
Creative Employee Engagement Ideas – Weekly Mood Meter

Jit Hin

The new normal has seen many people transition to remote work, and this arrangement looks set to stay for the foreseeable future. While it seemed like a great idea at first, we now know definitively that the lack of face-to-face interaction, in-person connection, and social activities can hurt an employee’s mental state – and ultimately, performance and productivity. After all, we humans are wired to connect.

This is where Gnowbe comes in to help organizations and their employees bridge physical distances and stay emotionally connected – with our brand new Weekly Mood Meter program!

What is a Weekly Mood Meter?

The Weekly Mood Meter (WMM) is a program template designed to help organizations foster a culture of connectedness by getting employees to interact meaningfully and stay connected in fun and creative ways! Each session in WMM is prefilled with different activities for you to engage employees on a weekly basis consistently – think of this program as a virtual bonding session that never ends!

What can our Weekly Mood Meter be used for?

1. Check-in on your employees regularly

Use WMM as a mood barometer to monitor and track the well-being of your employees. Get insights into what your team is feeling on the ground with our weekly live polls and questionnaires.

Example of an opinion poll in our WMM.

2. Lift employee spirits – Engage and entertain your team

Our WMM template comes with exciting and interactive activities like trivia quizzes, brainteasers, quirky opinion polls, and more! Liven up your employees’ work-life and have everyone bond over some light-hearted fun.

Examples of trivia quizzes in the WMM.

3. Foster an inclusive work environment

Employees crave connection and want to feel included, even more so in these woeful times. Offer your employees the opportunity to virtually connect on a personal level and nurture their sense of belonging at work by giving them a safe space to post stories, anecdotes, reflections, or even jokes!

Ask them how their day was! Get them to share about their favorite movies! Spark a philosophical discussion! Everyone can take part, and anyone can share – allow employees to express themselves and bring their unique, authentic selves to the table, from wherever they are.

Employees can easily interact and socialize on the Group Board!

4. Boost employee morale

Utilize the WMM to celebrate successes, personal milestones, or new hires. Create sessions to spotlight employees/departments or make company-wide announcements! Recognizing, celebrating, and appreciating your employees goes a long way towards motivating those working remotely, bringing positive energy to both their headspace and workspace.

Examples of how you can spotlight employees with the WMM!

Be it daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions, it’s all up to you! Customize and build from our FREE template to take the first step towards building a culture of connectedness for your organization – not just technologically but also socially and emotionally.

Start creating now or you can reach out to us here for more information.

  • Step 1: Login to or sign in via the Gnowbe app
  • Step 2: Click ‘Create a Program’
  • Step 3: Select ‘Choose a Template’
  • Step 4: Select ‘Weekly Mood Meter’

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