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4 Things that will redefine work by 2025

According to the World Economic Forum, the way we work will be redefined by 2025. This is not surprising, giving the accelerated pace of the changes we are facing in our daily lives. It’s not just technology that brings about changes. We see mentality changes faster than we did with previous generations.

If we look at studies that compare the outlook on life across generations – from Baby Boomers to Generation Z – we can see considerable differences. For instance, flexible working hours were extremely frowned upon a few decades ago, but they have become the norm in more organizations.

Let’s see what major trends will redefine work by 2025 and how technology will help us adapt, especially if we work in the L&D industry.

1. Remotopia – remote work will become mainstream

Remote work has been here for a while, but it was a marginal phenomenon before the pandemic. It seemed quite a distant reality lived by the brave digital nomads who blogged about their wonderful lives across continents. Studies confirm this perception. According to the World Economic Forum, less than five percent of knowledge workers did their jobs remotely at the beginning of 2020. Now, more than half of them work remotely.

However, remote work also comes with pros and cons. Some people complain about the lack of social contact, others about the extensive exposure to technology (Zoom fatigue), others about the difficulty in establishing clear boundaries between their personal and professional life.

Read more: Top 5 ways L&D professionals can avoid Zoom fatigue

But there are clear advantages as well. In the L&D industry, working remotely allows instructors to reach more employees and collaborate with peers from all over the world. We also need to redefine our relationship with technology, but it will help L&D departments become more productive in the long run.

2. Green collar or the ascension of ecological businesses

To fight climate change and its effects, businesses will have to adapt. New technologies will create new jobs and smooth the transition to a green economy and, we might add, a green mentality.

There have been major changes in the L&D industry that might help reduce the organization's carbon footprint. Working remotely is one of them, as flying across the country or overseas to deliver training programs contributes to higher pollution levels.

Also, the shift from a paper-based system to a paperless one contributes to creating an ecological mindset across the industry. VR technology, for instance, might also be helpful, as it simulates a wide range of training situations that would need many resources if organized face to face.

Read more: 4 Benefits of using VR in training

3. The gig economy or the rise of freelancers

Platforms such as Upwork, TaskRabbit, Fiverr, or Freelancer have normalized freelancing over the last years, and this trend will continue. An increasing number of talented workers decide to work as freelancers, as it offers them the opportunity to be more creative and take interesting projects.

In the L&D industry, independent trainers and consultants can offer companies and organizations professional services whenever necessary. An LMS can help independent L&D specialists become more productive and manage their training programs more easily, especially in virtual environments.

Far from being a threat, learning technologies can boost any training provider and the industry in general.

4. Automation and AI

For some people, automation and AI are the ultimate threat to jobs and workers. However, it is estimated that both automation and AI will enhance current jobs and make workers more productive in various industries.

In the L&D industry, for example, automation and AI can do administrative tasks (enrolment, training management, billing, etc.) and some types of assessments. In this way, it allows trainers to focus on more creative tasks.

Automation and AI will offer knowledge workers more time to develop innovative ideas. It will take the industry to a new level.

Read more: 4 Use cases of training automation you should know about

Final thoughts

By 2025, work will be redefined by these significant trends. It’s up to us to prepare, carefully study the market and embrace change, perhaps even to become change facilitators. The L&D industry must be adaptive by definition and it’s time to buckle up and get ready for the new reality of the next years!