A computer screen showing a heart surrounded by text boxes and a thumbs up emojis, next to a video player surrounded by stars.

Designing Your Webpage Around Video Content

Video is an essential online communication tool. Text and images alone are no longer good enough. However, designing your webpage around video content needs to be done right. 


How the video appears on your website is important. Videos that form an integral part of your webpages are far more appealing than YouTube links. Innovative video embedding techniques can make your webpage captivating and showcase your brand in pleasantly effective ways.

For example, an interesting way to use a video is to have a clip that is initially still, but starts to play (with no audio) after a few seconds, to surprise the visitor. If you prefer to launch the video in a more subtle way you can make use of “watch now” play buttons with the video link imbedded behind it. When clicked, the video starts playing in a pop up box. Alternatively, a still image from the video can be used as a placeholder on your web page, with a ‘play’ button. When clicked, the video box expands and starts playing (without a pop up box). 

A video can also start playing by scrolling over an image with the video starting to play (preferably in mute) as a surprise feature. In other words, the video begins to play when the mouse hovers over what seems to be a still image. By activating a video with a mouse-over effect a visitor spontaneously pays attention. If the video is intriguing visitors will unmute it and continue to watch. This method allows for an unbroken integration of video into the webpage.   

Types of video to show

Do not add a video just for the sake of having it. Think carefully about the type of video that needs to be included to add value to your webpage:

  1. Background videos are used to make a great first impression. 
  2. An introductory video gives visitors the opportunity to determine if it can benefit their needs.
  3. About us videos help visitors to see and hear what you are all about. 
  4. Behind-the-scenes videos familiarize viewers with your company.
  5. How-to videos clarify aspects about your product / service. 
  6. Story videos create emotional connections with visitors. 
  7. Advertising videos explain products / services to influence the decision to buy.

A few more tips


Video content on your webpages does not have to be film footage – do not overlook the potential of animation. Animated explainer videos can be used to grab the visitor’s attention. Animation adds a touch of motion and encourages viewers to stick around a little longer. They also have the additional advantage of being excellent vehicles for simple explanations about your product / service, or giving more information about your company (e.g. telling your company’s story).

Video Series 

Series of videos in your website design can help to highlight specific aspects related to your brand. Visitors can digest bite-sized pieces of information without being overwhelmed. As such, a series of short videos allows visitors to choose which clips they want or need to watch – they can watch those that they feel will truly benefit them. 

Call to Action 

It is important to suggest to visitors where to go next. Make sure that you include a call to action that prompts visitors to click and visit another page on your website where they will get more relevant information. Webpage navigation options can open opportunities for visitors to subscribe to your blog, request a quote, contact you, or even to watch another useful related video.


The video needs to be of high quality, must look good and work fast. Poor quality video on your webpage is a definite no-no! Video draws attention and is used to impress. Therefore the quality of the video needs to be excellent. The video also needs to play effortlessly. If the video struggles to load or continually buffers it is not good for your brand image! 

The power of video in webpages is undisputed. We process images and videos much faster than we do text. Video can therefore engage a visitor instantly and, if done in the correct way, hold their attention. Video is an indispensable element of modern website design. So make sure to incorporate it in your webpage design to optimize your visitor’s experience.