Adding and Editing Players in a Knowledge Guru Game

In many cases, you will have players self-register for your game the first time they log in. Other times, you will mass-register players before they play. Sometimes, you may want to add a single player to a game, particularly when you test a game before you release it. For the same reason, editing a player can be helpful. Editing a player’s information is useful, though players do have the ability to self-edit their email address or their name once they register.

Quick Steps for Adding a Player.

  1. Within the MANAGE PLAYERS section, select the Add Players submenu option.
  2. Type in the player information, then click the ADD PLAYER button.

Quick Steps for Editing a Player.

  1. Within the MANAGE PLAYERS section, select the Edit or Reset Players submenu option.
  2. Choose the player you would like to edit from the dropdown menu, or search for a players name. Click the EDIT PLAYER button.
  3. Make your changes to the players’ account information. When you are finished, click the UPDATE PLAYER button.

Click through this slideshow to view a quick visual tutorial.