Related Terms
Tony Karrer
DECEMBER 12, 2008
Mzinga is shown related to Personal Learning , Social Software , Learning 2.0 , Storyboards , PLEs , CollectiveX , Firefly , Tomoye , KnowledgePlanet , Element K , Awareness Networks.
Tony Karrer
DECEMBER 12, 2008
Mzinga is shown related to Personal Learning , Social Software , Learning 2.0 , Storyboards , PLEs , CollectiveX , Firefly , Tomoye , KnowledgePlanet , Element K , Awareness Networks.
Tony Karrer
DECEMBER 8, 2008
relates closely to the concepts Learning 2.0 , eLearning Tools , Corporate eLearning , Personal Learning , and Enterprise 2.0 ; the Tools Odeo , CollectiveX , Bea Pages , Apache Roller , and Dogear ; and the Companies NexLearn , Awareness Networks , Element K , and Mzinga. As an example, I can see that eLearning 2.0
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Joitske Hulsebosch eLearning
MARCH 13, 2009
I've been exploring Ning a little further than I did and compared it to other forums like socialgo, collectivex and is open source, has a lot of similar functionalities to ning (and more- you can upload files easily) and is also without advertisements (for free!).
eLearning Cyclops
APRIL 2, 2010
Here are the results and the level of exposure to technology tools this community provides: Twitter (2482) Social Network (1999) Wiki (1610) LMS (1346) Podcaster (1239) Facebook (1176) Flash (980) PowerPoint (922) YouTube (843) RSS (814) LinkedIn (798) Second Life (687) iPhone (602) Director (584) Moodle (550) PDF (521) Captivate (515) Wikipedia (502) (..)
Big Dog, Little Dog
NOVEMBER 30, 2008
This is not so of a new generation of social networking technology, which is being used to provide software services under trading names such as Ning, CollectiveX, Sossoon, Hiitch, Huddle, Mzinga, British Telecom's Workspace (project management), Clearspace, and even Microsoft's Sharepoint. They are almost household names.
Joitske Hulsebosch eLearning
NOVEMBER 14, 2009
Option 3: Your own social network platform like Ning , group site , , Socialgo , collectivex , MINDZ. If you want to set up several online communities for an organizations, it may be less appropriate, unless you link the spaces. What is it? There are web2.0 services for building your own free social network for your group can make.
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