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Guide to how micro-learning can revitalize your training academy

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Training academies and other corporate learning initiatives often mean comprehensive training modules that take up a lot of the employee’s time and give a disproportionate low learning output. Micro-learning is the opposite: it’s quick to access on mobile devices, easy to digest and straight-to-the-point communication, that is much easier to remember.

Here’s how you can start using micro-learning to renew your training academy.
You probably already know that micro-learning is training content, split up in bite-size chunks that learners consume on their smartphones. Micro-learning is becoming more and more important in organizations because it solves the problem, that people generally forget 80 % of what they learned in 30 days.

These simple guidelines will help you keep employees up-to-date at all times:

Micro-learning needs to be kept simple. The shorter and more focused the better. To make your micro-learning effective, combine only a few elements, e.g.:

  • A 60-90 seconds video that positions the theme – could be a simple animation or a presenter explaining the subject.
  • A short article or a few brief presentation slides giving insight, tips & tricks on how to improve something or guiding points that make it easier for employees to become compliant with your process or policy.
  • A multiple choice test or some other way to validate comprehension. This will also give you valuable input about skill gaps in your organization, and where you might need to update training materials.

See how eloomi can help you launch your micro-learning in days, with training content.

Keep this in mind when you make your micro-learning content:

Classroom training and common e-learning in many cases merely convert lengthy powerpoint slides into e-learning modules. But todays workforce require a much more agile learning model and mobile availability, even when you need to dive deep into a single subject.
Many eloomi customers find that micro-learning is particularly fruitful when the training subject is about a wide-scale organizational initiative that employees need to receive without disturbing their ongoing tasks.
If you want to make it easy to execute, keep cost low and enjoy strong effect in learning results, these are some important points you should pay attention to:

  • Make content engaging.

    Tell a story or simply provide examples to make the essence of your message easier to remember. Once you activate the learners emotions you have access to his memory. We recommend a short 60-90 seconds video (presenter, animation or infographic).

  • Don’t repeat. Just shorten.

    The more extensive your content is the more you need to repeat your points. But the nice thing about micro-learning is that the modules are brief and learners can easily revisit the content as often as they like.

  • Video rules.

    Most people prefer video over any other media. So even if you like writing better, in reality your only option is to start using video to get through to your corporate audience. Luckily, it’s easy to shoot simple videos with your smartphone or record a screencast on your computer. See below examples of how you can get started with short and effective videos.

  • Build knowledge and skills.

    We recommend building the micro-learning using a 3-step approach: 1) a video, 2) supporting text, e.g. slides and 3) a short quiz. This way your learner will be able to instantly test her comprehension and show her where her knowledge is strong or needs repetition.

  • Convert your existing content.

    You probably have a lot of relevant content already. But many employees are not spontaneously picking up information on chaotic intranets, complicated archives and overloaded blogs. Instead you can slice the relevant information into pieces that are manageable for your staff. So change your existing product information, training academies and strategy plans into fast track micro-learning courses.

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