November, 2022

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5 Benefits of Using Learning Analytics for Custom eLearning Development

Infopro Learning

eLearning development has advanced rapidly in recent years. Organizations are using online training modes and learning analytics to improve the performance of their learning programs. Learning leaders need reliable data to evaluate the success and shortcomings of the custom eLearning program and design effective strategies for optimizing their impact.

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Elearning Course Development: Why The Kick-Off Meeting Is So Important

Spark Your Interest

At Spark + Co., we pride ourselves on partnering and working collaboratively with our clients on elearning course development projects. Our goal isn’t to build training courses but to help our clients achieve their business results. We want to help them drive their business or mission forward using our instructional expertise. And an important part of elearning course development is the kick-off meeting.

Course 251

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7 Must-Have Features Of eLearning Apps

eLearning Industry

This article is a comprehensive guide to the seven features that an education app should have. It's a great time to be an education app developer. eLearning apps are on the upsurge in the market. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Prototyping in the [Learning] Renaissance

Allen Interactions

Prototyping in the Renaissance.

Learning 244
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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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4 Essential L&D Tools for 2023


Brilliant thinker Albert Einstein once said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” While the sentiment is intense, it does ring true, especially in competitive workplaces where building critical skills and competencies is a top priority. Emphasis on upskilling and reskilling is crucial in the pursuit of organizational growth. To get there, leaders need to continually foster learning and development (L&D) capabilities by leveraging the right technology to support their efforts.

Tools 226

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5 Reasons Why Rapid eLearning is an Ideal Solution for Uninterrupted Training

CommLab India

Rapid eLearning helps you save a lot of development cost and time which ensures your corporate training is delivered effectively to facilitate continuous learning and development. Read on to find out why rapid eLearning is so impactful for organizations.

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How is L&D Talent Driving the Digital Transformation Journey?

Infopro Learning

The Learning & Development function has always been working on enhancing employee skills and productivity in their current roles. L&D professionals focus on employee upskilling and reskilling- the most evitable requirement in today’s business scenario. They are also shifting their focus towards prioritizing tasks that will enable company success while ensuring employee well-being.

Digital 417
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MADE Podcast on Branching Scenarios

Experiencing eLearning

MADE is the Media and Design in Education team for the University of Toronto. Inga Breede from this educational technology group recently interviewed me for their podcast. We talked about scenario-based learning and specifically about branching scenarios. What we discussed. We covered several topics in our 20-minute conversation. When should branching scenarios be used in learning experiences?

Podcasts 391
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Tree climbers

E-Learning Provocateur

I respect Malcolm Gladwell as a thinker, but I’m disappointed by his Grand Unified Theory for fixing higher education that he espouses in an episode of the Revisionist History podcast titled The Tortoise and the Hare. I won’t spoil the surprise for those who haven’t yet heard it, but suffice to say it’s born out of his experience in taking the hallowed Law School Admission Test (LSAT).

Theory 301
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Experience the Benefit of Fully Trainable AI-Powered Learning Companions

As a training manager looking to amplify your team's results, Knowledge Avatars are the next level. Beyond mere chatbots, Knowledge Avatars are companions, interactive tutors ready to educate the urgent information your team needs to excel in their roles. Knowledge Avatars are versatile and adaptable personal coaches! They can be customized with your company's knowledge via a simple upload of your data.

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Writing books

Clark Quinn

I write. A lot, obviously (7 books, numerous articles, this blog, white papers, …). As a colleague pointed out, I’m lucky it comes easy. For others, that’s not the case. However, someone recently asked how to get started. As another colleague who just published posted some thoughts on what they learned, I realize it may be appropriate to toss out some thoughts on writing books.

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Why Checklists Alone Aren’t Enough


Learn what reported habits and behaviors put business at risk, and why learning is essential for employee successful with their daily tasks and habits. The post Why Checklists Alone Aren’t Enough appeared first on Wisetail LMS.

Behavior 246
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The Beginning: The Story of ‘Dude’. Dude is a relatable kind of guy for most of us. We work hard at our ‘regular’ jobs … that’s enough challenges, curveballs and cranky customers to fill most days. When we get time, we may read some free stuff online. (Many of us go to LinkedIn simply because it’s such a neat ‘acceptable’ compromise between working and low-effort social media scrolling, bwhaha!).

Solution 246
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5 Tips to Create a Customer-Centric Consulting Organization

Infopro Learning

The most successful businesses prioritize their customer’s needs before, during, and after the sale by offering exceptional service. Building a customer-centric culture within an organization requires an added effort to provide more than just good customer service. Customer-centric organizations go out of their way to understand their customers and then act on that information by encouraging employees to make choices that benefit both the customer and the company.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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[Podcast] Virtual Learning: The Numbing Effects of the Information Age

InSync Training

Are you bored yet? Probably. In this episode, we turn our attention to the numbing effects that the information age can have on virtual classrooms and learner experiences.

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Changes to the Coursera team


Earlier today, Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda shared the following email with Coursera employees: Courserians, My 25 years as a CEO have included some pretty rough times – the dot com bubble bursting, the 2008 financial crisis, and a global lockdown. While macroeconomic challenges are always tough, I know from experience that it’s most painful when those factors impact people’s livelihoods.

Teams 145
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Learning Science Bandwagon?

Clark Quinn

I’m not alone in carrying the banner for learning science. Others are talking about evidence-based practices, making it stick, and more. This, I maintain, is a good thing. Is there too much of good thing? Is there a problem with a learning science bandwagon? First, let’s be clear. There are some initiatives that do strike me as redundant or worse.

Cognitive 278
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L&D for Employee Engagement


Is L&D the missing link in employee engagement? Use your L&D program to spark interest and boost engagement throughout your workforce. The post L&D for Employee Engagement appeared first on Wisetail LMS.

LMS 246
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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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5 Ways in Which Corporate eLearning Saves Your Organization’s Money

CommLab India

Contemplating whether to opt for eLearning to deliver your corporate training? What if we tell you that it saves you a lot of money (and resources)? Continue reading to know how….

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6 Common Employee Training Challenges & Ways to Resolve Them

Infopro Learning

Employees are the organization’s most valuable asset. Therefore, they must invest rigorously in their employees’ development and retention. They will need to upgrade their training programs to provide the best potential outcomes for their learners. These strategically crafted training programs will help organizations remain on top of their training game and be flexible enough to change as the business evolves.

Upgrade 415
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How Important Is Technology In Education?

eLearning Industry

Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Academic Cheating: Test Your Knowledge!


Do you know how common academic cheating is? What makes a human being susceptible to cheating? Are the reasons for cheating the same from elementary school to university? What do you think are the main factors that encourage students to cheat? Finally, what are some effective ways to counteract this problem in our educational institutions? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions. 1.

Knowledge 119
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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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Tech Stack Insights From 240K WordPress LMS Websites: A Data Study

Sell Courses Online

We recently analyzed around 240K WordPress LMS websites to determine what technology they use. We looked at the LMS plugins, … Tech Stack Insights From 240K WordPress LMS Websites: A Data Study Read More ?.

Website 119
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Creating Connection in a Virtual Working World


It can be a challenge to keep virtual employees connected to one another and your business goals. What can you do to revamp employee engagement? The post Creating Connection in a Virtual Working World appeared first on Wisetail LMS.

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7 Tips to Developing an Effective Rapid eLearning Course

CommLab India

Want to perfect rapid eLearning development? A lot of research and observation has helped in narrowing down these 7 tips to help you with it. Continue reading to discover them.

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10 Rules for Generating Value and Growth for Your Education Programs

WBT Systems

The only way forward for association education programs is to improve them and grow them. This is not a time to stand in place. There is no good reason to stand in place.

Program 120
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20 Common Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers

You’ve read the PMBOK® Guide several times, taken the certification exam for project managers, passed, and you are now a PMP®. So why do you keep making rookie mistakes? This whitepaper shows 20 of the most common mistakes that young or inexperienced project managers make, issues that can cost significant time and money. It's a good starting point for understanding how and why many PMs get themsleves into trouble, and provides guidance on the types of issues that PMs need to understand.

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Creating Better Video For Learning, Part 2

eLearning Industry

Research tells us how to make multimedia such as video easier to learn from. In this article, I discuss how we process video and the design principles that make video better for mental processing. Understanding how these processes and principles work helps us create better instructional video. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Video 129
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Interleaving - an effective learning tool or another industry buzzword?


When we’re learning new things, it’s often tempting to focus on just one thing at a time, in depth, before moving on to the next topic. If that describes your approach to learning, maybe you should take a look at interleaving.

Industry 111
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The student experience

Technology Enhanced Learning Blog

The student experience is intrinsically linked to the individual’s sense of belonging. Nowhere is this more important than for students on fully online and distance courses. Campus-based students can gain their sense of belonging from the library, walking across campus to class, the student union, cafes, student-run clubs and societies, etc. Students who don’t, or can’t access campus have a very different experience.