Course Selling & Marketing

The Top Email Marketing Resources List for Online Course Creators

8 min

Email marketing is an essential part of any business’s promotional activity.

Bringing four times the return on investment (ROI) compared to any other marketing channel, its effectiveness has put it amongst the top-performing and must-use marketing strategies.

That’s why as LearnWorlds we thought it would be extremely beneficial to dive into the deep waters of email marketing and offer you the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

After the successful launch of our email marketing workshop, we are presenting you with the only email marketing resources you need to build your own email marketing campaigns.

If you are an online course creator who wants to learn more about how to use email to gather leads, reach out and communicate with your audience better and sell more online courses this article is for you.

Review on the email marketing workshop

The Email Marketing Resources To Succeed in Selling Online Courses

Our Just Launch It workshop on email marketing teaches you everything you need to know about selling your online courses. Harnessing the power of email, top email marketers and industry professionals are showing you how to build your own email list and communicate effectively with your audience.

Powered by top tools in elearning and marketing like Sendinblue, Campaign Monitor, and Get Response, you get access to many workshop resources that can help you get started.

Following are links to resources and some brief descriptions of what each contains. Go ahead and check out the list, find what you need and download it for free.

Ready to learn how successful email marketers do it? Let’s go!

Ebooks & Checklist:

Selling Online Courses Through Email Marketing

In this ebook, you will learn everything you need to know about creating an email list for selling online courses. Use it as a comprehensive guide to creating engaging emails and integrating email marketing into your course launches. Throughout the book, we highlight key insights, which are essential for launching a successful email campaign.

Email Templates & Sequences to Launch Your Online Course

If you need help with creating your own email sequences, look no further. This ebook presents ready-to-use email sequences and plug-and-play templates that will come super handy every time you launch a new course. Learn how to streamline your email content so that it attracts and nurtures your leads until they become paying customers.

The Ultimate Checklist to Selling Online Courses With Email Marketing

Here is a checklist that guides you through the process of selling online courses with email marketing. From getting started with email marketing to growing and monetizing it, gain a thorough understanding of the process and achieve the best results with these 59 tips and tricks. Learn how to write conversion-optimized emails, measure and improve your email marketing results.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated about creating engaging, enjoyable, and social learning experiences. Here are some valuable tips related to email marketing:

By enrolling in our email marketing workshop, you will gain access to exclusive video content created by two of the best minds in the email marketing field – Sarah Cordiner and Jeanne Jennings.

Sarah and Jeanne offered their best tips and distilled expertise on email list building, writing high-converting emails, and setting up email sales funnels.

Sarah Cordiner

As a Course Creation Expert, Sarah Cordiner helps course creators scale their businesses, transforming expertise into profitable and engaging online courses through technology. Until today, Sarah has attracted over 100,000 student enrolments in 168 countries to create, launch and sell their own online courses.

Join our email marketing workshop and get access to Sarah’s webinar on ‘How to create an email sales funnel.’

Jeanne Jennings

Jeanne Jennings is a recognized expert in the email marketing world and General Manager at Only Influencers as well as the founder of Email Optimization Shop. With over 20 years of experience in the online marketing and product development industry, Jeanne is helping organizations make their email marketing efforts more effective and profitable.

Join our email marketing workshop and watch Jeanne’s webinars on:


The Best Email Marketing Tools for Online Courses

Not sure which email marketing tool works best for you? In this article, we have created a list of 4 powerful tools that will help you carry out your email marketing campaigns effortlessly. Take the time to look into and compare the features and capabilities like automation, integrations, mobile optimization, and many more. Choose amongst the top email marketing software such as Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, AWeber, and ConvertKit.

We have also put together a comparison table of these email tools, comparing their features, pricing, reviews, and testimonials to help you make your decision.

Amy Porterfield’s Email Marketing Teardown

Amy Porterfield is the creator and host of the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast, the List Builders Society, and Digital Course Academy. She is also one of the most successful influencers in the Online Courses industry. This teardown breaks down her best emails and teaches you the profitable action steps to build a highly engaged email list, use free masterclasses as lead magnets, craft email funnels for your webinars, and more.

How to Effectively Sell Online Courses Using Email Marketing

Learn what email marketing is and how you can use it to your best advantage. This article explains how to use email marketing the right way and goes through the step-by-step process you need to follow to build a successful email marketing campaign. Also, it presents a quick overview of the platforms you can use and familiarize yourself with the most important email marketing metrics.

Email Marketing for Online Courses by GetResponse

This article was written by Daniel Threlfall –GetResponse’s email marketing guru- and aims to help you learn all the essential basics for growing an email list for your online courses. The article also focuses on the type of emails that will best sell your online courses, touches upon the legal perspective of email marketing, and teaches you the best way to boost your course sales.

10 Best Email Ideas to Promote Your Online Courses

If you are looking for ideas on how to promote your online courses via email, you need to check this out. Read through the article to explore how popular companies like Duolingo, LinkedIn, Skillshare, and Masterclass amongst many others, are crafting their emails to appeal to their existing customers and target audience. Learn from their examples, get to know all the do’s and don’ts, and then create your own.

6 Successful Email Sequence to Boost Your Online Course in 2021

If you are looking for some email-building inspiration, this article presents some successful email sequences as an example and gives out ready-to-use templates to create yours. Read through this article to get to know more about the steps you need to take to create an email sequence and learn how to use different types of emails to convert more leads.

Email Marketing Benchmarks & Infographic 2021 for the Course Creator Industry

Examining email marketing benchmarks can help you gain valuable insights into the course creator industry and determine how your course topic could boost sales.
This infographic shows how popular your course subject is and which industries are likely to earn more money in 2021. The metrics will also provide a guide to help you determine what parts of your email campaign are working and which ones require improvement.

A Quick Overview

With this email marketing kit, you learn how to:

In particular, you will gain an understanding of:

Growing your email list

All your email marketing efforts begin with building an email list of subscribers. If you do not have an email list, you cannot run email marketing campaigns. Use signup forms to collect emails from your site visitors and gradually grow your mailing list by offering lead magnets like a free course, a case study, an ebook, checklists, or a podcast.

Building successful email sequences

Depending on which stage your subscribers are in the sales funnel, you will need to send out targeted emails in a specific order, crafting an email sequence. Sending out emails in a consequent and timely manner should allow your subscribers to get more information about your online courses, evaluate how they can benefit from them, and gradually warm up to buying them.

Writing emails and templates

More conversions can be obtained using engaging email content. Learn how to create different types of emails that will catch your subscribers’ attention and will encourage them to open and click on your emails to reach out to you. Discover how to build welcome emails, course announcement emails, newsletters, nurturing emails, and cold emails from start to finish.

Looking into benchmarks and metrics

Check out benchmarks and metrics for your own industry and course subject. Getting an insight into these should help you monitor the performance of all your email marketing campaigns. Learn how to calculate open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, retention rates, unsubscribe rates, and effectively manage lost and new subscribers.

Ready to Boost Your Course Sales With Email Marketing?

These email marketing resources provide you with the best strategies for getting your email marketing campaigns up and running.

In addition to email list building, you will also learn some tips and techniques that will help you collect leads, convert them into paying customers, and boost your online course sales.

Everything you need to know about email marketing is inside this kit:

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Content Creator at LearnWorlds

Kyriaki is a Content Creator for the LearnWorlds team writing about marketing and e-learning, helping course creators on their journey to create, market, and sell their online courses. Equipped with a degree in Career Guidance, she has a strong background in education management and career success. In her free time, she gets crafty and musical.