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First Time Visitor Guide

Tony Karrer

Once we've interacted to some level, you might consider linking up with my via LinkedIn - I found this to be a good way to stay connected with people. Topics eLearning 2.0 Starting Point: What is eLearning 2.0? eLearning 2.0 - An Immediate, Important Shift eLearning 1.0, Learning Trends Point To and Shape eLearning 2.0

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Top 10 eLearning Predictions 2011 #LCBQ

Tony Karrer

Situated learning (learning within context in a community of practice) grows thanks to augmented mobile reality. Virtual classrooms and smart-boards are used in a more student-centered way (not putting all the attention to one person up-front=bad). Learning leaders will be more focused on relevancy of information.

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Top 60 eLearning Posts for October 2010

eLearning Learning Posts

The art of Twitter , October 11, 2010 Learning how to use Twitter as a tool to develop your personal learning network is not always simple, and as with any other social networking tools, there is an unwritten protocol. Open up the Navigation. Waiting For SuperExecutive: Why Executives Should Get on the Enterprise 2.0