Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have grown like never before in widespread adoption among a large user base and in terms of the technology used. At the same time, the realm of application development has grown at a feverish pace.

Here’s where mobile app development frameworks come into the picture. Due to the unique feature of cross-platform development by the Flutter framework, it has helped develop native apps easily for Android and iOS platforms.

Flutter is beginning to take off- 36,889 projects were built using Flutter and downloaded more than 11 billion times. Isn’t that impressive?

Many brands are using this instrument and developing their applications through it. If you are a developer or an IT professional, then you should know the value of Flutter. 

If you don’t, then you have landed on the right page. Here, you will learn about the benefits of Flutter app development. 

Table of Contents:

Flutter App Development- What Is the Hype About?

Within 2 years of its launch, the Flutter app framework penetrated a massive user base of 2 million people. This is ground-breaking and worth remembering for the developer community.

But what is Flutter app development?

Google implemented the cross-platform framework for developing mobile applications on both iOS and Android devices.

Out of the box, it supports both 2D and 3D graphics rendering. The platform is perfect for mobile devices with limited hardware resources available for running the app because it is lightweight and fast by design. 

It takes care of the under-the-hood plumbing, enabling developers to focus on creating a high-quality native user experience. Flutter can be used as a replacement for both React Native and native development. 

What are the Three Reasons to Use Flutter App Development?

Google created the open-source Flutter software development kit (SDK) for mobile apps that helps developers quickly and efficiently create high-fidelity, superior apps across the iOS and Android platforms.

You don’t have to worry about minute details while developing apps with robust features because a reactive framework powers Flutter.

Here are the answers to why you use Flutter for app development: 

  • Expedited application builds– From conception to release, Flutter assists developers in producing premium apps rapidly and effectively.
  • Cross-platform compatibility– The apps have a single codebase with dynamic characteristics like autonomous hot reloading and extensive widget sets. 
  • Enriched and dynamic UI– Building contemporary interfaces with ever-evolving, substantial user interfaces is the focus of the Flutter framework. 

Compared to native SDKs, it provides a smaller developer space, enabling Flutter developers to release code more quickly with fewer defects and more equilibrium. It is also relevant to web development.

Also Read: What Are the Top 5 Android App Development Fundamentals for Beginners?

Why Should You Consider Flutter for Web Development?

Flutter is not just limited to mobile apps but also supports building web applications with its architecture. The framework has a rendering engine that uses Skia as the drawing engine instead of WebKit or Blink, like in most browsers.

Skia is an open-source graphics library written in C++ that supports all major operating systems, including Android and iOS (but not macOS), as well as Windows platforms such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, etc. 

This opens up many possibilities with Flutter, such as running HTML5 games in Flutter or creating an app in Flutter and then deploying it as a web application on another platform like Firebase or Heroku. 

Flutter helps you to create rich, native user experiences on both mobile platforms. Hence, if you already have a website and want to add some mobile functionality, you can do this with Flutter without having to start from scratch. Hence, we have answered the question:

Is Flutter good for web development?

What are the Top 5 Benefits of Flutter App Development?

The primary language utilized in Flutter app development is Dart, which Google itself developed. Consequently, it adheres to Google standards and guidelines.

While there may be some challenges when putting Dart into practice, if you aim to become proficient in this language, they are not as daunting compared to options such as React developing native Android/iOS applications.

Dart is a general-purpose programming language that supports both object-oriented and functional programming, and it is the predominant language used by Flutter.

By applying Flutter, you can see the following advantages:

1. Simplified Process of Gaining Knowledge

Javascript is a widely used programming language among developers. Since Dart and JavaScript share similarities, developers can easily learn and use Dart for their projects.

This saves them from starting from scratch when learning a language as they can apply their knowledge from languages like Java and C/C++. As a result, developers can quickly begin using Flutter without needing to invest time in learning concepts or toolkits before creating apps.

2. Responsive and Dynamic User Interface

Flutter, a reactive framework, reduces the overhead of updating the view when the model changes. By leveraging this framework, you can create programs that use memory effectively and operate swiftly.

3. Implementation of an Extensive Ecosystem

Flutter is compatible with UI libraries like Material Design Lite and Cupertino Widgets. It shares the engine as Google Material Design framework, allowing you to design visually appealing user interfaces without writing extra code or worrying about layout compatibility across different platforms.

4. Swift Deployment

With Flutter, you only need to create an app to make it work seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices. No modifications are required for having to build two applications. You can leverage Flutter to reduce your development time significantly. 

5. Increased Efficiency

Flutter offers hardware graphics, smooth scrolling, and high frame rates on both Android and iOS devices. This enables you to create top-notch experiences that closely resemble apps.

Depending on the platform or configuration settings, you can also optimize your app for low-end devices. Maximize performance on high-end ones by selecting levels of framework optimization.

Also Read: What is Mobile Application Development? A Comprehensive Overview

Final Words

Xamarin, React Native, and other frameworks of a similar nature are excellent substitutes for Flutter. However, why would you pick Flutter over the others in its category?  

The response is plain and simple: Google supports Flutter. Developers can now use this promising technology, in which the company has made significant investments. Well-renowned brands have selected Flutter technologies like Xamarin, NativeScript, and React Native so far.  

Hurix Digital has noticed that while Flutter may not be the preferred app development engine for every company just yet if the engine’s rapid expansion is any indication, it very well may become the norm shortly.

Flutter seems to be off to a good start, and there are a lot of exciting possibilities in store for it going forward. That much is certain. Are you looking for testing and quality assurance services for web-based and mobile applications? Get in touch with us today!