
How to monitor learning trends of your LearnDash courses

    Nitansha Tanwar
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Are you struggling to track the learning metrics in your LearnDash courses?

Do you wish you could analyze your learner’s progress & how they spend their time on your LearnDash LMS?

When learners first enroll in online courses they are enthusiastic and committed.

But over time that excitement fades.

And students end up dropping out without completing the course. Or without extracting any tangible learning or training outcome.

That’s why online learning is more than a quality course and high enrolment numbers.

What truly matters is student engagement, retention, and learning experience.

And more and more people are realizing the importance of monitoring learning and development trends.

WHY? Because it helps you detect any fluctuations in the learner and course activity.

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I admit — keeping up with elearning trends on your LearnDash LMS may seem like a task that involves a lot of data collection, organization, and analysis.

But, in reality? 

How to monitor learning trends of your LearnDash courses 1

Here’s how you can track learning metrics in your LearnDash courses.

Check course and quiz completion reports

There’s a huge difference between completing 20% and 80% of a course.

And one of the most important aspects of any online course is the completion rate. If people don’t finish your course, the other metrics lose importance. 

To track course progress, you must track the rate at which learners finish courses. And course completion graphs can be very effective in checking out trends in completion rates.

It will tell you exactly how many learners have completed, not completed, or are in progress by giving you course-wise avg. completion rates. 

Therefore, helping you figure out which course has the highest completion rate and which has the lowest.

And if your courses have quizzes, then you need to know if your learners are completing the quizzes or not. Quiz completion graphs can help you track the rate at which your learners complete the quiz. 

Quick Takeaway: Visual data is easy to interpret. Online learning trends in courses and quizzes can be easily identified if the reporting data is visualized through good and presentable graphical reports. 

Track time spent on courses and quizzes

Did you know?  On average, employees only have 24 minutes per week to spend on learning. (

Having a completion rate of 90% is excellent. But did your learners actually go through the entire course? What if they completed a 4-hour course in 40 min?

To ensure that your learners have actually gone through learning content, you need insights on time spent in courses.

LearnDash reports with course completion time graphs can neatly summarize the avg. time a learner spends per course. It’s the best way to ensure course and learner engagement. 

Similarly, quiz completion time graphs tell you the avg. time learners take to complete the quizzes in each course. 

Therefore, tracking the quiz & course completion time can reveal a lot about learner behavior and give insights into how they truly engage with the learning content.

Also Read: 5 Genius ways to get insights in LearnDash

Monitor the average pass rate graphs

Tracking the average pass rate helps in getting a grasp of how learners are progressing in your courses. 

Keeping up with the pass percentage can help you identify the trends on which courses are easy for learners and which courses are hard.

You can easily monitor the average pass rate of your LearnDash courses by taking a quick glance at the learner pass rate graphs present in your LearnDash reporting solution.

Quick Takeaway: As you analyze the pass rate of all quizzes in your courses, you may want to filter through each lesson and topic. Pulling up specific information to see how they are performing across all lessons. Are they behind in any particular topic? Are they finding the lesson hard?

Deep dive into quiz attempts and answers 

Quizzes are fun and important to test a learner’s knowledge.

Understanding the learner’s quiz performance helps in calculating the effectiveness of your course offering and training program. It also keeps the learner informed of their own progress.

But the quiz passing vs failing rate won’t reveal everything. To check if there are any patterns in those who are failing your quizzes, you need to check individual answers.

To do so, you must observe their quiz statistics like quiz attempts and answers in depth.

Ideally, your LearnDash LMS should summarize the quiz performance for each course, group, and learner. It will help you quickly analyze the quiz performance to achieve better e-learning outcomes. 

Using quiz performance reports, you can easily check the trends in correct/incorrect answers, time spent on the quiz, and learner’s score and compare it with the class average.

Hence, with quiz reports in LeanDash, you can monitor the trends in quizzes and identify which quizzes are tough or too easy for your learners.

Also Read: How a Dashboard can simplify LearnDash Quiz Reporting

To drive better outcomes, it’s crucial to address areas of concern and understand the root cause of the problem.

And to identify such knowledge gaps, you must track important learning metrics on your online course.

As discussed above, here are the learning metrics you should be observing:

  • Course and quiz completion rates 
  • Time spend on courses and quizzes
  • Average Pass/Fail rate
  • Quiz attempts and answer analysis

And to analyze these metrics in LearnDash, you can download any one of the top 5 LearnDash reporting plugins. As they offer insights into all types of learning data. 

I recommend using WISDM Reports for LearnDash as its visualization of all e-learning metrics makes analysis fast and easy. What’s more, is that all-important progress and performance reports are present in one comprehensive dashboard. So you don’t even have to look for data in any other place.

Also Read: 4 ways a reporting dashboard makes training analysis easy in LearnDash

So try it and let us know your thoughts below.

Nitansha Tanwar

Nitansha Tanwar

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