the state of employee engagement today and how it directly affects an organization’s bottom line.   
Ready to explore how Xyleme’s award-winning CCMS helps global brands streamline their enterprise content strategies to drive up to 4X higher content engagement, reduce content development time by 50%, and cut content maintenance time by 60% or more?

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