As a knowledge worker in 2023, I’m always looking for ways to improve processes to become more efficient in my day-to-day work and personal life. As I sit here today, the day before my vacation, contemplating how to start my annual “Let’s celebrate our customers who are being highlighted on 2023 Best of Lists,” and feeling a bit lazy (because again… I’m already in vacation-mode), I thought “Why not let the iconic Morgan Freeman write my introduction for me?”

So, I head over to ChatGPT, everyone’s favorite new personal assistant and future malevolent overlord, and type the following: “Dear Skynet, please write the introduction paragraph in the voice of Morgan Freeman for a blog post where we celebrate our customers for being highlighted on numerous “best of” list for 2023.” [Enter]

[Opening music fades in]

Narrator (Morgan Freeman): Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to witness a truly extraordinary moment as we gather here today to honor and celebrate greatness. In a world brimming with talent and achievement, it is an honor to recognize those who have ascended to the summit of excellence. Today, we gather to pay tribute to our remarkable customers, whose extraordinary accomplishments have garnered them a place on countless “best of” lists for the illustrious year of 2023. From dazzling innovations to awe-inspiring achievements, their dedication, perseverance, and unrivaled passion have not only impressed but also inspired us all. So, let us come together, bathed in the warm glow of admiration, to applaud and uplift these exceptional individuals and organizations for their remarkable achievements on these prestigious lists. Get ready to witness a celebration of remarkable accomplishments, as we bask in the glow of our customers’ brilliance.

[Music swells and fades out]

Not bad, but not great either… I still think there’s hope for the knowledge workers of the world! Now… onto the lists.

Fosway 9-Grid for the Win!

The Fosway 9-Grid for Digital Learning and Learning Systems is a multi-dimensional model, focused primarily on providers that serve the UK and EU markets. In a tick up from last year, Rustici Software customers accounted for 33% of the Learning Systems finalists and 15% of the Digital Learning finalists. Among those is one of our newest sister companies, GP Strategies. Perhaps this up tick had to do with Fosway adding two new classifications: Suites and Specialists, which added a few more customers to this list.

We are so proud of our customers for this accomplishment, and we are thrilled and humbled to be a small, yet important, part of our customers’ products.

Craig Weiss continues to select Rustici Software customers for his Top 10 list

Craig’s annual Top 10 list is always a great resource for finding leaders in the learning technology space, and this year is no exception. We’re proud to support 40% of the platforms highlighted for 2022/2023, several of which have now been customers for 5+ years. Customer retention is something we’re incredibly proud of. We love the fact that our customers trust us to be a long-term partner.

Training Industry goes big and broad with their Top 20 lists

This is the first year we’re highlighting’s Top 20 lists. Because their lists cover so much ground, their inclusion provides us with an opportunity to put a particular spotlight on our customers who sell and license eLearning content and use our content distribution solutions, like Content Controller. I want to specifically call your attention to Top Leadership Training Companies, Top Assessment and Evaluation Companies, and Top Employee Health, Safety and Wellness Training Companies.

Content distribution has been a huge area of growth for us and our customers over the past few years, which makes us extra excited to see these customers being recognized for their exceptional work.

All of these lists do an excellent job, in my opinion, of promoting best in class software and services for our industry, so we could easily stop here. However, if you’d like to dig a little deeper, I recommend checking out the following lists as well:

My work here is now complete, so allow me to pass the baton back to AI Morgan Freeman to read us out.

[Closing music fades in]

Narrator (Morgan Freeman): As the curtains draw to a close on this remarkable celebration, let us reflect on the resplendent journey we have undertaken together. We have witnessed the triumphant rise of our customers, whose indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment have propelled them to the pinnacle of success. Their names have graced the illustrious pages of “best of” lists, forever etching their legacy in the annals of achievement. But let us remember that this is not merely a culmination; it is a stepping stone towards even greater heights. Inspired by the brilliance of our customers, may we all be emboldened to dream bigger, strive harder, and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. So, with hearts filled with admiration and hope, let us bid farewell to this celebration, carrying the torch of inspiration ignited by our extraordinary customers. Until we meet again, may their triumphs continue to light our path to a future where greatness knows no bounds.

[Music swells and fades out]

Wow! So poetic. On second thought… we may all be doomed after all 😉 And if Morgan Freeman can’t answer your question, feel free to ask us anything.

Andy joined our team to evangelize xAPI. Now he talks to people about all of the eLearning standards all day because he is considered a “salesperson.” He’s also our office jokester – he’s a punny guy.