Interactive eLearning solutions created for training employees are critical for the growth of your business. If the content is dull and not engaging, it would result in diminished employee productivity, which will eventually affect your revenue.

Employees must constantly keep upskilling themselves to be at par with the new technologies. For this reason, enterprises develop corporate training programs for employees to achieve their business goals. 

It goes without saying that the content of your online training program must be engaging to gain the attention of your employees and attain optimal productivity. That said, a lot of enterprises struggle with the most important question –

What kind of interactive elements should be incorporated into online training programs?

Here are some of the most interactive learning solutions enterprises can leverage for employee training.

1. Gamified scenarios

Research has associated gamification of training content and game-based learning solutions with improved employee performance and engagement. For this reason, it has become a common feature in online training programs designed for employees. However, the game’s design must meet your organization’s goals. Failing which, it could all be a fruitless exercise.

Gamification is an excellent approach to stimulating the competitive spirit of learners. By creating a high-pressure gamified scenario, you can analyze how your employees use their skills and knowledge to handle such a situation. 

In fact, in game-based learning solutions, you can increase the complexity of the scenario to improve the approach taken by employees. 

2. Storytelling

If your employee training solution involves emotive subject matter, then storytelling is a useful approach. Everybody loves stories; it’s something embedded in human beings right from childhood.

Modern training programs leverage the art of storytelling to teach concepts that are centered around emotions and morality. With an interactive e-learning solution, employees can remember and connect with stories on a human level, which is why they are hard to forget. 

Storytelling is best suited for teaching soft skills and compliance that are seemingly dry as subjects. By incorporating this method into your online training program, you can make the content more engaging and real for your employees. An effective storytelling approach should include sound effects and visuals. 

3.  Microlearning

Employees must be able to incorporate learning into their schedules. When working in a high-pressure environment, they may not have the luxury of time to learn additional skills. In that case, the online training program should be designed in such a way that they can take up learning as per their schedule. 

In microlearning, the learning modules are broken down into short knowledge nuggets that can be perused in a short time. This helps save time, all the while helping the learners to upskill themselves. It provides the required flexibility to employees for learning and development. 

4. Branching scenarios

Branching scenarios are a popular form of eLearning. In this method, learners are presented with unique, adventure-style scenarios. They are required to make decisions leading to certain consequences. Each consequence then presents new choices and challenges. The decisions made by learners unfold the further course of action. 

When it comes to learning through experience, branching scenarios are a powerful learning tool. ‘Trial and error’ is how employees prefer to learn rather than the methods where you’re just imparting instructions. Needless to say, branching scenarios are incredibly fun and engaging when implemented in employee training programs. 

5. Interactive eBooks

PDFs represent a bygone era. They are incredibly dull and not at all fun to read. Most organizations have text-heavy PDFs in place of interactive eLearning solutions. If you have been relying on these text-based documents, it’s time to bring eBooks into the picture. 

One way to implement interactive training methods is to convert all PDFs into eBooks. You can transform employee handbooks, policy documents, and other resources into a responsive eBook that’s easily accessible. Nowadays, there is no dearth of platforms where you can easily create eBooks. Besides, you can always hire an expert to design them for you. 

6. Video-based learning

A great way to make your online corporate eLearning solutions interactive is to integrate video-driven learning. Video clips are not limited to branching scenarios. You can offer an immersive learning experience to employees through augmented reality and virtual reality. 

Companies specializing in interactive training solutions can create custom videos for your enterprise. You can also use animations for teaching specific processes to employees that are otherwise difficult to learn. 

Footage of real-life incidents, reconstruction, role-play, and video-based simulations allow employees to learn engagingly, making your employee learning solutions more effective.  

7. Reflective learning

Often, the lessons that stick with people are the ones that compel them to take a step back and think. For a lasting impact, reflective learning should be included in employee training, especially in the fields of health and IT security. 

You can design scenarios, and create reflective questions that challenge preconceived notions and encourage behavioral change in learners. This technique is very useful for teaching compliance-related topics to employees.


Depending on the industry your company operates in, you may need one or more eLearning solutions mentioned in the list above. It’s important to conduct a deep analysis of the learning outcomes that are to be achieved by your employees. 

By incorporating the aforementioned interactive features, you can make your online training program relatable, relevant, impactful, and engaging. Whatever learning solution you decide to incorporate, should be able to meet the goals set forth by your organization.

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