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3 Ways online training is revolutionizing workplace safety

Workplace training isn’t always fun or engaging. Classroom learning tends to run long, can be redundant, and eats into time workers might otherwise spend solving problems and making money.

But training is vital for any business organization, especially when it comes to workplace safety. Your workers need the insights and education to stay safe no matter how or where they are working. In the days of prevalent remote work, this means diversifying and standardizing your safety training to be as clear and easy to manage as possible.

Luckily, online training is revolutionizing the way we keep workplaces safe. All kinds of industries are using online learning for their workers, and the results are making a difference.

Here’s what you need to understand about online training in workplace safety.

3 Ways online training is used in workplace safety

Safety training is a core standard in just about any business model. Most times mandated by OSHA standards and other local or federal regulations, safety training modules provide the awareness your employees need to reduce risk.

Safety training also offers incredible value for businesses. Costs for on-the-job injuries average at about $1,100 per worker, and since 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries occur every year, the price tag can add up quickly for unsafe work environments.

Facing such risks to human livelihoods and business bottom lines, companies are turning to online safety training to solve a few problems with how employees are educated. Online training is being used to fulfill the following functions for businesses:

  1. Improve training transparency

    Keeping track of which employees have received certain training modules can be an administrative nightmare. With online training in an LMS, however, navigating and tracking these records is clear and easy. Meanwhile, an effective Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) program allows records, insights, and training certifications to be managed across one comprehensive dashboard. This equates to unprecedented levels of transparency in managing workplace safety training.

  2. Decrease training times

    Then, online training offers workforces the flexibility they need to accommodate all workers and situations. Assembling the staff or creating the events needed to conduct in-person training can be expensive and time-consuming. With online training, workers can receive their education during more organic breaks in scheduling.

    Video-based and microlearning content available online makes this possible. With video training, for example, workers tend to be more engaged, while minimal time commitments allow for greater flexibility. The result is accessible and shorter training times that can improve business outcomes.

    Read more: How video-based courses make training more effective

  3. Standardize training programs

    Finally, businesses apply online safety training to standardize the training that all new employees receive. While conducting in-person training can be valuable in its own right, instructors vary in what they cover and how well they engage workers.

    With online training, you know exactly what you’re getting. A virtual module can offer a standard for imparting knowledge and assessing retention through interactive components and short quizzes. In the end, printable and shareable certifications give safety managers proof that all workers went over the same knowledge.

These functions all stand to revolutionize the ways workplace safety is monitored and taught across a workplace. With online learning, employees can all go over the same scenarios and practice the problem-solving and awareness skills they need to stay safe on the job. The best part is the flexible nature of micro-learning online means employees are more likely to stay engaged.

Read more: 3 Ways to apply scenario-based learning in your training program

In turn, businesses are experiencing all kinds of benefits by adopting online safety training.

Benefits of online training in business

The health and safety of workers should be every business’s number one priority. By enabling great industrial hygiene, you set up your workers for success while removing many of the risk factors that can make a workplace unsafe.

The right approach to safety training and workplace hygiene leads to:

  • Healthier employees and reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced healthcare costs
  • Improved efficiency
  • Reduced downtime of employees and equipment
  • Greater employee engagement in their own safety

Online training has the potential to create all these benefits, as it eases your time management efforts while standardizing the process. This way, workers will take a more proactive approach in their own education, learning on a timeframe that works for them.

Since employee absentee costs from workplace illness and injury can cost a business as much as $3,600 per year, every penny you spend on a more engaging safety platform can be worth it. Online content makes learning engaging by nature of its interactive and multimedia options.

So explore these functions and benefits when it comes to online training in workplace safety. The right tools and programs can revolutionize your safety processes, but only if you take the proper steps to integrate them.

For a safer workplace tomorrow, consider switching to online training today!