Course Selling & Marketing

10 Best Social Media Strategies by Successful Online Course Creators

23 min

In today’s digital age, it is simply impossible to ignore social media.

Not only do social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide you with the best platforms to communicate with your target audience directly, but also open up a wide pool of customers to whom you can promote your course business.

More and more people are using social media – especially millennials and the younger generation, and by 2025 we expect that the number of global social media users will surpass 4.41 billion people.

Since statistics show where the consumers like to hang out, all businesses need to stand up to the demand and meet them halfway.

Many successful online courses creators have already realized the importance of social media and come up with their own social media marketing strategies.

In this article, we are going over their social media accounts to check out their effectiveness.

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1Lewis Howes, Coach – The Interview Approach

Facebook – @lewishowes, Audience – 2.4 million, Posts per day: up to 3
Instagram – @lewishowes, Audience – 1.8 million, Posts per day: 2 to 3
Twitter – @lewishowes, Audience – 206.2K, Posts per day: up to 3
YouTube – @lewishowes, Audience – 1.79 million, Videos per week: 3 to 4

A screenshot of Lewis Howes's Facebook page banner.

New York Best-selling author and former pro athlete – Lewis Howes, is giving some valuable life coaching tips and advice. Whether it’s health, relationships, business, or family you need help with, Lewis’ School of Greatness has everything you need to reach your ultimate human potential and achieve the best in life.

Lewis is able to transmit easily as he is continually active on social media. There he creates unique content for his audience and presents both quotes and interviews from the world’s greatest minds, sharing some golden nuggets of wisdom.


On Facebook, Lewis likes to post quotes and short video selections from interviews with key industry leaders, as well as behind-the-scenes photos from some of the live appearances he made.

Apart from that, he also regularly shares updates on his live training webinars. In the following example, he invites people to join his ‘The Ultimate Guide to Building a 6 Figure Side Hustle’ webinar guide.

A screenshot of Lewis Howes's Facebook post.


Instagram has a great advantage over Facebook in the sense that you don’t have to keep scrolling down the page for too long to get an overview of what’s really going on and catch up with everything Lewis does.

A screenshot of Lewis Howes's Instagram post.

With a following of 1.8 million, Lewis continues to build on and monetize his social media presence through live streaming as well and invites people to join him.

With the help of, he adds CTA links directing his audience to his podcasts, books, coaching services, official website, school newsletter, and includes his telephone number for those who want to contact him directly.

A screenshot of Lewis Howes's Instagram bio.

At the same time, he encourages them to check out his dedicated Instagram page for his online school ‘The School of Greatness’. Notice how he adds his first Instagram handle in the bio as well.

Looking below at his story highlights, you can clearly identify his key content pillars: quotes, learning, podcasts, a highlight of his YouTube content, events, coaching sessions, and more. An interesting one is the “Share this” highlight, inviting his audience to reshare some of his content.


Lewis’s choice for the pinned tweet on Twitter is highlighting his appearance on The Ellen Show. Even though that’s 4 years old, it comes to show a strong media appearance never really gets old.

A screenshot of Lewis Howes's Twitter post.

Not only do such posts help to give Lewis more publicity but also offer undeniable social proof and recognition. This is huge, especially when it comes from a celebrity figure like Ellen. After appearing on her show and Ellen posting about it, Lewis’s audience has more reasons to put their trust in him.


Lewis’s YouTube videos are following a clear structure and they are categorized by topics.

The channel also has a special section that directs the audience to his other channels and a direct ‘Subscribe’ button that allows subscribers to opt in right away without leaving the page.

A screenshot of Lewis Howes's YouTube channel.

He uses a template for his YouTube thumbnails, ensuring brand consistency, which is a great way to increase your brand’s recall among your audience.

For the most YouTube dedicated users, Lewis makes sure to inform them through the page’s image banner that new videos are being uploaded all week long.

2Jeff Walker, Author – The Consistency & Video Approach

Facebook – @JeffWalkerFan, Audience – 98K, Posts per day: up to 3
Instagram – @jeffwalkerco, Audience – 43.1K, Posts per month: up to 5
Twitter – @JeffWalker, Audience – 53.6K, Posts per day: up to 3
YouTube – @jeffwalker, Audience – 44.9K, Videos per week: 1

A screenshot of Jeff Walker's Facebook banner.

Author of the #1 NY Times Bestseller Launch and creator of Product Launch Formula – Jeff Walker helps aspiring business owners launch their online businesses. With a proven record of success, Jeff’s system was used by thousands of entrepreneurs in various niches and resulted in building successful businesses with billion of sales.

A huge part of this success is Jeff’s social media activity, and he is mainly active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. These are the key channels he directs people to from his website.


On Facebook, the type of content Jeff shares is both informational and promotional at the same time. As he focuses on spreading the word out for his upcoming launch masterclass, he invites people to register and book their place.

A screenshot of Jeff Walker's Facebook banner.

His content doesn’t feel forced, and the way he expresses conveys honesty and authenticity even when Jeff is talking about his training programs and podcasts.

The posts that get the most engagement for Jeff are videos. On Facebook, he is sharing his webinars which are mostly 10 minutes long – with some exceptions of 30 minutes. His audience finds these very useful and they engage through comments and shares.


Jeff isn’t following a strict social strategy when it comes to Instagram. While being consistent throughout 2018, he took a break from posting for up to two years, but now he is back to sharing regular content and Instagram stories.

A screenshot of Jeff Walker's Instagram profile.

His posts here appear to be more personal in contrast to his Facebook ones, which makes sense considering Instagram is designed for this and also Jeff is speaking to a smaller crowd.

For each of his posts, he offers his own insight on things – on the emotional level, and talks about key takeaways from life experiences as a way of checking in with his audience about what he is up to.


A screenshot of Jeff Walker's Twitter bio.

Jeff’s Twitter bio presents all the essential information it needs. He explains who he is giving a title to himself – bestselling author and then talks about his product – Product Launch Formula.

The use of hashtags here is effective too.

Hashtags inside the bio work as long as you keep them up to 3 or 4. It is an effective optimization strategy that allows Twitter accounts to be found easily on search engines. Too many hashtags however may create a distraction and drive people away. This also applies to Twitter posts.


Jeff has produced lots of videos, but you can’t tell unless you click on the ‘Videos’ tab. There you get to see many videos he has created giving out valuable tips and advice on product launches.

The image banner on YouTube is captivating and there is no better place for it. The big blue headline features a tagline that is strong and confident (actually the same one he’s also using on Twitter).

A screenshot of Jeff Walker's YouTube channel.

The text on the image introduces Jeff and then highlights the CTA “Subscribe for FREE weekly videos”. Adding the word “free” eliminates any second thoughts of ‘what’s the catch’ in case people decide to subscribe to the channel.

3Amy Porterfield, Marketing Educator – Be Niche & Approachable

Facebook – Amy Porterfield, Audience – 342K, Posts per day: up to 2
Instagram – @amyporterfield, Audience – 280K, Posts per day: 1 to 2
Twitter – @AmyPorterfield, Audience – 150.6K, Posts per day: up to 2
YouTube – @AmyPorterfield, Audience – Videos per day: 1 every 3 to 5 days

A screenshot of Amy Porterfield Facebook banner.

Amy Porterfield is an Online Marketing Educator who works with business owners and educators to help them build a highly engaged email list, create successful online training courses and sell them with ease. Amy always goes above and beyond to make it easy for them to engage with her and that is evident throughout her social media channels.


On Facebook, Amy is doing really well and from the looks of it, she has already managed to build a strong online community of people who are actively supporting her.

The way she chooses to communicate with her followers through her social media posts is unique and is encouraging people to chip in and give voice to their thoughts which is a huge success for every entrepreneur.

A screenshot of Amy Porterfield Facebook post.

This has much to do with the fact that she speaks casually, refers to her audience’s pain points, and makes it easy for them to jump into a conversation with her. At the same time, she captures and shares real-life moments and creates her own visuals with her name and logo.

Adding a link to her website in the Facebook bio ensures that people won’t miss the chance of checking it out before moving further down her Facebook page.


A screenshot of Amy Porterfield Instagram bio.

On Instagram, Amy is using visual cues e.g. emojis to guide users to click on the link provided. You might think this is too much detail but things like these eventually make all the difference.

The link directs people to multiple resources that Amy offers including her latest podcast episode, free masterclasses, and her community page.

A screenshot of Amy Porterfield Instagram Story Highlights.

On her profile, Amy uses story highlights – a collection of stories offering snapshots of what she has been working on e.g. podcasts, masterclasses, Bootcamp, etc.


A social media content strategy is never complete unless it includes a pet-relevant post.

In this tweet, Amy chooses to connect with her audience on a more personal level, by sharing a photo of her dog. This is an effective technique – which isn’t necessarily intentional because it humanizes both the brand and the person behind it – showing that Amy is a normal person like me and you.

A screenshot of Amy Porterfield Twitter post.


Amy uses YouTube and regularly shares her podcast episodes with her audience. Over the years, she has managed to create a huge portfolio of videos and now she keeps it consistent by giving out quick tips through audio clips that last up to an hour.

A screenshot of Amy Porterfield's YouTube channel.

For the main video on the home page, Amy features a live presentation she streamed a few months ago. Most of what she does professionally Amy talks about inside the video which gives the best summary for someone who has just landed on her page.

4Noah Kagan, Entrepreneur – The Live Talk Method

Facebook – @OkDork, Audience – 38K, Posts per month: 4 to 5
Instagram – @noahkagan, Audience – 88.6K, Posts per month: 4 to 5
Twitter – @noahkagan, Audience – 88.3K, Posts per day: up to 2
YouTube – @noahkagan, Audience – 208K, Videos per week: 1

A screenshot of Noah Kagan's Facebook banner.

Noah Kagan – the founder of OkDork, is a highly successful individual who has achieved so much so far. After having worked for Facebook, he founded AppSumo and, and both companies saw big success since then. Now he is working with entrepreneurs to help them grow their businesses and engages with his audience in a very unique way.


Through his Facebook page, Noah goes live every once or twice a month. His live streaming appearances are called “Office Hours for Entrepreneurs” and they are intended for entrepreneurs who want to catch up with him or ask him specific questions that can help them do better.

On those occasions, he gets to talk directly with his audience which he calls his ‘friends’.

A screenshot of Noah Kagan's Facebook post.

Generally, Noah has this ‘casual, taco-talking style’ and these are words coming from one of his customers. His social media content and digital persona give out the same vibes, and his honesty and sincerity easily win over the audience.


On Instagram, Noah’s profile focuses on his personal brand. For this reason, he shows some of his unique personality traits and keeps them real. You can tell that he isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and most of the time he creates funny content that he thinks his audience will love, and he is right.

A screenshot of Noah Kagan's Instagram profile.


Just like on other channels, Noah chooses to engage with his audience through brief posts in which he shares his opinion in a friendly and informal manner. Even though he still offers his professional advice, the way he says it sounds natural and it’s easy to take in.

A screenshot of Noah Kagan's Twitter post.

This way, he sets the tone and expectations for all the posts that follow as well as how direct he wants to be with his followers and vice versa.

A screenshot of Noah Kagan's Twitter post.


The YouTube banner on Noah’s channel is all the money.

It’s not just about the big headlines and the big eye-catching subscribe title that is written in capitals, but also the red arrow that points to the Subscribe CTA button.

A screenshot of Noah Kagan's YouTube channel.

The ultimate social media goal here is to get more subscribers. Noah knows how to do it well and the number of his followers proves this strategy works. Creating a visual that is optimized specifically for a social platform like YouTube always brings the expected results.

5Sarah Cordiner, Course Expert – The Community Builder Approach

Facebook – @CordinerSarah, Audience – 67.5K, Post per day: 2 to 3
Instagram – @cordinersarah, Audience – 2.5K, Post per day: 1
Twitter – @Sarah_Cordiner, Audience – 8.6K, Post per day: 2 to 3
YouTube – @Sarah_Cordiner, Audience – 12.4K, Videos per week: up to 2

A screenshot of Sarah Cordiner Facebook banner.

Online course expert – Sarah Cordiner, is helping online course creators across the world create course content and set up their course tech. As a certified tech expert and educator Sarah has the knowledge to explore many key topics at a deep level especially in course creation and getting those products up and running.


While Sarah has built an impressive Facebook page what catches the attention is the ‘Ask Sarah Cordiner’ section.

These four questions work as great starting points for anyone interested in creating online courses and wants to reach out to Sarah.

A screenshot of Sarah Cordiner's Ask Messenger feature.

Enabling this Facebook Messenger feature gives Sarah the ability to create automated responses for Facebook users and contact them directly through Messenger.

For Sarah, it means customers are already taking the first step forward in the right direction.

Another important aspect in Sarah’s Social Media strategy is the fact she has also decided to create a community, a FB Group where she has quite an engaged audience of Edupreneurs. Through the group she gives people a space where they can discuss the challenges and opportunities of being an edupreneur, while also boosting her brand and offering her expert insights.


A screenshot of Sarah Cordiner's Instagram bio.

On her Instagram profile, Sarah makes sure to let people know what she can do for them and invest in a strong value proposition statement.

Since she is an online course specialist – her target audience is online course creators, business owners, and experts, coaches, and consultants and she isn’t afraid to call them out directly or explore that niche group.

Focusing on what people can benefit from working with you like Sarah is doing, is a winning strategy to get them on board.

Her Instagram feed is updated less frequently, compared to other channels and her main focus seems to be promoting her new content


On Twitter, Sarah shares her own blog articles which can help drive traffic to her website.

In these posts, she poses a lot of thought-provoking questions that are targeted at online course creators, and these work as great conversation starters. The visuals she creates for her posts are also spot-on and professionally looking.

A screenshot of Sarah Cordiner's Twitter post.

Sarah has a lot of knowledge of online course creation. This counts as a plus as she focuses on content marketing and creates and posts lots of quality content regularly.

If you do too, the most logical thing to do is schedule posts through a social media scheduling platform. This makes the process of scheduling social media content a lot easier setting the date(s) and time(s) you need those posts to go out.

Need more info on social media management tools? Check out this article.


Sarah’s YouTube channel features a collection of videos that includes presentations, interviews, and webinars she conducted. What’s impressive about her page is that it grabs the opportunity to say who Sarah is, right away.

In the cover image, she positions herself as ‘Your Online Course Creation Specialist’ letting YouTube users know that she is exactly what they need.

A screenshot of Sarah Cordiner's  YouTube channel.

6Mari Smith, Facebook Marketing Expert – The Thought Leadership Approach

Facebook – @marismith, Audience – 259,4K, Posts per day: up to 2
Instagram – @marismith, Audience – 42.2K, Posts per month: up to 5
Twitter – @MariSmith, Audience – 566.4K, Posts per day: 2 to 3
YouTube – @marismith, Audience – 15.7K, Posts per month: up to 2

A screenshot of Mari Smith's Facebook banner.

Mari Smith is Facebook designated ‘Small Business and Facebook Marketing Expert’. She is your go-to person for anything that has to do with business success and social media marketing.

As a thought leader in her industry, Mari knows what she is doing. Since the beginning of her career, she has helped many entrepreneurs build on brand awareness and drive sales. Her social media accounts speak for themselves.


On her Facebook page, Mari is using the ‘Visit Group’ CTA button instead of ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Send Message’. This has much to do with her own business goals and marketing plan. Mari is giving priority to her online community and invites people in before she promotes any product or tries to sell.

Just like Sarah Cordiner, Mari pays a lot of attention to the community aspect of her Social Media Strategy, which is why she links to her successful and engaging FB group, where she posts frequent updates and constantly responds to members. This ensures a two-way communication and offers a great value to Social Media freelancers who are looking up to her.

What she does though is spreading the word about her Facebook Organic Marketing Masterclass through her page. The Facebook banner is using the hashtag #FBOMM which reinforces her social media campaign.


On Instagram Mari Smith positions herself as Facebook Marketing Expert. But she’s definitely more than that:

👸🏼 Social Media Thought Leader & Strategist
🎤 Keynote Speaker
📺 Expert Webinar Leader & Live Webcast Host
👌🏻 Course Creator
🤩 Brand Ambassador

Each of these titles shows the extensive knowledge Mari has in her chosen areas of work. Not only is she a social media specialist, but also a keynote speaker – who delivers live webinars and presentations, and a course creator herself.

The use of emojis in the text and bio radiances confidence and helps people associate what they see with real results and positive feelings.

A screenshot of Mari Smith's Instagram Guides.

Mari features story highlights and Instagram guides. These guides are a combination of carousel posts and blog posts and are super easy to create. Simply use pre-published content from your account and add a cover image, title, introduction, and description to turn it into a guide.

These guides allow you to curate content and are ideal for sharing your brand story or message, creating a gift guide, offering quick tips or checklists, or supporting causes.


A screenshot of Mari Smith's Twitter post.

On Twitter, Mari is sharing social media news and trends and asking social media-related questions to her audience. What’s awesome about this is that it keeps her Twitter feeds relevant to her chosen topic and field of work.

This helps to reinforce the idea that she is the go-to expert about all things social media. Her followers will know who they need to contact if they ever need any advice on the matter.


A screenshot of Mari Smith's YouTube channel.

On YouTube, Mari has organized her videos into categories to make it easier for people to find them. For example, she has a dedicated section for the interviews she gave, a different one for social media tips, and her recommendations on business growth advice.

On top of that, she has also created a series of playlists that include a collection of videos people can watch without interruption – other people’s videos getting in the way.

Another interesting aspect one can notice is the power of her personal brand. If you check out her most recent uploads, you’ll see that the thumbnail images she chooses highlight her. She uses big profile images, as her brand has a very high recognition, to attract even more views.


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7Tim Ferriss, Author / Investor – Growing with a Podcast

Facebook – @timferriss, Audience – 979K, Posts per day: 5 to 6
Instagram – @timferriss, Audience – 1.1 million, Posts per day: up to 3
Twitter – @timferriss, Audience – 4.2K, Posts per day: 5 to 6
YouTube – @timferriss, Audience – 935K, Videos per day: 1 every 2 days

A screenshot of Tim Ferriss's Facebook banner.

Tim Ferriss is the author of five NYT/WSJ bestsellers including the famous ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ and ‘Tools of Titans’. Starting out as a technology investor/advisor, Tim managed to become the protagonist behind ‘The Time Ferriss Show’ podcast. This podcast has exceeded most expectations and it became the first business/interview podcast that saw 700 million downloads to this day.

Tim’s success is undeniable all over the world and is evident throughout social media judging from the number of followers he has.


Once you visit Tim’s Facebook page, you will see Tim’s pinned post featuring the most important podcast episode he created in 2020.

A screenshot of Tim Ferriss's Facebook post.

The post directs people to his blog where they can find the podcast episode and get a transcript for it. The episode talks about how to heal from trauma and in there Tim shares his own views and talks about his real-life experiences.

Sharing any personal story is difficult in itself, but it shows how much strength someone needs to show vulnerability in a situation. Such experiences speak to many human hearts and help people connect, build trust and relate with each other on a different level.


Apart from image posts, Tim chooses to share funny videos on his Instagram profile.

A screenshot of Tim Ferriss's Instagram profile.

Sometimes he shares cool funny cat clips or pranks made on people, while others he shares moments with his friends, to enlighten the mood and help his Instagram followers unwind.


One of the best things you can do on social media is share a customer or a partner’s testimonial commenting on the great work you have done with them.

A screenshot of Tim Ferriss's Twitter post.

This is more easily done on Twitter because you can easily re-share a person’s post and have it appear on your own profile.

In this example, Tim retweets a post by one of his podcast listeners commenting on the awesome content they have created with another legendary investor John Doerr. Such messages are the epitome of success for people like Tim because they provide evidence of hard work and recognition. And, that should never go unnoticed.


Tim’s YouTube channel gives a sense of consistency and the idea that there, you can only find high-quality content.

This is partly because he creates individual images of his quests and himself and adds them as video covers, showing people an idea of what they can get out from each video.

A screenshot of Tim Ferriss's YouTube channel.

Tim shares video content that is easy to consume. The majority of his videos in which he offers actionable advice and tips are less than 15 minutes long. His podcast episodes and interviews are longer (even up to 3 hours), and are intended for those who are serious about putting Tim’s advice into practice.

8Rand Fishkin, The Wizard of Moz – Value & Fun Approach

Facebook – @randfish, Audience – 34K, Posts per month: 1
Instagram – @randderuiter, Audience – 10K, Posts per day:
Twitter – @randfish, Audience – 450K, Posts per day: up to 2
Pinterest – @randfish, Audience – 4.3K

A screenshot of Rand Fishkin's Facebook banner.

Before Rand Fishkin became the Founder of SparkToro – a market research software company, he was called the ‘Wizard of Moz’ because he confounded and led Moz, and was one of the key leading figures in the SEO industry. He now occasionally delivers talks on marketing and entrepreneurship, writes relevant books, and cooks pasta.

And this information is all around social media.


Rand’s love for pasta is no secret as he likes to prove it through his Facebook posts. Such posts show that Rand is and wants to be close to his audience.

A screenshot of Rand Fishkin's Facebook post.

By sharing everyday moments Rand has more chances of people connecting with him and visiting his website to read his latest blog post.


A screenshot of Rand Fishkin's Instagram profile.

While Rand is not following a specific social media plan or keeping a content calendar that schedules Instagram posts, his strategy still works.

Instagram is best known for being a social media platform that allows you or your brand to connect with your followers in a less professional – but more profound way. Rand allows his followers to get to know him better by sharing intimate family moments.


On Twitter, Rand is more active as he often appears on short videos where he expresses his own views and opinions on various topics. In the following example, Rand talks about his company and the possibility of doing marketing on TikTok.

A screenshot of Rand Fishkin's Twitter post.

This is an interesting and controversial talk, considering TikTok is becoming more popular by the minute. Controversial talks can easily heat up a discussion and get lots of reactions on social media. However, they don’t always work and there is always the time and place for them.


A screenshot of Rand Fishkin's Pinterest bio.

Rand lets his audience know that he’s a Twitter pro user and encourages them to check out his website and other social media profiles. See that social media handle in the description?

On Pinterest, Rand doesn’t have an extensive collection of boards. However, the number is just enough to show who Rand Fishkin is and what his interests are, aside from marketing and business.

A screenshot of Rand Fishkin's Pinterest boards.

9Larry Kim, Internet Marketer – Write First, Share Across Approach

Facebook – @ws.larrykim, Audience – 29K, Posts per day: up to 3
Instagram – @kim_larry, Audience – 47K, Posts per month: up to 5
Twitter – @larrykim, Audience – 749.8K, Posts per day: 3 to 4

A screenshot of Larry Kim's Facebook banner.

Larry Kim is the founder and CEO of MobileMonkey – a chatbot-building platform for marketers. He is also behind WordStream – the World’s top PPC marketing software company that was sold for 150 million. As an expert in internet marketing, Larry has built on his expertise and is sharing his knowledge on many news platforms like Inc, Medium, and CNBC.

Some of his best articles are being shared on social platforms as well.


On Facebook, Larry shares articles from various sources that mostly present industry trends, news, and tips that are most relevant to his audience interests – social media, marketing, and business.

A screenshot of Larry Kim's Facebook post featuring a podcast clip.

Also, he posts clips from interviews, webinars, and podcasts he participated in and anything that has to do with his business and what he does as an entrepreneur.


A few months ago, Larry would post content showing more insights into his personal life and sharing family moments. Since March 2021, he has shifted his focus and has been posting only company-related content.

Currently he is sharing customer testimonials and user-generated content, job adverts, checklists, and guides on Instagram. This shows that he is following a different content strategy that will bring bigger social media success at a brand level.

A screenshot of Larry Kim's Instagram profile.

Apart from that, Larry is also interested in sharing more relevant content with his audience, who expect to see better results in their digital marketing efforts.

Recently, he has also started sharing reels.

Instagram Reels are short entertaining videos (up to 15 seconds) that can be used to express your creativity and bring your brand to life.

A screenshot of Larry Kim's Instagram Reels.

Once you start sharing your reels, a new tab on your Instagram account will appear – just like Larry’s. Then, you simply upload your videos and cut them down to optimize to the maximum allowed time.


Larry is more active on Twitter. Apart from company-related content, he also shares inspirational and educational clips, gifs, and images.

A screenshot of Larry Kim's Twitter post.

He does so by taking advantage of every day…like, literally.

Some of his favorite hashtags are #MondayMotivation, #TuesdayThoughts, #WednesdayWidsom, and #FridayFeeling. These hashtags provide Larry with the perfect way to reach out to his audience – keeping them engaged at all times.

10Ann Handley, Top Blogger – Fun & Humourous Approach

Facebook – @ann.handley, Audience – 8.5K, Posts per month: up to 3
Instagram – @annhandley, Audience – 24.9K, Posts per month: 2 to 3
Twitter – @annhandley, Audience – 50.3K, Posts per day: 3 to 4
Pinterest – @annhandley, Audience – 5.5K

A screenshot of Ann Handley's Facebook banner.

Ann Handley – Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs is a digital marketing pioneer, writer, and speaker who inspires marketers to create marketing magic that gets exceptional results. Ann was cited in Forbes as the most influential woman in Social Media and was recognized as one of the top 20 women bloggers. As a writer, she published two bestseller books on business writing and content marketing.

Even though she is a professional, on her social media she often allows her fun and humorous personality aspects to shine.


Ann has a dedicated Facebook page and this allows people to find her. There she posts about her appearances and shares blog posts from MarketingProfs and her own blog.

A screenshot of Ann Handley's Facebook fundraising post.

One of her most recent posts was a fundraiser one, that highlights her support and sensitivity to certain causes. Fundraisers can bring people together since they encourage all people to chip in to fight for the greater good, which is always a positive thing.

However, judging from the date of her last activity, it seems that Ann is more active on Instagram and Twitter.


On Instagram, Ann invites people to subscribe to her newsletter and makes sure it adds the relevant link in her bio.

A screenshot of Ann Handley's Instagram bio highlighting the link to her email newsletter.

So instead of simply directing people to her website, she chooses to directly send them through her chosen sales funnel and use email marketing to keep in touch with her subscribers.

This helps to serve an ultimate business goal that goes beyond building brand awareness and also focuses on growing her audience list, besides building meaningful relationships with potential customers.

A screenshot of Ann Handley's Instagram profile

Through Instagram, Ann appears to be more playful both in pictures and in terms of the content she posts.

Clearly, she doesn’t mind giving her audience glimpses of her everyday life and why would she? Instagram is designed for this purpose and it works for Ann. Her online presence is strong and the community of people she has created is super supportive, reaching out to her through comments.


A screenshot of Ann Handley's Twitter post.

Apart from her posting about industry-related topics, Ann is tweeting humorous content that gets some good engagement rates. This example is one of the GIFs Ann posted a while back and a respectable amount of likes and comments.

Posting humorous content is a great way to get people’s attention and it invites them to share their own thoughts, opinions, or even funny remarks.


A Pinterest account can show bits of the personality and interests of the creator. Ann knows that Pinterest provides a great way to connect with the audience through similar hobbies.

Apart from marketing, social media statistics, and content ideas, Ann collects pins and creates boards about multiple topics like writing, drawing, dogs, photos she has taken, and many more.

A screenshot of Ann Handley's Pinterest boards.

Key Takeaways

After analyzing the various social media marketing strategies these online entrepreneurs use, certain key takeaways become easy to identify.

For an effective marketing campaign on social media, try the following:

These are strategies that have proven to work, but you will have to try them to find out if they are fit for you and your business. Along the way, you will need to continually change and monitor your strategy to keep up with the changes in social media algorithms and behavior.

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Ready to Work on Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube – all these social media platforms work as distribution channels of digital information.

Each has its own advantages and weaknesses and it’s up to you to find which works best for your course business!

If you want to invest in digital marketing, creating content that applies to your target audience is the best way to go. Get busy creating unique copy and then posting it on your social media to get people engaged, reach out to multiple customers, and increase brand awareness.

Are you ready to invest in social media? If yes, which social networks will make the cut? Let us know!

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Content Creator at LearnWorlds

Kyriaki is a Content Creator for the LearnWorlds team writing about marketing and e-learning, helping course creators on their journey to create, market, and sell their online courses. Equipped with a degree in Career Guidance, she has a strong background in education management and career success. In her free time, she gets crafty and musical.