user onboarding email examples

10 Winning User Onboarding Email Examples to Hook & Activate New Users

Craft the perfect welcome! Learn how to write user onboarding emails that engage, educate, and turn new users into loyal fans. Discover inspiring 10 examples and best practices.

First impressions matter. User onboarding emails serve as the first touchpoint between a business and its new users, acting as a pivotal component in establishing a strong foundation for user engagement and retention. This article delves into the essence of onboarding emails and their significance and guides you through crafting effective onboarding emails for your customers. We will also explore ten exemplary onboarding email examples, drawing insights from their success to help you enhance your own email strategy.
Preface: This article diverges from our usual focus on Epilogue Opus, our digital adoption platform. We occasionally like to explore diverse subjects to provide interesting insights and perspectives. We appreciate your readership.

What are Onboarding Emails?

user onboarding email examples
Onboarding emails are the initial communications sent to new users after they sign up for a service or purchase a product. These emails serve as a crucial bridge, connecting users to the essential features, benefits, and overall value of the product or service they’ve just subscribed to. Far from being mere confirmations of registration, onboarding emails are strategically crafted to guide, educate, and engage users right from the outset. They lay out the roadmap for users to quickly derive value from their new purchase, ensuring they feel supported, informed, and motivated to explore and utilize the product to its fullest potential. Through clear, concise, and personalized messages, onboarding emails aim to reduce initial friction, enhance user experience, and set the stage for a lasting relationship between the user and the brand.

Why are Onboarding Emails Important?

user onboarding email examples
Onboarding emails are not just a courtesy but a critical element in the user engagement lifecycle. They serve multiple pivotal roles that go beyond mere introductions, deeply influencing a user’s perception and long-term interaction with a product or service. Firstly, these emails help in setting clear expectations about what users can achieve with the product, thereby enhancing their understanding and smoothing the initial learning curve. This early education is vital for empowering users, making them feel competent and ready to engage with the product’s features from the get-go.
Moreover, onboarding emails act as a foundation for building trust and loyalty. By consistently providing value through tips, guidance, and resources, companies can show users that they are invested in their success. This perception of support and value can significantly reduce churn rates, as users are less likely to abandon a product they feel connected to and supported by.
In addition, onboarding emails offer a prime opportunity for personalization, which can significantly impact user engagement. Tailoring messages to address specific user needs, behaviors, or interests makes the communication feel more relevant and engaging, increasing the likelihood of a positive response. Personalized emails can drive users to take action, whether that’s starting a trial, exploring new features, or engaging with content, thereby accelerating the user’s journey from novice to proficient.
Lastly, onboarding emails serve an essential analytical function. By monitoring how users interact with these emails, companies can gain valuable insights into user preferences, behavior patterns, and potential pain points. This data can inform future product developments, marketing strategies, and customer service initiatives, ensuring that the business remains aligned with its users’ evolving needs. Through strategic design and thoughtful execution, onboarding emails are a powerful tool in enhancing user satisfaction, engagement, and retention, marking their importance as indisputable in the digital user experience landscape.

How to Write an Onboarding Email for Your Customers

user onboarding email examples
Writing an effective onboarding email involves several key components:
  • Personalization: Address the user by name and personalize the content to their interests or behaviors.
  • Compelling Subject Lines: Spark curiosity and encourage users to open the email.
  • Clarity: Clearly communicate the purpose of your email. Keep it concise and focused on the user’s needs.
  • Value Proposition: Highlight the benefits of your product or service, focusing on how it can solve the user’s problem or improve their life.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Include a clear CTA that guides the user on what to do next, whether it’s activating their account, watching a tutorial, or contacting support.
  • Support Resources: Offer links to support resources, FAQs, or customer service to assist users in their onboarding journey.
  • Concise and Scannable Content: Keep emails short, visually appealing, and easy to digest.
  • Friendly and Conversational Tone: Build rapport and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Top 10 User Onboarding Email Examples

When crafting user onboarding emails, it’s essential to strike the right balance between informative content and engaging presentation. Let’s delve deeper into each type of onboarding email, using the structure provided to expand on how these emails can effectively engage and retain users.
1. Welcome Email (Slack):
Subject: Welcome to the Team, [Name]!
Hi [Name],
We’re thrilled to welcome you to the Slack squad
Slack is your one-stop shop for communication and collaboration, helping teams stay connected and work together seamlessly.
In this email, you’ll find a quick guide to getting started with creating channels, inviting your team, and exploring all the cool features that Slack has to offer.
Why it’s Great:
Warm and welcoming tone sets a positive first impression.
Uses emojis to create a fun and casual feel.
Provides a clear call to action (CTA) with a link to a helpful guide
2. Quick Start Guide (Dropbox):
Subject: Get Started with Dropbox in Minutes
Hey [Name],
Thanks for signing up for Dropbox!  We know you’re eager to start storing, sharing, and collaborating on your files. This email will equip you with the essentials to get up and running in no time.
Here’s a quick rundown of key features and how to access them:
Uploading files: Drag and drop your files directly into your Dropbox folder.
Sharing files: Invite collaborators with a few clicks and set permission levels.
Syncing files: Keep your files seamlessly updated across all your devices.
Why it’s Great:
Action-oriented subject line sparks curiosity.
Provides a step-by-step breakdown of core functionalities.
Uses visuals (like emojis) to enhance readability.
3. Feature Spotlight (Asana):
Subject:   Get Organized and Achieve More with Asana Boards
Hi [Name],
Ready to take your project management to the next level? Asana boards offer a powerful visual tool to organize tasks, track progress, and collaborate with your team.
In this email, we’ll delve into the benefits of using boards and provide a quick tutorial on creating and customizing them to fit your specific needs.
Why it’s Great:
Highlights a specific feature and its value proposition.
Creates intrigue by focusing on user goals (achieving more).
Offers additional resources for deeper understanding.
4. Case Study (Zoom):
Subject:   See How [Company Name] Uses Zoom to Supercharge Collaboration
Hi [Name],
Welcome to the world of seamless video communication with Zoom!  Wondering how other companies leverage Zoom’s capabilities?
Check out this inspiring case study showcasing how [Company Name] uses Zoom to:
Host efficient team meetings.
Conduct remote training sessions.
Connect with clients and partners globally.
Get inspired and explore how Zoom can transform your communication too!
Why it’s Great:
Social proof through a real-world success story.
Demonstrates the platform’s practical applications.
Encourages users to explore features based on specific needs.
5. Progress Check-in (Duolingo):
Subject:   ¡Hola [Name]! How’s your Spanish coming along?
Hola [Name],
We noticed you haven’t logged in to Duolingo in a few days!  Just wanted to check in and see how your Spanish language learning journey is going.
Have you completed your daily lessons?  Remember, consistent practice is key to mastering a new language.
Here are some resources to keep you motivated:
Fun and engaging stories to practice reading comprehension.
Interactive challenges to test your listening and speaking skills.
A vibrant community forum to connect with fellow language learners.
Why it’s Great:
Friendly and personalized tone fosters a connection with the user.
Uses humor (¡Hola!) to make the email engaging.
Offers helpful resources tailored to user progress.
6. Value Recap (Evernote):
Subject:   Unlock the Power of Evernote: Your Ultimate Productivity Hub
Hi [Name],
Evernote is more than just a note-taking app. It’s your central hub for capturing ideas, organizing projects, and boosting your productivity.
Remember all those scattered thoughts and to-do lists? Evernote helps you consolidate them into a streamlined system.
In this email, we’ll revisit the key features of Evernote and showcase how they can help you:
Organize notes with tags and notebooks.
Collaborate on projects with your team.
Access your notes from anywhere, anytime.
Why it’s Great:
Reemphasizes the overall value proposition of the product.
Focuses on user benefits (productivity boost).
Provides a clear overview of core functionalities.
7. Pro Tip/Hack (Gmail):
Subject:   Become a Gmail Master: Unleash the Power of Canned Responses**
Hey [Name],
Want to save time and streamline your email communication?  Gmail’s canned responses feature is a hidden gem!
This email will show you how to create pre-written templates for frequently used emails, saving you precious time and effort.
Why it’s Great:
Offers a valuable and actionable tip to enhance user experience.
Intriguing subject line piques user curiosity.
Provides clear instructions for a lesser-known feature.
8. Community Invitation (Facebook):
Subject:   Join the Facebook Community: Connect with Friends and the World
Welcome to Facebook, [Name]!  We’re excited to have you join our vibrant online community.
Connecting with friends and family is just the beginning. Facebook groups allow you to discover communities based on your interests, hobbies, and passions.
Join the conversation, share your thoughts, and connect with like-minded people!
Why it’s Great:
Encourages user participation in a broader community.
Highlights the platform’s potential for social connection beyond individual profiles.
Provides a clear call to action (CTA) to join groups.
9. Feedback Request (SurveyMonkey):
Subject:   Your Opinion Matters: Help Us Shape the Future of SurveyMonkey
Dear [Name],
Thank you for choosing SurveyMonkey for your online survey needs!
Your feedback is invaluable to us. We’d love to hear about your experience so far and understand how we can improve SurveyMonkey even further.
Take a few minutes to complete this short survey and share your thoughts.
Why it’s Great:
Shows appreciation for the user’s business.
Positions the user as a valued member of the community.
Keeps the email concise and focuses on the CTA (survey participation).
10. Win-Back Email (Spotify):
Subject:   We Miss You, [Name]! Come Back and Rediscover Your Music
Hey [Name],
We noticed you haven’t been jamming out with Spotify lately.
We miss you!  To reignite your musical spark, we’ve curated a personalized playlist based on your listening history.
Reconnect with your favorite tunes and explore new music recommendations.
Why it’s Great:
Uses a friendly and casual tone to re-engage the user.
Offers personalized value by highlighting the user’s listening preferences.
Provides a clear incentive for returning to the platform.


Onboarding emails are a crucial element of the user experience, laying the groundwork for a productive and long-lasting relationship with your customers. By drawing inspiration from the best practices illustrated in these ten examples, you can craft onboarding emails that not only welcome users but also drive engagement, retention, and satisfaction. Remember, the key to a successful onboarding email is to focus on the user’s needs, providing them with the necessary resources and motivation to explore and enjoy your product or service.