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How to restructure your business for remote success

Despite the fact that many states and many businesses around the nation are beginning to open up, many remain closed with nothing but uncertainty for the future. One thing is for certain, though: the way we interact with one another has changed dramatically, and the implications will affect all facets of what we used to know as normal.

In order to stay afloat and be relevant in this current climate, businesses are shifting gears from on-site operations to instructing their employees to work from home.

Read more: Working from home – good for both companies and employees

Whether you are trying to transition everything to a solely digital workspace or you’ve already completed the transition, we have gathered some helpful information on restructuring your business for remote success.

Go digital

The first thing every operation should look into is digitally filing each document they have. Is this time-consuming? Yes, but at the same time, it will save you and your team loads of headaches down the line. If you’ve already digitized your files but are in need of something easily accessed by every member of your crew, a cloud-based server is the way to go.

Just like you did with your records, your active business accounts will flow much more fluently in a digital format. Financial transactions are particularly tricky with social distancing. Even as cities begin opening up again, many people will be wary of entering a crowded bank or exchanging paper money.

A digital business bank can work faster than a traditional bank and provide small business owners with peace of mind by completing tasks online. With every other part of your business trending digital, banking can often be overlooked, but taking it online is a great step to take if you’re looking to be more efficient and have access to your funds at all times.

Gather your tools

Since you and your team will likely be spending less time working from the same location, it is important to make sure everyone has the same tools. If your business requires it and it is feasible, consider providing everyone on your team with their own work computer, mobile device, or additional office accessories designed for optimal productivity.

Industry-specific software is just as essential. Communication software such as Zoom, Skype, or Slack makes remote meetings a breeze. Additionally, these are great ways to make sure everyone is on the same page, instantly. Time-management monitoring systems are also great tools to have at your disposal. With everyone away from the office, it is crucial to keep all team members informed and on task.

Train your team

Just like when they started working for you in the first place, many employees will experience a learning curve as they transition to a remote work environment. Providing any remote working tips or additional training to your staff will help you avoid any issues down the road. Your team will thank you, too, for taking the time to prepare them for success.

Read more: How to make remote work actually work for you

Despite having the proper training and tools at their disposal, many employees may still find themselves overwhelmed by working away from the office. Do your best to empower your team as they work remotely. They’ll be more likely to give you their best efforts lifting some pressure from your shoulders. Remote working can be a challenge, creative industries tend to have an easier time adjusting as being home lets them open their mind, but other industries can be tougher to adjust to.

Read more: 4 Skills to teach employees to empower them to work remotely

Be supportive

Another great way to monitor your employees’ needs is by establishing an IT support team if you haven’t already. Working remotely can cause a strain on your teams’ home internet and on the servers you use for your business. Having an individual or a group of experts to keep your digital infrastructure a well-oiled machine might be the difference between a smooth operation and your crew spending all day troubleshooting on their own rather than completing pertinent tasks.

Given the uncertainty surrounding everyone’s lives right now, keep in mind that everyone’s schedules might be different while working from home. Parents will be dealing with their children, couples working from home at the same time might be sharing an office area, and home internet service may be poor for some. Do what you can to provide everyone with the keys to success.

Boost morale

Along those same lines, use all of the tech we just discussed to keep spirits raised. It is more important now than ever to stay connected with your colleagues. Using the same digital tools to communicate, set aside a few moments of your week to answer questions, inform with any updates you may have, and engage in some virtual team-building exercises.

Encouraging your team to stay active is another smart way to continue the health of your business. Other best practices like eating right, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a solid work-life balance are doubly important while working in the same spaces we live in. Your business is only as good as your people.

Read more: How to avoid work from home burnout: A room of one’s own

Wrapping up

These are just some of the important things to keep in mind as you transition your business to a remote work environment. Be patient; not everyone will adjust overnight and that is okay. The important thing is that you provide your team with every resource you can to ensure the success and growth of your business.