
Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which is better? (The Ultimate Comparison)

    Kiran Suthar
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shopify vs woocommerce

Choosing between Shopify and WooCommerce? Then you’re at the right place!


“Ecommerce isn’t the cherry on the cake; it’s the new cake.”

Jean Paul Agon, Chairman, L’Oreal


The pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have made e-commerce the next goldmine in global business. From $4.28 trillion in 2020, the size of only the global retail e-commerce industry (not including other e-commerce avenues like online courses, etc) is set to reach a staggering $8.2 trillion by 2026, nearly doubling in size. 

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(Source: Statista)

Many people want to be a part of this growth story, and the fact that you are reading this makes you one of them. But there are a lot of things you have to put together before embarking on this journey, and the first one, to begin with, is by devising the right strategy and choosing the right e-commerce development platform for your store. When it comes to platform selection, there are two giants that dominate the segment: Shopify and WooCommerce. It is very likely that you may get a bit confused between the two, given the tons of functionalities that both of them have to offer. Through this article, we will give you a clear understanding and differentiation between the two, which will help you decide the winner in the battle of Shopify VS WooCommerce. 

Let’s get started.

What is Shopify?


Shopify is a Canadian multinational e-commerce platform founded in 2006 for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. With over one and a half million listed stores, it is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms worldwide, allowing businesses to create their online stores, receive payments, engage customers, and ship orders.

Source: Enlyft

Key Shopify stats:

  • More than 1.7 million merchants use Shopify
  • Shopify businesses have generated over $320 billion in total
  • There are more than 10 million active stores on Shopify.
  • Almost 90% of Shopify’s traffic is organic

The Pros of using Shopify

  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Very reliable customer support
  • Great for abandoned cart recoveries
  • Nice set of integrations with payment gateways
  • Good range of marketing tools for SEO
  • Mobile-friendly features

The Cons of using Shopify

  • Limited customization options
  • Pretty expensive
  • Difficult to exit/migrate from
  • Scalability is a big issue
  • No email hosting
  • Not much for content marketing

What is WooCommerce?


WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress created in 2011 that helps small to large-sized online merchants grow and operate their stores. With over 210 million downloads, WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce platform online that allows businesses to access all basic store features apart from superior ones like subscriptions, aesthetic themes, and much more.

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Recent Stats of WooCommerce:

  • WooCommerce is a giant in the e-commerce space with nearly 37% market share
  • Over 6 million sites are up and running on WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce businesses clock in upward of $20 billion on average annually
  • The WooCommerce plugin is downloaded at least 30,000 times each day

Pros of WooCommerce:

  • Cheap (nearly free) and open-source
  • Best SEO features
  • Great flexibility and customizability 
  • Large and interactive community with support
  • Optimal security

Cons of WooCommerce:

  • Less user-friendly interface
  • A smaller no of integrations are available

Now that we have an idea about the two, let’s deep dive into a detailed comparison from the perspective of someone who is trying to decide which one to use, aka, your perspective. We will do this in a FAQ format to save you the trouble of scrolling through unnecessary information. You may want to jump directly to a section that concerns you using the table below.

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Shopify vs WooCommerce – Detailed Comparison

1. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Pricing – Which Is Costlier?

For small and mid-sized businesses, this is undoubtedly the first point of concern. Let’s see how they stack up.


  • Shopify offers the complete solution for your online store as a hosted platform. There is no need to look for any hosting or theme providers because Shopify already has them all. This naturally includes monthly and yearly plans, with the basic one stemming from $29, and the subsequent ones at $79, $299, and so on.
  • Shopify also provides a 3 days free plan with limited functionality.


  • WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform that is free to use, but you will need to pay for web hosting, a domain name, and an SSL certificate separately (provided you don’t already have a website, in which case this cost becomes nil).
  • The cost of hosting and other features will vary depending on the web hosting provider you choose, but it is in general cheaper than a mid-level Shopify plan that costs $79. For instance, on WooCommerce, hosting can cost between $5 – $30, a domain name on an average spend of $9 per year,  and SSL certificates varying from free to $100. All in all, a minimum cost of $14, is nearly half the Shopify entry cost.
  • WooCommerce does not charge transaction fees, but you will need to pay transaction fees associated with your chosen payment gateway just as Shopify does.

Conclusion: In general, Shopify is more expensive than WooCommerce. The cost of using Shopify also depends on the pricing plan you choose, while the cost of using WooCommerce will depend on the hosting and domain registration fees you pay to your web hosting provider. It becomes even cheaper if you already have a WordPress site for your store. 

Read more: WooCommerce Pricing: How much do you need to pay?

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2. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Usage – Which Is Easier to Use?


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For a layman wanting to grow his business, it is always preferable to use platforms that don’t require too many technicalities – especially if you are doing it on your own. Let’s see where the two stand in this respect. 


  • Shopify is a hosted platform, which means you don’t need to worry about managing server infrastructure or software updates.

  • As Shopify is a fully hosted platform, you won’t have to manage or update any software, nor will you need to worry about performance, backups, security, or compatibility issues.

  • Shopify simplifies e-commerce platform setup by providing hosting, SSL certificates, and security features, so you don’t have to worry about these aspects.

  • Shopify offers a user-friendly interface and a drag-and-drop store builder that makes it easy for non-technical users to set up an online store.

  • Shopify also offers a range of templates and themes that allow you to customize the look and feel of your store without needing to know how to code.


  • Setting up WooCommerce can be challenging, as it requires WordPress to be installed beforehand. As WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress, hosting, domain setup, and security parameters need to be configured separately. However, despite the need for some basic knowledge, these elements can be set up with relative ease. It is even easier if you already have a website available on WordPress.

  • WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform, which means you need to set up your own hosting, maintain software updates yourself, back up your data, and keep your store safe.

  • WooCommerce requires a bit more technical expertise than Shopify, as it runs on the WordPress content management system.

  • You will see an on-screen setup procedure after installing WooCommerce; in order to operate your business, you must finish the next five steps where you will ask for basic store details.


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  • That said, WooCommerce offers a lot of flexibility in terms of customization options and can be a good choice for users who are comfortable with WordPress and have some technical knowledge.

Conclusion: Overall, Shopify is often considered to be the easier platform to use, particularly for non-technical users who are just getting started with e-commerce. WooCommerce, on the other hand, may require a bit more technical expertise but offers greater flexibility and customization options and is much better for businesses that want to grow big independently. 

Need help with starting your online store on WooCommerce? Let our Woo Experts help you!

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3. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Quality & Performance – Which is Faster?

This is on everybody’s list. Naturally. This is the factor that directly impacts your customer acquisitions and revenue generation. Let’s see where the two stand.


  • Shopify is a fully-hosted platform, which means that Shopify manages the servers and infrastructure needed to run your online store. This can help ensure consistent performance and fast page load speeds.

  • Shopify’s servers are optimized for e-commerce, and the platform uses a content delivery network (CDN) to cache content and speed up page load times.

  • Shopify also has a built-in CDN, which can help improve page load times for customers all over the world.

  • Shopify’s platform is designed to be scalable, meaning that it can handle a large volume of traffic without experiencing performance issues.


  • WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform, which means that you’re responsible for managing the servers and infrastructure needed to run your online store. This can be a disadvantage if you’re not familiar with server management or don’t have the resources to invest in a high-performance hosting environment.

  • However, because WooCommerce is built on top of WordPress, it can take advantage of the performance optimizations that are available through the WordPress ecosystem. For example, there are many plugins and optimizations available that can help improve the performance of your WooCommerce store like faster loading of pages.

  • WooCommerce also supports a variety of caching plugins and CDN integrations that can help speed up page load times and improve overall performance.

  • The performance of a WooCommerce store can vary depending on the hosting environment and the optimizations that are implemented.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce can offer good performance for your online store, but Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a fully-managed platform with consistent performance and scalability, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with server management and want to take advantage of the performance optimizations available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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4. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Security – Which is More Secure?

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In the modern world of data breaches, security takes center stage, especially if you are dealing with private customer data. Here is where the two stands.


  • Shopify is a fully-hosted platform, which means that Shopify manages the servers and infrastructure needed to run your online store, including security measures.

  • Shopify provides SSL encryption for all stores, which helps to protect sensitive customer information like credit card numbers and passwords.

  • Shopify is Level 1 PCI compliant, which means that the platform meets the highest level of security standards set by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) for handling credit card information.

  • Shopify has a dedicated team that monitors security threats and releases regular security updates to keep stores protected.

  • Shopify also offers two-factor authentication (2FA) for store owners and staff to further enhance security.


  • WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform, which means that you’re responsible for managing the servers and infrastructure needed to run your online store and for implementing security measures.

  • WooCommerce recommends that stores use SSL encryption and PCI-compliant hosting to protect customer data and meet industry standards.

  • WooCommerce also has a number of security plugins and extensions available that can help protect stores from threats like malware and brute-force attacks.

  • WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the company behind WordPress, which has a dedicated team that works to keep the platform secure and releases regular updates to address security issues.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce take security seriously and offer measures to protect your online store. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a fully-managed platform with built-in security features, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with implementing your own security measures and want to take advantage of the security plugins and extensions available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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5. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Payment Methods & Transaction Fees – Which is better?


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Collecting payments from customers is an important task for any e-commerce retail store. In this regard, both Shopify and  WooCommerce provide some good options.


  • Shopify offers a range of built-in payment gateways, including Shopify Payments, which allows you to accept credit card payments directly through your Shopify store.

  • In addition to its built-in payment gateways, Shopify also offers integrations with over 100 third-party payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and Amazon Pay.

  • Shopify also supports manual payment methods like cash on delivery and bank transfers.


  • WooCommerce supports a wide range of payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and Square.

  • Just like Shopify, WooCommerce also supports manual payment methods like cash on delivery and bank transfers.

  • Unlike Shopify, WooCommerce doesn’t charge transaction fees. Unless you use Shopify Payments, you’ll end up paying a surplus on Shopify (which goes to as little as 2% for third-party payment gateways). Thus, for stores selling in volume,  WooCommerce is much more suitable.

  • WooCommerce has a large library of payment gateway plugins available, allowing you to integrate with a wide range of payment gateways, including many regional and niche payment options

Conclusion: Both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a wide range of payment method integrations that allow you to accept customer payments. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with a wide range of built-in payment gateways and easy integration with third-party payment gateways, while WooCommerce is a better choice if you’re looking for a cheaper, more flexible platform with superior customization options pertaining to payment gateways.

Read More: WooCommerce Payments: Everything you Need to know

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6. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Add-Ons – Which Offers More Add -Ons?

Add-ons provide more robustness and flexibility to pre-built e-commerce stores by enabling tons of functionalities. Both the Shopify app store and plugins available on WooCommerce offer many add-ons. 


  • Shopify has an app store that offers a wide range of third-party integrations and plugins. There are hundreds of applications in the store that cover every function you’ll want to include in your store.

  • Both free and premium applications are available in Shopify’s app store. Free applications are often developed by independent companies with separate price structures; they just link your store to their APIs. Most programs offer monthly subscriptions, and prices for paid add-ons vary.

  • In terms of quantity, Shopify has fewer extensions and add-ons than WooCommerce / WordPress. This is because featuring an app in their store can be a challenging task.


  • WooCommerce is open source and developed on top of WordPress. You now have access to more than 59,000+ free WordPress plugins in addition to a large number of premium plugins.

  • These add-ons allow you to add practically any function you can think of, including payment gateways, lead generation, eCommerce SEO, performance optimization, social network integration, etc.

  • There are a lot more connectors and add-ons available for WooCommerce than Shopify due to the lower entrance hurdle. Almost all third-party tools and service providers offer plugins that are fully compatible with your WooCommerce store.

  • The procedure of installing a plugin or addon is significantly more difficult on Shopify compared to WooCommerce.

  • A WordPress developer may also construct an integration or plugin specifically for your website if you engage them to do so.

  • In general, it’s critical to remember that WooCommerce is simpler to configure than Shopify.

Conclusion: Overall, both platforms offer a wide range of add-ons and integrations to extend the functionality of your e-commerce store. Shopify’s app store may offer more curated options and easier integration with Shopify Payments, while WooCommerce’s marketplace may offer more flexibility and customization options.

Read More: 30 Best WooCommerce Plugins in 2023

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7. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Subscriptions – Which Platform Is Better for Recurring Subscriptions?

In comparison to normal orders, subscription orders are a bit more challenging to deal with, given the complexity of the data they possess. Nonetheless, subscribed users are important for consistent revenue growth. 


  • Shopify offers built-in subscription capabilities that allow you to sell products and services on a recurring basis, including physical products, digital products, and memberships.

  • Shopify’s subscription capabilities include features like flexible billing intervals, free trials, and automatic recurring payments.

  • Shopify also offers a range of subscription apps and plugins that can help you further customize and enhance your subscription offerings like Bold & Recharge.


  • WooCommerce Subscriptions allow you to sell products and services on a recurring basis, including virtual, physical, downloadable, and digital products, and memberships.

  • WooCommerce Subscriptions also include typical Shopify features like flexible billing intervals, free trials, and automatic recurring payments, in addition to many more features such as easy subscription migrations.

  • WooCommerce Subscriptions also integrates with a range of payment gateways and shipping plugins to help you manage your subscriptions.

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Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which is better? (The Ultimate Comparison) 5

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Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer robust subscription capabilities that can help you sell products and services on a recurring basis. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for built-in subscription capabilities but WooCommerce is definitely a better choice if you’re comfortable with using the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension. Given the large number of plugins in the WordPress ecosystem, WooCommerce provides a far greater number of features than those on Shopify.


  • WooCommerce is built on WordPress, which means you have access to all the customizable themes and templates that developers across the world enjoy while building their stores – the advantage of open source.
  • WooCommerce’s range of customization is very diverse because it gives you the flexibility to customize features, or even build them on your own – from checkout pages to ticketing systems and automatic display banners – you can basically customize anything you want.
  • WooCommerce, just like Shopify, also has a large library of plugins and extensions that can help you further customize and enhance your online store. In fact, the number of options available on WooCommerce is far more than that on Shopify.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of customization options that allow you to tailor your online store to your specific needs. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with a large app store and easy-to-use customization options, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using WordPress and its many themes, templates, and plugins to customize your online store. However, WooCommerce would stand out here because of its very large number of available options.

Note: Even though WooCommerce offers tons of plugins and themes to customize your store, you may still need a specific feature or functionality as per your business goal. In that case, you can get a custom plugin developed. You can explore our services, to learn more about them.

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9. Shopify vs WooCommerce: SEO Compatibility – Which Platform supports SEO better?

Your website’s SEO is indispensable when it comes to organic distribution and reach, and when it comes to ranking on Google. It will help you grow your customer base fast and with lower costs. Let’s understand how Shopify and WooCommerce tackle this.


  • Shopify is designed to be SEO-friendly out of the box, with features like customizable meta tags and URLs, and automatic generation of sitemaps.

  • Shopify also offers a range of SEO apps and plugins that can help you optimize your store further, including apps for keyword research, meta-tag optimization, and structured data. Shopify’s SEO booster is one such tool that helps with fixes hampering your SEO.

  • Shopify also integrates with Google Analytics, which can help you track your store’s performance in search engine rankings.


  • WooCommerce is built on WordPress, which is known for its strong SEO capabilities. As a successor to a mighty blogging platform, it is inherently built on a code-optimized basis, great for on-page SEO.

  • WooCommerce offers a range of SEO plugins and extensions that can help you optimize your store, including plugins for on-page optimization, sitemaps, and more.

  • Because WooCommerce is built on WordPress, you have access to a wide range of SEO plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem. The Yoast SEO plugin is probably the most famous one of the lot, used by millions of sites worldwide.

  • WooCommerce also integrates with Google Analytics and other SEO tools, just like Shopify.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of SEO features to help you optimize your online store for search engines. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with built-in SEO features, while WooCommerce is a better choice if you’re comfortable with implementing your own SEO strategy using the many SEO plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem. By any means, WooCommerce stands out here.

Read More: E-Commerce Platform Comparison: The SEO Perspective

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10. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Support Options – Which Platform has better Support for users?

If you have set up a store on your own or are in the process of doing so, you will definitely need constant support from the platform providers whenever any technical issue arises. This is key to ensuring that you don’t face any downsides while operating your store, something that may also cause potential loss of revenue. Let’s see how Shopify and WooCommerce rack up here.


  • Shopify offers 24/7 support via phone, email, and live chat to all merchants, regardless of their plan.

  • Shopify also has a comprehensive help center with articles and tutorials on a range of topics, including getting started, design and customization, and managing orders and customers.

  • Shopify offers community support through its forums and social media channels, where merchants can connect with each other and share tips and advice.


  • WooCommerce offers support via email and community forums to all users.

  • WooCommerce also has a comprehensive documentation library with articles and tutorials on a range of topics, including getting started, scaling your store, marketing, and analytics features, the latest security updates, design and customization, and managing orders and customers.

  • Because WooCommerce is built on WordPress, you have access to a wide range of community resources and support forums available through the WordPress ecosystem.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of support options to help you build and manage your online store. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for 24/7 support and a dedicated help center, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with relying on community support and the many resources available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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11. Shopify vs WooCommerce Customer Relation Management – Which Platform has better CRM integrations?

Handling your customer issues is vital to retaining users and boosting loyalty. Tons of CRM integrations are available to help you do so, both on Shopify and also on WooCommerce. 


  • Shopify offers a wide range of CRM integrations, including popular options like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM.

  • Shopify also has its own built-in customer relationship management system, called Shopify Ping, which allows you to manage customer conversations across a range of channels, including social media, email, and chat.


  • WooCommerce also integrates with a wide range of CRM systems just like Shopify does – including Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.

  • WooCommerce also has a number of CRM plugins and extensions available that can help you manage customer relationships and improve your marketing efforts, including plugins for email marketing, customer segmentation, and loyalty programs.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of CRM integrations and tools to help you manage customer relationships and improve your marketing efforts. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with its own built-in CRM system, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using third-party CRM systems or implementing your own CRM strategy using the many CRM plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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12. Shopify vs WooCommerce Reports – Which Platform is better for internal/external reporting?

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Reports are essential in maintaining a steady communication pattern between internal and external stakeholders. A lot of platforms ignore this. But Shopify and WooCommerce, being leaders, have specialized features for this.


  • Shopify offers a range of built-in reports that provide insights into your store’s performance, including sales reports, traffic reports, and inventory reports.

  • Shopify’s app store includes a range of reporting apps and plugins that can help you further customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.


  • WooCommerce also offers built-in reports to provide insights into your store’s performance across various channels and departments and through varying stages of the customer journey.

  • WooCommerce also includes a greatly customizable dashboard that allows you to view key metrics and reports at a glance.

  • WooCommerce’s plugin library, just like Shopify’s app store, comes with many reporting plugins to boost your reporting capabilities.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer robust reporting and analytics tools that allow you to track and measure the performance of your online store. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with a large app store and easy-to-use reporting options, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using WordPress and its many reporting plugins to customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.

Read More: 8 Best WooCommerce Reports And Analytics Plugins 2023 

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13. Some Other Factors

Scalability – Which Platform Is Better for Scaling Up, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Scalability means the ability of a platform to cater to growing demand. Put simply, if your business requires traffic from diverse sources and a large set of incoming products, then it should be able to accommodate them without any glitches or issues.

Shopify: It is structurally more supportive of scale, given that it is a hosted platform

WooCommerce: On a standalone basis, WooCommerce is a bit less scalable than Shopify, primarily because of its open-source nature. But by using plugins available on the WordPress ecosystem, you can greatly improve scalability – much faster than Shopify.

Automated Order Fulfillment – Which is better, Shopify, or Woocommerce?

E-commerce fulfillment automation leverages technology in tandem with business resources to create a seamless delivery process – right from start to finish – encompassing inventories, billing cycles, warehouse optimization, faster order processing, and improved customer experiences. It greatly improves efficiency, reduces human errors, allows smoother return management, eliminates manual interventions, and saves on costs and time.

Shopify: If you are setting up the automation process on your own, Shopify would be an easier choice as it comes with built-in shipping carrier integrations. 

WooCommerce: With WooCommerce, you would require a plugin to sync with shipping carriers and then chalk out your logistics plan accordingly. This is much more flexible, but also a tad bit technical.

Web and Domain Hosting Options – Which Platform is Superior, Shopify or WooCommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce are inherently two different types of platforms, each offering a different form and type of hosting plan. WooCommerce is much cheaper in this aspect because of its open-source nature linked to WordPress. It is also to be noted that with WooCommerce, you can modify the platform to the code, with absolutely no limitations, while such functionality is only limited to drag and drop in Shopify. 

Shopify: The free version is basic and for tapping into advanced features, one would require extra addons at greater costs – for instance, to avail hosting with functionalities like SSL certification, dynamic CDN integrations, 24X7 support, and dedicated IP.

WooCommerce: The basic plan comes with a lot of options in itself. The advanced features can be availed using plugins, which are generally cheaper than the ones available on the Shopify app store.

Aesthetic Designs, Dynamic Themes & Structured Templates – Which Platform has more to offer, Shopify or WooCommerce?

You would definitely want your e-commerce store to reflect your brand tone, and voice, for which you would require options from choosing between a wide variety of themes and templates. Shopify and WooCommerce both have enormous designs and themes for that. 

Shopify Has a plethora of themes and templates, with 70 paid-for themes, most of them mobile-responsive and customizable. The themes are sleek and stylish, with the premium ones costing about $140.

WooCommerce: As it is the most popular e-commerce platform worldwide, the list of themes available is virtually endless, but will require customizations from your end to exactly cater to your needs. For instance, the WooCommerce theme ThemeForest has over 1000 e-commerce styles for users. WooCommerce’s entry theme Storefront is suave and mobile friendly, and absolutely free.

Integrations – Which Platform Integrates Better With Third-Party Tools, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce work splendidly with third-party services. These integrations can be for forms, emails, social media sharing, analytics, and so on.

Shopify: It possesses an integration feature to connect your store’s automated marketing campaigns and social media handles- a 360-degree virtual presence. Shopify has about 1200 free and paid apps in its store.

WooCommerce: It doesn’t have a built-in integration feature but through third-party plugins, such integrations can be done seamlessly with basically any third-party tool in the world, right from marketing to database management. Being open source, it facilitates more than 50,000 options.

Data Management – Which Platform offers better Data Management, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Both Shopify and WooCommerce rank well here, mainly because they have a transaction history wherein you can be abreast with all your sales volume, expenditures, and performance over time. You may even download the data as a CSV file for future analysis.

Shopify: The in-depth data management feature comes with the advanced plan at a slightly higher cost.

WooCommerce: It doesn’t have this feature built-in, but can be easily integrated using an external plugin at a cheap price.

WooCommerce vs. Shopify: Quick Comparison

Comparison Shopify WooCommerce
Pricing The cost of using Shopify also depends on the pricing plan you choose. The basic plan starts at $29 per year.
Plus, it includes more expensive apps.
It’s free to install. The cost of using WooCommerce will depend on the hosting and domain registration fees you pay to your web hosting provider. It becomes even cheaper if you already have a WordPress site for your store. 
Usage Can be used by beginners easily. Requires some technical expertise.
Quality & Performance Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a fully-managed platform with consistent performance and scalability. WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with server management and want to take advantage of the performance optimizations available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Security Shopify is limited to built-in security features. With WooCommerce, you can take advantage of the security plugins and extensions.
Payment Methods & Transaction Fees Includes a wide range of built-in payment gateways and easy integration with third-party payment gateways.
2% transaction fees for third-party payment gateways.
Zero transaction fees. It also includes a large library of payment gateways, including many regional and niche payment options. 
Add-ons Shopify’s app store may offer more curated options and easier integration with Shopify Payments. WooCommerce’s marketplace may offer more flexibility and customization options
Subscriptions Limited to built-in subscription capabilities. You can make use of the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension plus other plugins in the WordPress Ecosystem.
Customization A large app store and easy-to-use customization options. WooCommerce stands out here with its many themes, templates, and plugins to customize your online store.
SEO Compatibility Limited to built-in SEO features You can implement your own SEO strategy and use many plugins and tools in addition to built-in features.
Support Options 24/7 support and a dedicated help center Community support and the many resources available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Customer Relations Management  Built-in CRM system. You can use third-party CRM systems or implement your own CRM strategy using the many CRM plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Reports  Easy-to-use reporting options. Using WordPress and its many reporting plugins to customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.
Which one will you choose? Shopify WooCommerce

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Deciding between Shopify and WooCommerce ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

Choose Shopify if:

  • You want a fully hosted platform that provides secure hosting and an integrated payment gateway.

  • You prefer a simpler, more user-friendly interface and setup process.

  • You want to dedicate 24/7 customer support and access to a curated app store.

Choose WooCommerce if:

  • You want more control over your e-commerce store and are comfortable with self-hosting.

  • You have the technical knowledge and are comfortable managing hosting and security.

  • You want more flexibility in terms of customization and integration with third-party services.

Ultimately, both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities.

However, we recommend an open-source platform like WooCommerce, if you want to control, scalability, and unlimited options to customize your online shop. To learn more, you can even get in touch with our Woo Experts to discuss your projects.

Also Read: WooCommerce vs Magento: A Comprehensive Comparison

Post Authors


Kiran Suthar is a Software Engineer at WisdmLabs. He’s an enthusiastic coder with a strong desire to constantly expand his knowledge and skill set.


unnamed 1

Nishant Nihar is the Content Head at WisdmLabs. He’s a skilled writer, quizzer, and technology enthusiast who’s passionate about helping his readers navigate through the WordPress space.


Customizing your store is an absolute necessity when it comes to delivering the most impact. You would ideally want to customize your store in a way that appeals to your target audience. In this regard, Shopify and WooCommerce both have some interesting options.


  • Shopify offers a range of customizable themes and templates that you can use to build your online store.
  • Shopify also offers a range of customization options that allow you to tailor your online store to your specific needs, including custom branding, product pages, and checkout pages.
  • Shopify also has a large app store that includes a wide range of apps and plugins that can help you further customize and enhance your online store.


  • WooCommerce is built on WordPress, which means you have access to all the customizable themes and templates that developers across the world enjoy while building their stores – the advantage of open source.
  • WooCommerce’s range of customization is very diverse because it gives you the flexibility to customize features, or even build them on your own – from checkout pages to ticketing systems and automatic display banners – you can basically customize anything you want.
  • WooCommerce, just like Shopify, also has a large library of plugins and extensions that can help you further customize and enhance your online store. In fact, the number of options available on WooCommerce is far more than that on Shopify.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of customization options that allow you to tailor your online store to your specific needs. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with a large app store and easy-to-use customization options, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using WordPress and its many themes, templates, and plugins to customize your online store. However, WooCommerce would stand out here because of its very large number of available options.

Note: Even though WooCommerce offers tons of plugins and themes to customize your store, you may still need a specific feature or functionality as per your business goal. In that case, you can get a custom plugin developed. You can explore our services, to learn more about them.

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9. Shopify vs WooCommerce: SEO Compatibility – Which Platform supports SEO better?

Your website’s SEO is indispensable when it comes to organic distribution and reach, and when it comes to ranking on Google. It will help you grow your customer base fast and with lower costs. Let’s understand how Shopify and WooCommerce tackle this.


  • Shopify is designed to be SEO-friendly out of the box, with features like customizable meta tags and URLs, and automatic generation of sitemaps.

  • Shopify also offers a range of SEO apps and plugins that can help you optimize your store further, including apps for keyword research, meta-tag optimization, and structured data. Shopify’s SEO booster is one such tool that helps with fixes hampering your SEO.

  • Shopify also integrates with Google Analytics, which can help you track your store’s performance in search engine rankings.


  • WooCommerce is built on WordPress, which is known for its strong SEO capabilities. As a successor to a mighty blogging platform, it is inherently built on a code-optimized basis, great for on-page SEO.

  • WooCommerce offers a range of SEO plugins and extensions that can help you optimize your store, including plugins for on-page optimization, sitemaps, and more.

  • Because WooCommerce is built on WordPress, you have access to a wide range of SEO plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem. The Yoast SEO plugin is probably the most famous one of the lot, used by millions of sites worldwide.

  • WooCommerce also integrates with Google Analytics and other SEO tools, just like Shopify.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of SEO features to help you optimize your online store for search engines. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with built-in SEO features, while WooCommerce is a better choice if you’re comfortable with implementing your own SEO strategy using the many SEO plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem. By any means, WooCommerce stands out here.

Read More: E-Commerce Platform Comparison: The SEO Perspective

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10. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Support Options – Which Platform has better Support for users?

If you have set up a store on your own or are in the process of doing so, you will definitely need constant support from the platform providers whenever any technical issue arises. This is key to ensuring that you don’t face any downsides while operating your store, something that may also cause potential loss of revenue. Let’s see how Shopify and WooCommerce rack up here.


  • Shopify offers 24/7 support via phone, email, and live chat to all merchants, regardless of their plan.

  • Shopify also has a comprehensive help center with articles and tutorials on a range of topics, including getting started, design and customization, and managing orders and customers.

  • Shopify offers community support through its forums and social media channels, where merchants can connect with each other and share tips and advice.


  • WooCommerce offers support via email and community forums to all users.

  • WooCommerce also has a comprehensive documentation library with articles and tutorials on a range of topics, including getting started, scaling your store, marketing, and analytics features, the latest security updates, design and customization, and managing orders and customers.

  • Because WooCommerce is built on WordPress, you have access to a wide range of community resources and support forums available through the WordPress ecosystem.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of support options to help you build and manage your online store. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for 24/7 support and a dedicated help center, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with relying on community support and the many resources available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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11. Shopify vs WooCommerce Customer Relation Management – Which Platform has better CRM integrations?

Handling your customer issues is vital to retaining users and boosting loyalty. Tons of CRM integrations are available to help you do so, both on Shopify and also on WooCommerce. 


  • Shopify offers a wide range of CRM integrations, including popular options like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM.

  • Shopify also has its own built-in customer relationship management system, called Shopify Ping, which allows you to manage customer conversations across a range of channels, including social media, email, and chat.


  • WooCommerce also integrates with a wide range of CRM systems just like Shopify does – including Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.

  • WooCommerce also has a number of CRM plugins and extensions available that can help you manage customer relationships and improve your marketing efforts, including plugins for email marketing, customer segmentation, and loyalty programs.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of CRM integrations and tools to help you manage customer relationships and improve your marketing efforts. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with its own built-in CRM system, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using third-party CRM systems or implementing your own CRM strategy using the many CRM plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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12. Shopify vs WooCommerce Reports – Which Platform is better for internal/external reporting?

Shopify VS WooCommerce Comparison
Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which is better? (The Ultimate Comparison) 7

Reports are essential in maintaining a steady communication pattern between internal and external stakeholders. A lot of platforms ignore this. But Shopify and WooCommerce, being leaders, have specialized features for this.


  • Shopify offers a range of built-in reports that provide insights into your store’s performance, including sales reports, traffic reports, and inventory reports.

  • Shopify’s app store includes a range of reporting apps and plugins that can help you further customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.


  • WooCommerce also offers built-in reports to provide insights into your store’s performance across various channels and departments and through varying stages of the customer journey.

  • WooCommerce also includes a greatly customizable dashboard that allows you to view key metrics and reports at a glance.

  • WooCommerce’s plugin library, just like Shopify’s app store, comes with many reporting plugins to boost your reporting capabilities.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer robust reporting and analytics tools that allow you to track and measure the performance of your online store. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with a large app store and easy-to-use reporting options, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using WordPress and its many reporting plugins to customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.

Read More: 8 Best WooCommerce Reports And Analytics Plugins 2023 

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13. Some Other Factors

Scalability – Which Platform Is Better for Scaling Up, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Scalability means the ability of a platform to cater to growing demand. Put simply, if your business requires traffic from diverse sources and a large set of incoming products, then it should be able to accommodate them without any glitches or issues.

Shopify: It is structurally more supportive of scale, given that it is a hosted platform

WooCommerce: On a standalone basis, WooCommerce is a bit less scalable than Shopify, primarily because of its open-source nature. But by using plugins available on the WordPress ecosystem, you can greatly improve scalability – much faster than Shopify.

Automated Order Fulfillment – Which is better, Shopify, or Woocommerce?

E-commerce fulfillment automation leverages technology in tandem with business resources to create a seamless delivery process – right from start to finish – encompassing inventories, billing cycles, warehouse optimization, faster order processing, and improved customer experiences. It greatly improves efficiency, reduces human errors, allows smoother return management, eliminates manual interventions, and saves on costs and time.

Shopify: If you are setting up the automation process on your own, Shopify would be an easier choice as it comes with built-in shipping carrier integrations. 

WooCommerce: With WooCommerce, you would require a plugin to sync with shipping carriers and then chalk out your logistics plan accordingly. This is much more flexible, but also a tad bit technical.

Web and Domain Hosting Options – Which Platform is Superior, Shopify or WooCommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce are inherently two different types of platforms, each offering a different form and type of hosting plan. WooCommerce is much cheaper in this aspect because of its open-source nature linked to WordPress. It is also to be noted that with WooCommerce, you can modify the platform to the code, with absolutely no limitations, while such functionality is only limited to drag and drop in Shopify. 

Shopify: The free version is basic and for tapping into advanced features, one would require extra addons at greater costs – for instance, to avail hosting with functionalities like SSL certification, dynamic CDN integrations, 24X7 support, and dedicated IP.

WooCommerce: The basic plan comes with a lot of options in itself. The advanced features can be availed using plugins, which are generally cheaper than the ones available on the Shopify app store.

Aesthetic Designs, Dynamic Themes & Structured Templates – Which Platform has more to offer, Shopify or WooCommerce?

You would definitely want your e-commerce store to reflect your brand tone, and voice, for which you would require options from choosing between a wide variety of themes and templates. Shopify and WooCommerce both have enormous designs and themes for that. 

Shopify Has a plethora of themes and templates, with 70 paid-for themes, most of them mobile-responsive and customizable. The themes are sleek and stylish, with the premium ones costing about $140.

WooCommerce: As it is the most popular e-commerce platform worldwide, the list of themes available is virtually endless, but will require customizations from your end to exactly cater to your needs. For instance, the WooCommerce theme ThemeForest has over 1000 e-commerce styles for users. WooCommerce’s entry theme Storefront is suave and mobile friendly, and absolutely free.

Integrations – Which Platform Integrates Better With Third-Party Tools, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce work splendidly with third-party services. These integrations can be for forms, emails, social media sharing, analytics, and so on.

Shopify: It possesses an integration feature to connect your store’s automated marketing campaigns and social media handles- a 360-degree virtual presence. Shopify has about 1200 free and paid apps in its store.

WooCommerce: It doesn’t have a built-in integration feature but through third-party plugins, such integrations can be done seamlessly with basically any third-party tool in the world, right from marketing to database management. Being open source, it facilitates more than 50,000 options.

Data Management – Which Platform offers better Data Management, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Both Shopify and WooCommerce rank well here, mainly because they have a transaction history wherein you can be abreast with all your sales volume, expenditures, and performance over time. You may even download the data as a CSV file for future analysis.

Shopify: The in-depth data management feature comes with the advanced plan at a slightly higher cost.

WooCommerce: It doesn’t have this feature built-in, but can be easily integrated using an external plugin at a cheap price.

WooCommerce vs. Shopify: Quick Comparison

Comparison Shopify WooCommerce
Pricing The cost of using Shopify also depends on the pricing plan you choose. The basic plan starts at $29 per year.
Plus, it includes more expensive apps.
It’s free to install. The cost of using WooCommerce will depend on the hosting and domain registration fees you pay to your web hosting provider. It becomes even cheaper if you already have a WordPress site for your store. 
Usage Can be used by beginners easily. Requires some technical expertise.
Quality & Performance Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a fully-managed platform with consistent performance and scalability. WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with server management and want to take advantage of the performance optimizations available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Security Shopify is limited to built-in security features. With WooCommerce, you can take advantage of the security plugins and extensions.
Payment Methods & Transaction Fees Includes a wide range of built-in payment gateways and easy integration with third-party payment gateways.
2% transaction fees for third-party payment gateways.
Zero transaction fees. It also includes a large library of payment gateways, including many regional and niche payment options. 
Add-ons Shopify’s app store may offer more curated options and easier integration with Shopify Payments. WooCommerce’s marketplace may offer more flexibility and customization options
Subscriptions Limited to built-in subscription capabilities. You can make use of the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension plus other plugins in the WordPress Ecosystem.
Customization A large app store and easy-to-use customization options. WooCommerce stands out here with its many themes, templates, and plugins to customize your online store.
SEO Compatibility Limited to built-in SEO features You can implement your own SEO strategy and use many plugins and tools in addition to built-in features.
Support Options 24/7 support and a dedicated help center Community support and the many resources available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Customer Relations Management  Built-in CRM system. You can use third-party CRM systems or implement your own CRM strategy using the many CRM plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Reports  Easy-to-use reporting options. Using WordPress and its many reporting plugins to customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.
Which one will you choose? Shopify WooCommerce

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Deciding between Shopify and WooCommerce ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

Choose Shopify if:

  • You want a fully hosted platform that provides secure hosting and an integrated payment gateway.

  • You prefer a simpler, more user-friendly interface and setup process.

  • You want to dedicate 24/7 customer support and access to a curated app store.

Choose WooCommerce if:

  • You want more control over your e-commerce store and are comfortable with self-hosting.

  • You have the technical knowledge and are comfortable managing hosting and security.

  • You want more flexibility in terms of customization and integration with third-party services.

Ultimately, both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities.

However, we recommend an open-source platform like WooCommerce, if you want to control, scalability, and unlimited options to customize your online shop. To learn more, you can even get in touch with our Woo Experts to discuss your projects.

Also Read: WooCommerce vs Magento: A Comprehensive Comparison

Post Authors


Kiran Suthar is a Software Engineer at WisdmLabs. He’s an enthusiastic coder with a strong desire to constantly expand his knowledge and skill set.


unnamed 1

Nishant Nihar is the Content Head at WisdmLabs. He’s a skilled writer, quizzer, and technology enthusiast who’s passionate about helping his readers navigate through the WordPress space.


Note: Woocommerce provides a lot of flexibility regarding subscription orders. A lot of store owners migrate to WooCommerce from Shopify for this reason. Learn more about it here.


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8. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Customization – Which Platform has more Customization options?

Customizing your store is an absolute necessity when it comes to delivering the most impact. You would ideally want to customize your store in a way that appeals to your target audience. In this regard, Shopify and WooCommerce both have some interesting options.


  • Shopify offers a range of customizable themes and templates that you can use to build your online store.
  • Shopify also offers a range of customization options that allow you to tailor your online store to your specific needs, including custom branding, product pages, and checkout pages.
  • Shopify also has a large app store that includes a wide range of apps and plugins that can help you further customize and enhance your online store.


  • WooCommerce is built on WordPress, which means you have access to all the customizable themes and templates that developers across the world enjoy while building their stores – the advantage of open source.
  • WooCommerce’s range of customization is very diverse because it gives you the flexibility to customize features, or even build them on your own – from checkout pages to ticketing systems and automatic display banners – you can basically customize anything you want.
  • WooCommerce, just like Shopify, also has a large library of plugins and extensions that can help you further customize and enhance your online store. In fact, the number of options available on WooCommerce is far more than that on Shopify.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of customization options that allow you to tailor your online store to your specific needs. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with a large app store and easy-to-use customization options, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using WordPress and its many themes, templates, and plugins to customize your online store. However, WooCommerce would stand out here because of its very large number of available options.

Note: Even though WooCommerce offers tons of plugins and themes to customize your store, you may still need a specific feature or functionality as per your business goal. In that case, you can get a custom plugin developed. You can explore our services, to learn more about them.

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9. Shopify vs WooCommerce: SEO Compatibility – Which Platform supports SEO better?

Your website’s SEO is indispensable when it comes to organic distribution and reach, and when it comes to ranking on Google. It will help you grow your customer base fast and with lower costs. Let’s understand how Shopify and WooCommerce tackle this.


  • Shopify is designed to be SEO-friendly out of the box, with features like customizable meta tags and URLs, and automatic generation of sitemaps.

  • Shopify also offers a range of SEO apps and plugins that can help you optimize your store further, including apps for keyword research, meta-tag optimization, and structured data. Shopify’s SEO booster is one such tool that helps with fixes hampering your SEO.

  • Shopify also integrates with Google Analytics, which can help you track your store’s performance in search engine rankings.


  • WooCommerce is built on WordPress, which is known for its strong SEO capabilities. As a successor to a mighty blogging platform, it is inherently built on a code-optimized basis, great for on-page SEO.

  • WooCommerce offers a range of SEO plugins and extensions that can help you optimize your store, including plugins for on-page optimization, sitemaps, and more.

  • Because WooCommerce is built on WordPress, you have access to a wide range of SEO plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem. The Yoast SEO plugin is probably the most famous one of the lot, used by millions of sites worldwide.

  • WooCommerce also integrates with Google Analytics and other SEO tools, just like Shopify.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of SEO features to help you optimize your online store for search engines. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with built-in SEO features, while WooCommerce is a better choice if you’re comfortable with implementing your own SEO strategy using the many SEO plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem. By any means, WooCommerce stands out here.

Read More: E-Commerce Platform Comparison: The SEO Perspective

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10. Shopify vs WooCommerce: Support Options – Which Platform has better Support for users?

If you have set up a store on your own or are in the process of doing so, you will definitely need constant support from the platform providers whenever any technical issue arises. This is key to ensuring that you don’t face any downsides while operating your store, something that may also cause potential loss of revenue. Let’s see how Shopify and WooCommerce rack up here.


  • Shopify offers 24/7 support via phone, email, and live chat to all merchants, regardless of their plan.

  • Shopify also has a comprehensive help center with articles and tutorials on a range of topics, including getting started, design and customization, and managing orders and customers.

  • Shopify offers community support through its forums and social media channels, where merchants can connect with each other and share tips and advice.


  • WooCommerce offers support via email and community forums to all users.

  • WooCommerce also has a comprehensive documentation library with articles and tutorials on a range of topics, including getting started, scaling your store, marketing, and analytics features, the latest security updates, design and customization, and managing orders and customers.

  • Because WooCommerce is built on WordPress, you have access to a wide range of community resources and support forums available through the WordPress ecosystem.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of support options to help you build and manage your online store. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for 24/7 support and a dedicated help center, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with relying on community support and the many resources available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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11. Shopify vs WooCommerce Customer Relation Management – Which Platform has better CRM integrations?

Handling your customer issues is vital to retaining users and boosting loyalty. Tons of CRM integrations are available to help you do so, both on Shopify and also on WooCommerce. 


  • Shopify offers a wide range of CRM integrations, including popular options like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM.

  • Shopify also has its own built-in customer relationship management system, called Shopify Ping, which allows you to manage customer conversations across a range of channels, including social media, email, and chat.


  • WooCommerce also integrates with a wide range of CRM systems just like Shopify does – including Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.

  • WooCommerce also has a number of CRM plugins and extensions available that can help you manage customer relationships and improve your marketing efforts, including plugins for email marketing, customer segmentation, and loyalty programs.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer a range of CRM integrations and tools to help you manage customer relationships and improve your marketing efforts. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with its own built-in CRM system, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using third-party CRM systems or implementing your own CRM strategy using the many CRM plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem.

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12. Shopify vs WooCommerce Reports – Which Platform is better for internal/external reporting?

Shopify VS WooCommerce Comparison
Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which is better? (The Ultimate Comparison) 8

Reports are essential in maintaining a steady communication pattern between internal and external stakeholders. A lot of platforms ignore this. But Shopify and WooCommerce, being leaders, have specialized features for this.


  • Shopify offers a range of built-in reports that provide insights into your store’s performance, including sales reports, traffic reports, and inventory reports.

  • Shopify’s app store includes a range of reporting apps and plugins that can help you further customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.


  • WooCommerce also offers built-in reports to provide insights into your store’s performance across various channels and departments and through varying stages of the customer journey.

  • WooCommerce also includes a greatly customizable dashboard that allows you to view key metrics and reports at a glance.

  • WooCommerce’s plugin library, just like Shopify’s app store, comes with many reporting plugins to boost your reporting capabilities.

Conclusion: Overall, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer robust reporting and analytics tools that allow you to track and measure the performance of your online store. Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a platform with a large app store and easy-to-use reporting options, while WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with using WordPress and its many reporting plugins to customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.

Read More: 8 Best WooCommerce Reports And Analytics Plugins 2023 

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13. Some Other Factors

Scalability – Which Platform Is Better for Scaling Up, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Scalability means the ability of a platform to cater to growing demand. Put simply, if your business requires traffic from diverse sources and a large set of incoming products, then it should be able to accommodate them without any glitches or issues.

Shopify: It is structurally more supportive of scale, given that it is a hosted platform

WooCommerce: On a standalone basis, WooCommerce is a bit less scalable than Shopify, primarily because of its open-source nature. But by using plugins available on the WordPress ecosystem, you can greatly improve scalability – much faster than Shopify.

Automated Order Fulfillment – Which is better, Shopify, or Woocommerce?

E-commerce fulfillment automation leverages technology in tandem with business resources to create a seamless delivery process – right from start to finish – encompassing inventories, billing cycles, warehouse optimization, faster order processing, and improved customer experiences. It greatly improves efficiency, reduces human errors, allows smoother return management, eliminates manual interventions, and saves on costs and time.

Shopify: If you are setting up the automation process on your own, Shopify would be an easier choice as it comes with built-in shipping carrier integrations. 

WooCommerce: With WooCommerce, you would require a plugin to sync with shipping carriers and then chalk out your logistics plan accordingly. This is much more flexible, but also a tad bit technical.

Web and Domain Hosting Options – Which Platform is Superior, Shopify or WooCommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce are inherently two different types of platforms, each offering a different form and type of hosting plan. WooCommerce is much cheaper in this aspect because of its open-source nature linked to WordPress. It is also to be noted that with WooCommerce, you can modify the platform to the code, with absolutely no limitations, while such functionality is only limited to drag and drop in Shopify. 

Shopify: The free version is basic and for tapping into advanced features, one would require extra addons at greater costs – for instance, to avail hosting with functionalities like SSL certification, dynamic CDN integrations, 24X7 support, and dedicated IP.

WooCommerce: The basic plan comes with a lot of options in itself. The advanced features can be availed using plugins, which are generally cheaper than the ones available on the Shopify app store.

Aesthetic Designs, Dynamic Themes & Structured Templates – Which Platform has more to offer, Shopify or WooCommerce?

You would definitely want your e-commerce store to reflect your brand tone, and voice, for which you would require options from choosing between a wide variety of themes and templates. Shopify and WooCommerce both have enormous designs and themes for that. 

Shopify Has a plethora of themes and templates, with 70 paid-for themes, most of them mobile-responsive and customizable. The themes are sleek and stylish, with the premium ones costing about $140.

WooCommerce: As it is the most popular e-commerce platform worldwide, the list of themes available is virtually endless, but will require customizations from your end to exactly cater to your needs. For instance, the WooCommerce theme ThemeForest has over 1000 e-commerce styles for users. WooCommerce’s entry theme Storefront is suave and mobile friendly, and absolutely free.

Integrations – Which Platform Integrates Better With Third-Party Tools, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce work splendidly with third-party services. These integrations can be for forms, emails, social media sharing, analytics, and so on.

Shopify: It possesses an integration feature to connect your store’s automated marketing campaigns and social media handles- a 360-degree virtual presence. Shopify has about 1200 free and paid apps in its store.

WooCommerce: It doesn’t have a built-in integration feature but through third-party plugins, such integrations can be done seamlessly with basically any third-party tool in the world, right from marketing to database management. Being open source, it facilitates more than 50,000 options.

Data Management – Which Platform offers better Data Management, Shopify or Woocommerce?

Both Shopify and WooCommerce rank well here, mainly because they have a transaction history wherein you can be abreast with all your sales volume, expenditures, and performance over time. You may even download the data as a CSV file for future analysis.

Shopify: The in-depth data management feature comes with the advanced plan at a slightly higher cost.

WooCommerce: It doesn’t have this feature built-in, but can be easily integrated using an external plugin at a cheap price.

WooCommerce vs. Shopify: Quick Comparison

Comparison Shopify WooCommerce
Pricing The cost of using Shopify also depends on the pricing plan you choose. The basic plan starts at $29 per year.
Plus, it includes more expensive apps.
It’s free to install. The cost of using WooCommerce will depend on the hosting and domain registration fees you pay to your web hosting provider. It becomes even cheaper if you already have a WordPress site for your store. 
Usage Can be used by beginners easily. Requires some technical expertise.
Quality & Performance Shopify may be a better choice if you’re looking for a fully-managed platform with consistent performance and scalability. WooCommerce may be a better choice if you’re comfortable with server management and want to take advantage of the performance optimizations available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Security Shopify is limited to built-in security features. With WooCommerce, you can take advantage of the security plugins and extensions.
Payment Methods & Transaction Fees Includes a wide range of built-in payment gateways and easy integration with third-party payment gateways.
2% transaction fees for third-party payment gateways.
Zero transaction fees. It also includes a large library of payment gateways, including many regional and niche payment options. 
Add-ons Shopify’s app store may offer more curated options and easier integration with Shopify Payments. WooCommerce’s marketplace may offer more flexibility and customization options
Subscriptions Limited to built-in subscription capabilities. You can make use of the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension plus other plugins in the WordPress Ecosystem.
Customization A large app store and easy-to-use customization options. WooCommerce stands out here with its many themes, templates, and plugins to customize your online store.
SEO Compatibility Limited to built-in SEO features You can implement your own SEO strategy and use many plugins and tools in addition to built-in features.
Support Options 24/7 support and a dedicated help center Community support and the many resources available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Customer Relations Management  Built-in CRM system. You can use third-party CRM systems or implement your own CRM strategy using the many CRM plugins and tools available through the WordPress ecosystem.
Reports  Easy-to-use reporting options. Using WordPress and its many reporting plugins to customize and enhance your reporting capabilities.
Which one will you choose? Shopify WooCommerce

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Deciding between Shopify and WooCommerce ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

Choose Shopify if:

  • You want a fully hosted platform that provides secure hosting and an integrated payment gateway.

  • You prefer a simpler, more user-friendly interface and setup process.

  • You want to dedicate 24/7 customer support and access to a curated app store.

Choose WooCommerce if:

  • You want more control over your e-commerce store and are comfortable with self-hosting.

  • You have the technical knowledge and are comfortable managing hosting and security.

  • You want more flexibility in terms of customization and integration with third-party services.

Ultimately, both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities.

However, we recommend an open-source platform like WooCommerce, if you want to control, scalability, and unlimited options to customize your online shop. To learn more, you can even get in touch with our Woo Experts to discuss your projects.

Also Read: WooCommerce vs Magento: A Comprehensive Comparison

Post Authors


Kiran Suthar is a Software Engineer at WisdmLabs. He’s an enthusiastic coder with a strong desire to constantly expand his knowledge and skill set.


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Nishant Nihar is the Content Head at WisdmLabs. He’s a skilled writer, quizzer, and technology enthusiast who’s passionate about helping his readers navigate through the WordPress space.


Kiran Suthar

Kiran Suthar

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