Course Selling & Marketing

Email Marketing Benchmarks & Infographic 2021 for the Course Creator Industry

5 min

*This article & infographic has been co-produced along with Campaign Monitor

Infographic on email benchmarks for open rates and click rates of online course emails.

A huge part of any successful company’s marketing initiative is email marketing.

Every aspiring online course creator, who is using email to stay in touch with their customers and promote their courses naturally gets better results in terms of lead generation, conversion rates, and of course, ROI.

Need proof?

According to Campaign Monitor’s 2019 annual report, the return on investment (ROI) can be as high as 4200%, which equals $42 for every dollar you spend on an email marketing campaign, compared to 2018 which was $38.

Taking this into account, email marketing is hard to ignore.

The potential to increase the customer base, and nurture a network of loyal subscribers counts as an enormous advantage for any course creator who wants to position themselves as an expert in their field and further grow their business.

Launching email campaigns and tracking email performance along the way, while looking into the email marketing metrics though is what makes all the difference.

To help you monitor your email marketing campaigns more effectively and gain better insight into the elearning market, we present to you all the different industries where course creators are found, and the email marketing benchmarks we have collected for each one.

Let’s dive in!

What Are Email Benchmarks?

Email benchmarks are the email marketing statistics or metrics that are collected and used by a business or organization to monitor their campaign performance or measure the overall success of their marketing efforts.

While there is a variety of metrics to consider, the most common ones are:

Learn more about these email marketing metrics here.

Each metric is important as it counts towards understanding how well your email marketing strategy works, assessing the results that are generated through it.

To get an accurate idea of the performance, both internal and industry-level benchmarks are worth looking into.

The following table shows the emails sent by CMG brands over the past 18 months. It lists all the email benchmarks for each industry (ranging from financial services, nonprofits, to real estate). Use it to check out the email marketing metrics for your industry.

Email Benchmarks Data Explained

The table clearly shows which industries had the highest and lowest open, click-through, click-to-open, and unsubscribe rates.
Highest open rates:

Highest click-through rates:

Highest click-to-open rates:

Lowest to highest unsubscribe rates:

Key takeaways

Apart from calculating individual metrics, it is important to look into the average global score for all industries:

Taking the time to compare the global industry results with your own is a measurable way of checking the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and then if there is potential for growth, adjust your strategy accordingly.

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As a premium elearning platform, LearnWorlds is ideal for all types of course creators and already serves and supports a wide variety of customers that belong to all the industries listed in the table.
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5 Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy

There are a few things you can do to improve your email marketing benchmarks. The following tips will help you achieve better results regardless of the industry you are in.

1Optimize your email content

Email optimization is all about tweaking your content to make it relevant to your audience. In order to build long-lasting relationships with your customers, you need to create personalized messaging that catches their attention.

Coming up with powerful email subject lines, including the sender name (yours) to build trust, using emojis, and providing clear CTAs inside the email are all equally effective optimization strategies.

For better results, try optimizing the copy throughout your marketing channels as well e.g. social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), and on your site, including landing pages and opt-in forms.

2Ensure email deliverability

Any email marketer would advise you to use an email marketing tool that provides high email deliverability rates. Making sure that your emails will land in a prospect’s inbox is paramount as it has an enormous impact on the results you expect to get from your email outreach.

Some email marketing tools can tell you beforehand whether an email address exists or is safe to email, to help you avoid hard bounce rates.

3Try A/B testing

A/b tests are useful, especially when you are not sure which strategy works best for your company or you want to check how your target audience will react to them. While A/B testing is over 100 years old, it is a technique that still brings results, and can help you find out what is most likely to make people click or buy your course.

4Consider email list segmentation

Segmenting your audience is an effective way to send out relevant content and targeted emails that will more likely get opened. Classifying your email subscribers to certain groups or segments e.g. a) leads, b) new customers, c) existing customers, allows you to send emails whose messaging is more accurate and responds better to the needs of your audience.

5Make use of marketing automation

A marketing automation software can help you build, schedule, and drip-feed your email marketing campaigns. Instead of repeating the marketing tasks, the automation tool does it for you. This way, you get to decide the number of emails you want to send out and by when and then wait for them to reach their recipients.

To increase the possibility of people opening your emails, also test which is the best day to send emails based on your industry and audience.

According to Campaign Monitor, these are the best days for email marketing:

Ready to Launch Your Email Marketing Campaign?

Email marketing is every marketer’s favorite tool, and it can become yours too! Learning how to use email to your benefit can help you sell more online courses and grow your business in no time.

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Content Creator at LearnWorlds

Kyriaki is a Content Creator for the LearnWorlds team writing about marketing and e-learning, helping course creators on their journey to create, market, and sell their online courses. Equipped with a degree in Career Guidance, she has a strong background in education management and career success. In her free time, she gets crafty and musical.