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Ask a learning architect: Is it time to break up with your LMS?

CLO Magazine

In practice, that means a vendor-locked, monolithic, server-based application (like an old-school LMS) no longer passes muster. Find early adopters to help you pilot test new ideas. Software modernization is advancing at a dizzying pace, and increasingly, CLOs are expected to translate those IT best practices into our portfolios.

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Top 70 eLearning Posts for June and Hot Topics including iPad and Mobile Learning

eLearning Learning Posts

MinuteBio , June 12, 2010 Yesterday I attended a SCORM webinar provided by Advance Distributed Learning (ADL). If you do not know the ADL, they are a part of the U.S. With LMSs, especially those adopting more “web 2.0″ What is cloud computing? Looking for THE SCORM Resource?

iPad 99